
Chapter 337: Goblin hordes

It took Lin Fei an hour to refinance the bone map, and stabilized the turbulent prohibition and chaotic Fuzhuan...

At this time, Wang Lingguan had sacrificed a long beacon, which was also a Yin Rune. It was as if it was different from Lin Fei's original three-treasure glazed lights, but the innate supernatural power was a big fire, compared to the glaze of the three-treasure glazed lights. The fire was much stronger, the light was bright and blazing, and the surrounding darkness was dispelled. The three of them could see clearly. The place where the white bone tower fell was a ruin that had been dusty for thousands of years...

The ruins are huge and can't be seen at the end. There are broken walls and traces of years, but this piece of ruin seems to be relatively safe. There are no monsters or ghosts wherever the light of the long lamp shines.

The three were relieved.

"What the **** is that..." Thinking of the demon king before, Wang Lingguan still felt terrified.

"I don't know..." Zhou Yun also looked blank: "However, the magical power of that thing is a little weird, like being able to manipulate the thousands of miles of yellow sand in the dead sand sea. This kind of magic power is almost unsolvable in the dead sand sea... "

"That's right." Lin Fei thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "That thing feels like a monster turned into a dead sand..."

"Death Sand Sea?" Zhou Yun suddenly said: "I heard that there is a demon king named Sand King in this death sand sea. This was a piece of quicksand in the death sand sea, but it was very good luck, I don't know. What happened, I flowed to a spiritual spring, got nourishment from the spiritual spring, and absorbed the sun and the moon, and over time, actually gave birth to spiritual wisdom..."

Lin Fei was shocked: "Sand King?"

"Yes..." Zhou Yun nodded and continued: "Originally, even if the quicksand opened its wits, it was only a common monster. After all, its foundation is too weak to be a monster like a beast, so it has always been that Wang Du only flows in the desert, and when he meets travelers, he devours it. After hundreds of years, the sand king suddenly waited for a chance..."


"That year, the sand king devoured a seriously injured monk..." Zhou Yun said here and suddenly looked up at the top of his head, as if he wanted to see if the sand king had already left, and then he continued: "Since then, the sand king has understood the method of practice, and his strength has strengthened day by day, and he has gradually become a hegemon in the dead sand sea. Moreover, this sand king is extremely cunning. For thousands of years, he has been alone. In the past, I never provoked the existence that I couldn’t afford. With this cunningness, the Sand King did not know how many times he had escaped. In this way, step by step, there is the state of the peak demon king today, maybe when Can be built into a demon emperor..."

"Wait..." Lin Fei heard this, and suddenly frowned: "You mean, this sand king is extremely cunning, never provoking his own unbelievable existence?"

Not to mention Zhou Yun, even Wang Lingguan was a little puzzled: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Two brothers, don't you forget that the sand king saw us fall into the abyss, but just walked away after a roar, and did not chase it..."

Zhou Yun and Wang Lingguan suddenly startled...

"In other words, in this abyss, I am afraid that there will be an existence that the sand king cannot provoke..."

As Lin Fei's words came out, the atmosphere became tense again, and I didn't know if it was an illusion. Even the bitter chills that kept rising in the abyss were colder than just...

"What should I do?" Wang Lingguan looked around with a guilty conscience...

"Relax, no matter how dangerous this abyss is, as long as we don't go deep, there will be no problem. Anyway, we just wait here and wait for the sand king above to leave..."


After unraveling Wang Lingguan's sentence, Lin Fei turned back and looked at this piece of ruins carefully through the light of a long light. At this time, this piece of ruins can be seen. Although there are only broken walls and ruins now, Before, it must have been a magnificent and exquisite building. From the various traces, it is said that this is a capital, Lin Fei believes...

The place where the three are located is a half-cut white jade ladder. The ladder is covered with strange lines. Although after ten million years, the white jade ladder has already flowed, but the texture is delicate and smooth, and it is very extraordinary at a glance. .

"Brother Lin, look..." Wang Lingguan stood in front of a broken wall: "The rune on it seems to be somewhat similar to what we saw on that disc..."

"It's true..." Lin Fei looked at it and couldn't help nodding: "It seems that this piece of ruins beneath the abyss is also inseparable from the Taiyin people in ancient times..."

Thinking of this, Lin Fei's brows could not help but wrinkle. You know, in ancient legends, the Taiyin tribe is a very strange race. It is said that the Taiyin people are born with great magical powers, but at the same time, all kinds of unknown and strange, It has always been accompanied by the Taiyin tribe, like a ghost with a lingering soul...

If this ruin is also left by the Taiyin tribe...

That's probably not easy.

"No, let's take a quick rest and then go to see if the demon king is gone, I always feel that this place is not right..."


Before Lin Fei's words fell, he saw Wang Lingguan raised his head, and the whole person suddenly changed his face: "Brother Lin, be careful!"


Almost at the same time the voice sounded, Lin Fei suddenly felt a thick ghost behind him, and now urged the fierce sword box, the four swords of the fierce star flew out, the red, white, gold, and blue sword lights twisted, and suddenly a miserable misery Called from behind...

Lin Fei turned around fiercely and was seeing a fierce evil spirit, shattered by the fierce star and four swords...

Lin Fei suddenly had a cold sweat. If it was a little slower just now, this evil spirit is at least the strength of the ghost general. If it really hits him, I am afraid that he will tear out several wounds immediately...


Not waiting for Lin Fei to be fortunate, there was another whispering sound all around, approaching dozens of evil spirits looming, coming from the darkness to the three...

At this time, even Lin Fei couldn't help a scalp tingling...

"No wonder, the Taiyin emperor of the ancient times, known as the ghost ancestor, turned out to be such a source..."

Chiba Jinqing surrounded by four colors of sword light, resisting the dozen evil spirits around, Lin Fei kept going back, hoping to find a foothold, but soon, Wang Lingguan and Zhou Yun exclaimed.

"A lot of evil spirits!"