
Chapter 476: Still

Liu Tong was dizzy for a while, but he bit his tongue sharply, and the pain caused him to shake his body, his mind stayed awake temporarily, and his heart was ruthless, Zhenyuan in his body carried a thick **** color, and immediately poured into Jiuyang Town Soul Bell!

The wind chime moved slightly, and the nine jade pieces collided, making a crisp sound of dingdong. The sound was faint, and it seemed to disappear when the wind passed.

Heaven and earth were silent for a moment.

In the next moment, the storm surged, the mad wolf disappeared, and a terrifying power came out from the soul of Jiuyang Town, Lin Fei fighting with the python, the three factions who tried to keep the battleship stable, and the ghosts on the battleship The beheaded disciples were all shocked by this force and turned to look.

The first thing they saw was fire.

The nine Dao are completely different, but the flames are as strong as the nine turbulent rivers. They are intertwined with each other but do not blend in, rushing out of the jade piece hanging from the wind chime!

The ghosts besieging the past showed an extremely frightened expression in an instant. Their faces were even more terrible, but they didn't even have the time to send out screams. They were swallowed by the fire in a flash, then disappeared, and no trace of ashes remained.

At this moment, Liu Tong, submerged in the infinite flame, is looming. Through the light and shadow that is so hot that it distorts the void, he can see his excessively calm face. He ten fingers slightly open, and the true element flowing from his fingertips has already He was stained with blood by his heart and turned into a bright red piece, like ten thin red lines, continuously immersed in the Jiuyang Zhenling Bell suspended in the air.

The jade pieces collide lightly and the bell sounds pleasant. Within each jade piece, there is a flame pouring out, either golden or hot, or bright red like blood...

Each one is like a volcanic eruption, unstoppable, completely swallowing up ghosts one after another...

The three factions on the keel battleship stared at Liu Tong in dumbfounded, and they did not know whether it was shock or fear, but in the next moment, they watched the nine violent flames rushing towards themselves, avoiding inevitable, and immediately terrifying His face was pale and he wanted to cry without tears, but he didn't expect that he hadn't been killed by Li Gui, but he had to be burned to death by himself...

Chen Rui's eyes were only fixed on his master, without fear of the surging flame...

From the soul bell of Jiuyang Town, the flames that had risen in vain seemed to flow back from the Tianhe River, rolling the raging waves of the rage, sweeping around, unstoppable, and swallowed the entire keel warship in an instant, and then spread out for a hundred miles. , Fierce fireworks, fiery, eye-catching, amazing, fill the whole world......

Full of the ghosts of the ocean, they were swallowed by the flames and turned into soot, but in a breath, what I saw at the sight was already the tongue of Liaoyuan, and even the strong wind in the air was swallowed!

When the raging flames spread from the keel battleship, the three factions who were terrified to the extreme found that they were well, and they were not burned to death by flames...

What poured out from the soul of Jiuyang Zhenling was not flame at all, but a rolling light, where the ghosts disappeared, but the sound was terrible. But when the fierce and violent light fell on the living people, it seemed that only warm water was flowing through him, and the yin qi that was eroded into the body also died in this light!

It turned out not to hurt people...

False alarm.

Everyone felt the rushing light from their side, and they were completely relieved. They wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, and their almost jumping heart also returned to their chests, and they looked around and saw the flames of light and shadow everywhere, all over the ocean. The ghosts at this moment, like a thin layer of cold fog under the hot sun, disappeared in an instant.

They were saved...

This news caused a huge joy and a trance of unreality to escape in the hearts of everyone. Turning around, the soul of Jiuyang Zhenling stood high in the sky, and the flames fell like a river. Liu Tongli stood in the soul of Jiuyang Zhen Before the bell, the blood-red essences were connected between the two like a thin red thread.

Seeing this scene, all the three factions, no matter whether they were palm leaders or disciples, could not hide the shock in their hearts.

Is that guy really the same old crook? This soaring flame is harmless to living people, but it is a disaster to destroy the people of the underworld. So many ghosts, even with no power to fight back, disappeared instantly...

too frightening.

"Enough! Master is enough!"

While everyone was still in shock, Chen Rui rushed towards Liu Tong like crazy, his voice trembling slightly, with great fear.

Called back to reason by Chen Rui's roar, Peng Ze and others realized that something was wrong.

Liu Tong's complexion paled at a speed visible to the naked eye, gradually revealing the color of black and black. At his wrists where his sleeves were exposed, he could clearly see a blood stain flowing under his skin, which was strange and amazing.

The thick blood was always there, but they all ignored it.

Peng Ze and Song Zhang and Li Guang around him looked down, and strode towards Liu Tong.


All the ghosts in the whole ocean were swallowed up by the flames, and the three factions were naturally happy, but the python was very angry.


The python screamed loudly, and the huge dark body was more horrifying under the flames of light and shadow. Its red eyes showed a fierce light, staring at the crowd of people, and the body hovering on the battleship suddenly burst out. Li, this huge keel warship, with its movement, kept sinking and set off waves.

"What's going on? Why is it still there?"

Peng Ze looked up and looked at the giant python in the air, his eyes were horrified.

Wang Yang’s ghosts were all burned out by Jiuyang Zhenling Bell, how come this giant python from the underworld seems not to be restricted by this firelight at all?

The giant python showed its power. Not only was the battleship sinking gradually, but Lin Fei, who resisted it, could not resist some. The faint green soul-eating flame, under the impulse of the giant python, kept moving towards the five sword spirits. The constructed sword net struck.

The cold flame, without fear of the overwhelming nine sunshade shadows, but the light and shadow forced to keep going backwards, afraid to come again.

The python roared again and again, and the huge body continued to roll in the light and shadow sacrificed by Jiuyang Zhenling Ling, stirring the wind, and it could be seen that it did not put Jiuyang Zhenling Ling in his eyes at all.

The ghost disappeared, but the situation of the crowd was not much better. The battleship kept sinking, the soul-eating flames over the sky did not retreat, and the python waited for the opportunity...

Enemies in the abdomen are in critical condition.

At this moment, Liu Tong was forcibly cut off from Jiuyang Zhenling Bell by Chen Rui and others. He lay straight on the ground, his eyes closed tightly, the breath was weak, and his body was cold. Although he was fed a lot of panacea, there was no improvement. There were signs that Peng Ze and others could not stand beside him. Seeing that the battleship was about to sink, they had to sacrifice the magic weapon again, stabilize the battleship, Chen Rui protected Liu Tong, and looked anxiously to the Quartet.