
Chapter 474: Soul Eater Flame

When attacked again by the fierce sword box, the python was completely irritated, opened his mouth, and a faint green flame came out instantly, and flew straight towards Lin!

The moment when this faint green flame appeared, the surrounding temperature fell to a point that was unacceptable to the monks. This is not a cold in the ordinary sense, but a direct hit against the depths of the soul. In the cold, there is also a soul The unbearable tearing feeling seems to be burned out!

Lin Fei looked at the nine flames, frowning frowningly.

It is rumored that in the ancient times, the heavens and the earth started, and the heaven and earth were not established. In this way, he turned into a soul of flesh and blood, opened up Huangquan Wanli, and established the way of reincarnation, and his ray of fire was buried deeper under Huangquan, and for some unknown number of years, it turned into a pond of fireworks. One hundred thousand mountains in an instant...

Unexpectedly, this python can actually get Soul Eater.

Lin Fei knew the danger of this flame in his heart, and he did not dare to despise it. The five swords flew out of an instant. Ten thousand swords and awns stretched out from his whole body, shooting like sunlight, all around. The ghosts that were close together were shrouded in sword qi and turned into fly ash in the next moment.

Jianguang criss-crossed in the air, causing the sky to tremble, the sword was stirred around, the violent wind was broken, and the layers of interwoven sword nets were gorgeous and dazzling, straight toward Jiutianpu.

The sword spirit of Taiyi is like a golden dragon, and it is the most holy to the gods. The sword energy of Xiri is like the sun in the sky, and it is amazing. The two swords are out. Three sword qi like a long river running through the sky, blocking the python from the sword net, it is difficult to get close to the keel warship.

Lin Fei looked at the almost emerald green flame and gently sighed in relief. Fortunately, there was only one. If there is another one, I am afraid that even his sword will be helpless.


Just when the battle situation was stuck again, the keel warship suddenly shook up, and the warship that had been submerged in the water was dragged down by the huge body of the python again.

The python eyes turned crimson, and the body surrounding the battleship gradually gathered, slowly and firmly dragged towards the bottom of the ocean, as if to bring them into the underworld like this.

The three masters who guarded against ghosts with their disciples changed their face. If the battleship sinks underwater, then all of them will become lambs to be slaughtered, no longer able to fight back!

"Two brothers, hold the boat!"

Peng Ze shouted, and shot with two other masters at the same time, Han Hai's long sword completely melted into the ocean, and set off heavy waves, and the turbulent force submerged into every drop of seawater, coming from all directions, as if countless hands held up With this battleship, the judge's pen turned into a figure of thousands of fierce beasts, distributed around, and at the same time, the broken mountain hammer submerged into the sea water, and instantly increased a hundred times, supporting the battleship.

The trio had part of their energy to stabilize the battleship, but found that the power of the python was completely beyond imagination. In front of the python, they were as vulnerable as an ant blocking the road.

In desperation, the three could only let go of the interception of the ghosts, completely withdrew, and concentrated on manipulating their magic weapons to stabilize the battleship. Even so, it only slowed down the sinking speed of the battleship, and they could not contain it. At this moment, they Only realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Brother Lin!"

Peng Ze shouted again that if the battleship continued to sink, they would all die!

Lin Fei looked calm, he had long noticed that the warship was sinking, and thought that the three could contain it. Now it seems that the python is more powerful than he thought, and the vast ocean filled with ghosts is countless. The ghosts couldn't stop grinning, the strange laughter heard people's hearts upset, like a hungry beast with green eyes waiting for food to fall into the mouth...


In the next moment, the bone map appeared, and the scroll spread out, and the turbulent yin overflowed from it. The evil spirit stood on the bone dragon, and fell down with the bone tower, the root bone was shiny like jade, shiny Dazzling, the spirits overflowed out, the endlessness, the mighty power enveloped the keel battleship.

The warship that was sinking slowly, finally stopped, but the two sides were not equal in strength. Whoever relaxes a little bit, the warship will be shaken again.

On the battleship, the full strength of the three masters and the strength of the white bone tower can only temporarily ensure that the battleship will not sink, and the hundreds of disciples of the three major factions can continue to fight after fierce battles. After the three masters withdrew to control the battleship, the task of defending the tens of thousands of ghosts fell on these disciples and elders. They were stretched, protecting their front chests, and the ghosts on their backs had arrived. Roaring, more and more ghosts sprang into the battleship, slaughtered indiscriminately, ate human flesh and blood, and the cry of wailing came from time to time, all of which showed that they could not keep it.

On the one hand, Lin Fei had to use five sword qi to resist the erosion of the soul-eating flame and the huge body of the giant python. On the other hand, he had to control the white bone tower to help the three factions teach the squadrons of the dragon bones. But he also felt weak and could not help feeling agitated.

On the other hand, the giant python, while restraining the battleship and fighting with Lin Fei, seemed to be at ease.

The sweat on Lin Fei's forehead dropped, he could feel that his true element was gradually draining, but he could fight for a long time. The python seemed to be tireless and still as strong as the mountains.

How to do?

In such an urgent situation, even he, at one and a half moments, couldn't think of a way to crack it, but if he keeps going like this and staying here, it's just a matter of time...

"Do you have to struggle before you die?"

The python's head hung high in the air, and a pair of eyes sneered and coldly stared at the battleship. The physical strength was obviously close to the limit, but the crowd still dead, the mouth of the snake was closed, and the words spit out, but the voice of ghost difference.

There was cold despair in the hearts of the people. The huge body of the python, like the shadow of death, enveloped them, and they were all visible. They were all scarlet blood and large blood stains. Don't fight, otherwise, how can one be worthy of the dead brother?

Liu Tong stood at the bow of the ship, his hair was messy, his robes were soaked in blood, and there were others and others. His eyes glanced around, all tragically fighting.

The disciples of the three factions have already killed their red eyes. The sharp claws and sharp teeth of the ghosts have entered their bodies, and they are tearing hard, but a large piece of flesh has fallen, but the disciples seem to have no pain, as long as they are alive, As long as they were still standing, they shouted or were silent, their magic weapon attacked incessantly, the gorgeous Taoist law was burst with red blood stains, and the ship was almost shone by the ocean full of Li ghosts. In the next moment, the ghosts shattered into Xiaofan, dissipated with the wind...