
Chapter 475: Jiuyang Zhenling Bell

But there are really too many ghosts, as dense as locusts and ants. Climbing up from every corner of the battleship, they will kill when they are people, and they will continue to nibble, even the bones will not be let go...

If there is a Shura field, it will not be more tragic than it is now.

Liu Tong closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw a little disciple around him culling a ghost behind him, his brow furrowed, and he stepped forward, and touched the gold symbol, and the golden light was amazing. The power instantly shattered the ghost, and the little disciple didn't feel it, and continued to fight desperately with the evil ghost in front of him...

Liu Tongli stood at the bow of the ship, his face sullen.

Chen Rui has always been by the side of the circulation. At this moment, he feels that his Master is a little wrong, but he can’t say anything wrong, and he can only feel a bad hunch...

At the next moment, a string of antique wind chimes swayed from Liu Tong.

At first glance, the wind chimes did not have much attraction. A ten-inch ancient jade at the top of the ceiling was emerald green. Nine light and shadow-like silk threads hung down, and each end was tied with a jade piece of the same color as ancient jade, but not half. The size is long and square, and there is no other decoration.

Others from this series of wind chimes can't feel a trace of aura fluctuations, just like the objects in the world, the only strange thing is that all directions are full of screaming winds, but this series of wind chimes standing in the void seems to be completely In a static environment, the jade thread is motionless.

When Chen Rui saw the bunch of wind chimes, his face was pale. He widened his eyes and pointed at the bunch of wind chimes, but he was too excited to say a word.

Liu Tong looked at the wind chimes in front of him, his eyes were calm and calm, he was howling all around, swarming from the sea, the whole battleship had become an isolated island in desperation. Although despair was spreading, any of the warships Everyone holds the mentality of dying to death, desperately resisting...

"Master, you..."

When Chen Ruigang was about to speak, he saw that the innocent real elements flowed out of Liu Tong’s ten fingertips and fell into the wind chimes floating in the void, and his words immediately broke in his throat.

The monk Zhenyuan is supremely pure and pure, which should be pure white, but the true yuan of Liu Tong’s fingertips is doped with a little dark gold variegation, and it is not like Lin Fei’s golden energy and true yuan. The intersection, but a patchwork, can clearly see that his Daoji foundation is unstable, and Yu Xiu Road is almost cut off, and there is no possibility of improvement.

Liu Tong’s true yuan was a little bit out of the wind chimes in front of him, but the string of wind chimes still did not fluctuate at all.

Immediately afterwards, the real element flowing out of Liu Tong’s fingertips changed again, and a drop of blood beads was mixed with it, which contained amazing power, and the violent winds of the four sides were trembling. One drop of blood beads followed the real element. Within the string of wind chimes.

As the blood drops submerged, the wind chimes in the sky gradually changed. On the emerald green ancient jade, the streamer was shining brightly, like the light of the water, and the nine lines of light and shadow were infiltrated by the blood beads and became pale Red, as the blood continues to sink, the red on the light silk thread turns from light to thick, and then sinks into the jade under the silk thread...

"Stop it..." Chen Rui's hands were shaking, and when the blood bead appeared, he rushed towards Liu Tong, but he was stopped by Liu Tong's three steps: "Master stops! You will die." !"

Many people turned to look at Chen Rui's nearly roaring voice, but no one knew the wind chimes, and no one could figure out what Liu Tong was going to do.

Chen Rui looked at Liu Tong's pale face almost immediately, and the drop of bright red blood beads were sent into the string of wind chimes, and his heart cooled.

Jiuyang Zhenling Bell.

Almost everyone in the Dragon Bone Realm knows that the ancestor of the Mojin School, Shuhua Zhenren, has traveled through the heavens and the world to draw a geographical map of mountains and rivers, but few people know that he still walks from the world he has traveled. , I found the flames of nine strands from the sun to the fierce, and with the seal of jade of 100,000 years of cold mountain, a forty-one magic weapon was banned, Jiuyang Town Soul Bell, specializing in the world of evil spirits.

According to rumors, Jiuyang Town Soul Bell, once the bell rang, all ghosts were flying.

The reason why no one knows is because the Jiuyang Soul Bell is too overbearing, and the real person who is not a golden princess can not control it, and although it is a magic weapon, it has not born a magical spirit, because the nine flames repel each other. It can't be blended. Only by suppressing it with a Tiangang prohibition can it be subdued.

After Shuhua Reality, although the Jinjin School has also appeared talented and intelligent people, no one can make the wind ringing, so the magic weapon is gradually forgotten.

I remember a few years ago, Liu Tong was on a whim and took Chen Rui to look at the Jinpai baby. He pointed to this series of wind chimes that had been silent for tens of thousands of years. The author told Chen Rui deeply that he wanted to listen to its ringtones. There is no way, as long as you touch the gold to teach the palm, sacrifice the blood of your heart and your own life yuan, you can wake up this string of ancient bells, and reappear the power of the flame of Jiuyang.

Liu Tong's ability is not big, but the function of Huyou is first-class. Chen Rui was completely convinced by the scene he described, so when Liu Tong asked mysteriously if he wanted to see the power of Jiuyang Zhenling Bell, Chen Rui Nodded without hesitation, and then got a beating on his head.

"I want to wake up this series of wind chimes based on your master's cultivation, but that would have to be changed with my life, stinky boy, dare to say yes..."

Chen Rui knew in his heart that it was mixed in Liu Tong’s true yuan, and was a little bit into the blood of Jiuyang Zhenlingling, not ordinary blood, but Liu Tong’s heart blood, with his life-long practice and few. Shou Yuan...

I’m afraid because I know it,

Chen Rui didn’t know that Liu Tong had brought it, and he didn’t expect that Liu Tong would wake up Jiuyang Zhenling Bell in this way. He watched the nine silk threads turn into blood-red brilliant red, and watched the blood flow With that piece of light and shadow thread submerged into the jade block of Hanshan, the panic in my heart grew bigger and bigger, and he screamed at the blocked Daoist, and kept roaring, "Stop, stop!"

The rich **** fragrance came from the soul bell of Jiuyang Town, and the ghosts of the full battleship were enchanted and generally passed to Liu Tong.

Liu Tong looked at the mad apprentice and the ghosts around him, and a deep fold appeared between his brows. His thoughts moved, and he vigorously circled it, instantly sending Chen Rui out of the open space a few feet away.

"Stinky boy, don't mess up Lao Tzu, what situation do you understand now? I don't shoot, everyone must die!"

Liu Tong scolded and accelerated the speed of sending his blood into Jiuyang Zhenling Bell. The cold feeling spread from the heart to the whole body, making his fingertips tremble slightly, but his face was calm, and his eyes were staring. With Jiuyang Zhenling Bell.

The Mojin faction has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. Liu Tong thinks that his talent is not high and his ability is not strong, but he will never allow the Mojin faction to be buried in his hands.

With the loss of essence and blood, Liu Tong's eyes were black and the body was cold. The ghosts in all directions were almost maddened by the fragrance of the essence and blood he sacrificed, and he came to him regardless of everything.

The Jiuyang Zhenling Bell in front of him, except for the jade jade streamer flashing and the **** light getting stronger and stronger, the nine pieces of cold jade hanging under the light and shadow did not respond.