
Chapter 336: escape

"What should I do?" Wang Lingguan's face was pale.


The answer to Wang Lingguan was a loud noise. The yellow sand within a hundred miles burst open, and the world was dark, even the starry moon above the head seemed to be covered with light.

Immediately after...

Baili Huangsha gathered in one place, turned into a dozen salons, with a length of 100 feet, wagging his head, claws like swords, covered with countless black demon spirits, swooping from three directions to three people!

"What the **** is this!" Zhou Yun's face changed drastically, and he quickly summoned the sky and cut it off. The magnetic light of the destination skyrocketed, and the endless yellow sword light instantly transformed a few yellow sand into a dragon shield. Live, followed by a tingling sound of scalp, thousands of swordsmanship stirred, and finally a "boom" sound, three yellow sand dragons burst apart, turned into yellow sand and fell back to the dead sand sea...

"This thing has the power to manipulate the entire desert..." Lin Fei's greasy sword box above his head, surrounded by four swords with fierce stars, four swords of red, white, gold and blue bloomed, slashing the yellow sand dragons who dare to be close. broken……

However, Lin Fei's face was unprecedentedly heavy...

Because Lin Fei knew that this time he really met his opponent. The power of this demon king has already reached the peak of the demon king, and he can almost contend with the real people of Jindan Jiuzhuan.


This demon king is born with the power to manipulate the desert. In this dead sand sea, the combat power is almost doubled. Even the real person of Jin Dan nine turns, I am afraid not to fight against it in the dead sand sea...

In the past, Lin Fei has also met many powerful opponents, not to mention, let’s just say that the evil thought of the East Pole God leader on the isolated island, the existence of the real state of law, and the ghost emperor in the ghost sea are all punched. , Already strong enough...

But there was never one, and like this thing, Lin Fei was a little helpless...

Now the situation of the three people is really too difficult...

The hard fight is definitely a dead end. The power of this thing is far from the three people may contend with, but they just want to run and can’t run away. The flying boat has just repaired the magic circle, and the broken shell can’t fly at all...

Not to mention here is the sea of ​​death...

This thing is in the sand sea of ​​death, just like omnipotence...

Facing such an opponent, Lin Fei knew that he could only fight hard...

The fierce sword box and the four swords of the evil star protect the body. The evil spirit rides on the bone bone dragon and flies out of the bone bone array. Fighting with the sky of the yellow sand dragon, Lin Fei directly opens the life and death sword domain. Taiyi, Moire, Tongyou, Xiri, Thunder Prison, and five sword swords emerged. Under the urging of copybook sword, the power reached its limit...

"go with!"

Lin Fei sipped, the sword of life and death opened, enveloped within a hundred miles, the light was interleaved, and the sword gas was vertical and horizontal, like a heavenly net, covering countless yellow sand dragons...

Follow, it is a fierce twist!

Suddenly, the yellow sand scattered all over the sky...

"Hurry up!" Lin Fei finally found a flaw while the life and death sword domain crushed countless yellow sand dragons, greeted Wang Lingguan and Zhou Yun, and the three of them retreated to the huge gully at the same time...

at this time……

This is the only chance for three people.

In addition, there is nowhere else in this endless sea of ​​death sand that can accommodate three people...

The figure of the three men just moved, and the thing caught up, wrapped in the overwhelming yellow sand and the thick black demon spirit, and immediately rolled across a hundred miles...

Wang Lingguan looked back and suddenly his face was pale: "Brother Lin, that thing is catching up!"

"Leave it alone!" shouted Lin Fei without looking back.

Lin Fei knew that at this point in the matter, it was no longer necessary to chase it or not. Now the only chance for the three is to hide in that weird gully, and it is weird enough to pin our hopes on that gully. It's so weird that even a pinnacle demon king will be afraid...

As for what you will encounter after hiding in...

I am afraid that only genius will know...

The gully in front is getting closer, and the chasing soldiers behind him are getting more and more anxious...

One thousand feet, five hundred feet, one hundred feet...

Finally, in the place where there were dozens of feet away from the gully, the chasing soldiers behind him finally arrived. The thick demon spirit almost broke through the sky, and the yellow sand rolled over like a storm...

Then, Lin Fei heard a roar coming from behind...


A giant claw of more than a dozen feet fell from the sky and slapped **** the yellow sand. Suddenly, it was as if something exploded. A deafening sound, an unparalleled force burst out, at this moment Among them, whether it was Lin Fei or Zhou Yun, or Wang Lingguan, they felt like they were hit by a mountain...

The three flew almost instantly...

Followed by, I saw that giant claw was raised again, and the target was the three people who were shot...

All of a sudden, the faces of Wang Lingguan and Zhou Yun became pale...

Nowadays, three people are in the air, and even Zhenyuan can't run smoothly. How can they resist this giant claw that can only tear the earth?

Only Lin Fei...

At this moment, I was not surprised but happy...

Almost at the same time the giant claws swept in, Lin Fei suddenly urged the bones to transform into a bone high tower, and suddenly put the three people in, followed by a "bang", the bone high tower was swept by the giant claws in……

The three of them were in the white bone tower, and they just felt that the whole world was shocked. They also saw forty prohibitions flashing madly, and countless symbols of Zhuanming...

Then, I felt that the whole Bone Tower is falling continuously...

As if it had been so long a year...

The Bone Tower made a "boom" loud noise, and the whole world was shocked again. Lin Fei knew that this was the landing, so he closed the Bone Tower and turned it into a bone map. on……


The three have fallen into the depths of the weird gully along with the Bone Tower...

After a night of war, the sky is getting brighter...

The rising sun of Dongsheng disperses the darkness, the fish-white sky extends all the way from the east, and the desert of death above the gully has entered the day from night...

But the world under the gully is dark, like being in the depths of the bottomless abyss, the sound of crying and wolfing from ear to ear is from time to time, eerie and horrible, full of grotesque tingling breath...

The three of them even ran away and fought hard for a night. Thanks to the toughness of the monk’s body, they no longer needed sleep and food when they entered the realm of soul and Jindan. If they were close to cultivation, I am afraid that they would be tired now. The person took a break for a while. Both Wang Lingguan and Zhou Yun were injured, but not too heavy. After taking a few pills, the injury has been alleviated. Although Lin Fei did not hurt his body, the bone map was just now. Eaten a paw, the damage is not light...