
Chapter 2039: rush to the rescue


The moment the two sides collided, the battle entered a fierce phase.

The tremendously powerful waves permeated, and for a moment, the whole world was plunged into a tremendous amount of chaos.

For a time, between the heavens and the earth, countless space cracks were torn apart sharply, and the space channels were connected.

Countless monsters and beasts are like huge waves, rushing in, raging the whole world, setting fire to all places.


In a large hall, there are numerous silhouettes, all exuding strong coercion.

At this time, the monks in the hall are all ugly, listening to the battle reports from outside...

"Tianmen City monks listened to the order and quickly helped the demon world!"

In the most central position of the hall, there is a light and shadow appearing, that is Yue Zuo, he is in the Ten Thousand Beast Realm, he protects Lin Fei, but now it is a battle situation where the Demon Realm is deployed directly by remote control.

In Lin Fei's time, Yue Zuo has been commanding a group of monks. After a long time, everyone is used to his status as Lin Fei's deputy.

Now after listening to his orders, those monks in Tianmen City who had only followed the orders of Lin Fei and Zhou Xiangfu and others also immediately responded.

A team of monks, under the leadership of Luo Xiu and other core monks, quickly formed a team, and then each of them passed the magic circle to go to the area designated by Yue Zuo.

"Hong Yitian..."

Yue Zuo's eyes looked at Hong Yitian in the hall, and Ningsheng said: "You also go with your hands and be careful. If something fails, try to come back alive with Zhou Xiangfu!"


Hong Yitian said lightly, his body exuded a strong momentum, since this time, he no longer demanded cultivation, but the realm has improved a little.

Today, he and Zhou Xiangfu are also regarded by the outside world as the most promising people to break through their real bodies. In the future, they will play a major role in the war. Their lives are more valuable than others...

So although Yue Zuo specifically asked, no one had any opinions...

Hong Yitian did not procrastinate at all. After saluting, he brought a team of monks from Tianmen City and disappeared into the teleportation circle...


When Hong Yitian took the crowd and rushed to the demon world where he had made a pot of porridge, the situation here was even worse than expected.

The sound of fighting and roaring sounded through the air, and countless monsters were entangled with the monks, and I didn’t know where the Black Abyss mobilized so many monsters. It seemed that each end was restored to the ancient bloodline, like a crazy, surrounded by Looking at the places where the monks are located, besieging and fighting...

"There are three demon emperors here, it seems that they have awakened the ancient bloodline..."

When Hong Yitian's eyes were swept away, J immediately saw the leader of the place. At that time, he turned to the others and said, "I'll solve them, you act at your chance."


Suddenly, other monks responded.

Hong Yitian didn't talk too much. At that time, after the voice fell, he rushed away, his body was broken, but it was only a dozen breaths, and he found a demon emperor...

The demon emperor's strength is not weak, comparable to the late phase of the Fa. Although there is no shortage of Fa among the monks, there are still not many strong among the Fa.

Within a few thousand miles, there is no unity of its enemies, and it has always been wanton to wreak havoc here...

It is precisely because of its existence that the human monks were crushed so badly that the monsters had the upper hand...

But at this moment, just when the demon emperor was slaughtering indiscriminately, there was a sudden coldness in his heart. It seemed that there was some great danger, and he was quickly approaching himself.

This is a purely instinctive feeling, close to the natural reaction of the beast to the natural enemies, but the demon emperor has been through a hundred battles. At that time, he did not hesitate, but suddenly gave up the opponents who were fighting and about to kill, and immediately Is retreating.

Unfortunately, it's still a bit late...

I only heard a bang, and the direction the demon emperor was about to flee was suddenly twisted, and then I saw only that a carpenter showed up, and he wanted to turn around and run away, but it was another piece of wood. The sword blocked the road.

Looking around quickly, it turned out that there were wooden swords blocking the road in all directions, forming a circle from the surrounding to form a prison.

The demon emperor did not dare to act lightly, but stared at the wooden swords with a faint light, although he did not touch it, but he could still feel a terrifying feeling from there...

It seems to touch, you have to peel off the skin without dying!

"Since you are here, don't rush away..."

As a cold voice sounded, Hong Yitian's figure appeared in the void. He stood in the void and looked down at the demon emperor...

"Every human being, how dare he be so arrogant!"

Looking at Hong Yitian's high posture, the demon emperor's ugly and ugly face also appeared angry.

Although the wooden swords in front of him gave him a very dangerous feeling, but the situation at the moment is not tolerated at all, as long as he strikes as quickly as possible and gets a breathing opportunity, he can have a chance to get out.


Suddenly, the demon emperor suddenly flew away, and the body turned into countless figures, which gathered the infinite demon spirit and rushed towards the Hong Yitian.

However, in the face of the demon emperor's full blow, Hong Yitian did not fluctuate at all, just raised his hand and gently pointed towards the other party.

Suddenly, I only heard a chirp sound.

Suddenly, the wooden swords shook together, and suddenly the sword lights burst out. These sword lights did not look terrible, but when they rushed, they were so detailed that they were hard to find. To the slightest gap...

This kind of attack is so dense that it makes people breathless, which makes the demon emperor stagnate...

However, immediately afterwards, the sword light came from all directions, rushing over the countless figures of the demon emperor, and suddenly the demon emperor burst into a roar, and the endless demon madness came out, just wanting Resist it.

Unfortunately, it is not very useful...

This life sword array was originally known for its endless life. Among them, the spirit was magnificent and the most tenacious. Now after the demon emperor of the other party insisted **** the time of the half column incense, he had to explode with a miserable roar.