
Chapter 2233: Threaten

"You didn't kill me but you brought me here, what do you want to do?" Seeing that there were sword spirits around, Mo Zidan suddenly dared not act rashly, and secretly checked his body while talking, but it was a little bit. True yuan can not be checked.

Mo Zidan knew by a guess that Lin Fei must have blocked his cultivation. However, the seal was very clever, and no matter how Mo Zidan checked it, he could not find the slightest flaw.

Since I didn't know the flaws, there would be no way to crack them. Mo Zidan could only glare at Lin Fei, and inquired while cursing.

"Hehe..." Lin Fei did not answer. He knew that Mo Zidan just woke up and suddenly found that he had been controlled by himself. It was normal that he could not accept his mentality. During this time, Mo Zidan was also the most excited. At the moment, it was almost impossible to ask for clues from his mouth.

Therefore, Lin Fei is not in a hurry...

"Speak." Seeing Lin Fei just smiling there, Mo Zidan just felt his fist was hitting cotton, and he roared excitedly. At this time, where did he still look a little bit real? It's like a little bully on the market.

However, no matter how he roared, Lin Fei said nothing, and did not even focus on Mo Zidan. He just observed the surrounding environment and waited until Mo Zidan’s mouth was dry, Lin Fei returned. Overdone: "Enough to scold?"

"Asshole..." Mo Zidan, a young city owner and the leader of the Starfish City Guard, has always been held by many stars. He has been subjected to such humiliation, and now he is stimulated by Lin Fei again, Mo Zi Dan really wanted to tear Lin Fei's heart.

But now, his body was scarred, and he was just excited again, and he was very embarrassed for a moment. He was lying on the ground panting gaspingly, his eyes glaring at Lin Fei.

"You don't need to be so excited. Since I left your life, I have my reason. If you make me satisfied, I can let you go. If not, you will stay there..." Lin Fei waited until Mo Zidan stopped talking, and then he smiled and said, at the same time, in order to let Mo Zidan know that he was not lying.

Lin Fei waved his hand, a light appeared on Mo Zidan's body, and turned into a line, wrapped Mo Zidan's body up and down, wrapped him like a dumpling, suddenly, Mo Zi Dan could not move.

"What do you want to do?" Mo Zidan watched Lin Fei vigilantly.

"I just want to know how to control Tiangang Xuanwu."

"What?" Mo Zidan rounded his eyes and stared at Lin Fei. He never thought that Lin Fei had such a boldness that he dared to fight Tiangang Xuanwu. He didn't know that this day Gang Xuanwu However, if the most valuable moat method of Starfish City is lost, if you lose the Tiangang Xuanwu, Starfish City will be seriously injured.

At first, Lin Fei dealt with Tiangang Xuanwu. Mo Zidan only acted as Lin Fei, the owner of Three Nights City. He wanted to destroy Starfish City. He only realized that his plan failed, but then Mo Zidan knew that Lin Fei's guts were brave, but he had the idea of ​​Tiangang Xuanwu...

Does this guy know what he is saying...

"I don't know anything, you don't need to ask me, kill if you want to kill." Mo Zidan, as the young city star of Starfish City, would never do anything to betray Starfish City, especially because it is so important to Tiangang Xuanwu thing.

Lin Fei was not in a hurry. He just looked at Mo Zidan. He also knew that it was definitely not that easy to spit out such an important thing as Mo Zidan, the young city master, but it doesn’t matter. He will be in Starfish City these days Waiting for the disaster to come, so there is a lot of time to spend with Mo Zidan.

"Well?" Just, Lin Fei was just about to take some action. Suddenly, there was a wave coming from his mind. At first Lin Fei felt strange, but after careful observation, he found out which pieces of crystal he put on. The thoughts in the middle, these pieces of thoughts, have spread out from the spar and penetrated into the mind of a monk.

Although Lin Fei has no way of knowing which monk this is, he can be sure that this must be a monk of the Three Nights City, because the magical thought hidden in the spar can only be sensed by the Seal of the Three Nights City. Will take the initiative to appear, this is his own mind, so there will be no problems.

Now Shennian was also obtained by the priests of Three Nights City. After receiving the information saved in Shennian, he would certainly report this to Zhang Guanjia, and Lin Fei did not need to worry about these things.

Although the monks of the Three Nights City are robbing resources every day, they have also obtained quite large resources and countless opportunities for training. Now the monks are very clever, and their overall strength has also been greatly improved. Lin Fei I believe that in this disaster, the monks of Three Nights City may suffer a loss, but the loss will not be too great.

Lin Fei is quite confident in them...

After letting go, Lin Fei walked towards Mo Zidan step by step. Mo Zidan was lying on the ground, unable to move at all, glaring at Lin Fei: "If you move me, we will never let you go of Starfish City."

"Aren't you still afraid? I really thought you were not afraid of it." Lin Fei walked into Mo Zidan, then stretched out a finger and clicked on Mo Zidan's eyebrow.

Mo Zidan didn't even know what Lin Fei wanted to do, but when he saw Lin Fei suddenly pointed his eyebrows with his finger and said that he was not surprised, it was a fake. He was speculating about Lin Fei's intentions. Suddenly, there seemed to be tens of thousands in his body. The ant gnawed his internal organs at the same time, and suddenly Mo Zidan's body was itchy and painful, and the expression on his face instantly became painful.

However, Mo Zidan was considered a tough guy. At first, he just gritted his teeth and did not make any sound, but as this pain became stronger and stronger, Mo Zidan could not bear it anymore, and began to make a painful sob. sound.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely not so simple to let the monks of the real body level suffer. The real element used to protect the body is not a general way to break it, but Mo Zi Dan is unlucky now. In Lin Fei's hands.

Lin Fei used to seal his cultivation method, how powerful, Rao is Mo Zidan tried his best, and he also wanted to find his true element. Without the true element, Mo Zidan could not be called the true true body. In an extremely weak situation, as long as Lin Fei had a little luck, Mo Zidan would suffer endless pain.

With the incessant injection of Lin Fei Zhenyuan, Mo Zidan has cramped on the ground with pain, Lin Fei withdrew his finger: "I said, Young City Master, are you full enough, obviously everyone can negotiate Come, you have to punish personal heroism, don’t you think about it?"