
Chapter 728: origin

Although the array is not his magic weapon of life, he also cultivated it in his Dantian for hundreds of years.

Speaking of this, it is also because of chance.

Three hundred years ago, when Guangcheng Real People first entered the realm of life, when traveling abroad, they passed through a dark mountain range and were stopped by a ghost in the valley. The other party had thousands of ghost soldiers with them, arrogant and arrogant, and It is the most yin to evil thing that devours the spiritual cultivation of the soul. It is a fierce shot, which kills his life. The two sides have a big battle, and the real war between the two sides is completed until the true yuan is dispersed, and then the group of ghosts is completely killed. Blood, almost unwilling to support, the two forces spread to the Quartet, shattered a low hill, but did not expect to reveal a bottomless tomb inside...

The real person of Guangcheng was caught off guard. He fell into the tomb, and the ghost inside was ten times stronger than the ground, and the formations were lined up and endless, covering the way, and could not be broken. He dragged his severely injured body to stay inside After a month, he thought he was going to die. Master realized that he was aware of his crisis and brought the three elders of Jin Peng Tang to come. They barely broke through the battle and rescued him.

Later, Guangcheng Zhenren knew that the tomb was an ancient tomb that had survived for thousands of years, was wiped out by the master and several masters, and gained countless treasures. Therefore, Jinpeng Hall was greatly prospered, and Guangcheng Zhenren was also rewarded. Many, it is difficult to get more with Jin Pengtang, but he did not get nothing from it, but got this array.

The real person of Guangcheng did not tell Master and his elders about the fact that he got the array. Later, he discovered all kinds of magical effects in the array, and even kept his mouth closed, easily not revealing the array.

The body of the scroll is only two palms in size, thin like a cicada wing. At first glance, the dust is all over and placed in the corner, and no one will care. There is only a few Yin and Yang gossip charts outlined on it, which is extremely simple. , The strokes are rough.

The real person Guangcheng still remembers that in the ancient tomb, he cultivated for ten days, his body recovered slightly, and he forcibly broke through the triple formation method, and saw a dark and dark coffin, thought it would be opened When it comes to powerful ghosts, he will meet the unborn baby. He has made psychological preparations. After opening, the inside is empty, only this thin page...

After being disappointed, Guangcheng Real People also collected the array, but he didn’t have a chance to check the array until he was rescued and returned to the school. He scanned the consciousness towards the array and found the array There are thirty-six prohibitions in the picture. For him who first entered the realm of life, this is tantamount to an extremely coveted treasure. At that time, he was overjoyed and overjoyed, and even had the idea of ​​using this as a magic weapon for life, but soon, Guangcheng The joy in the heart of a real person froze.

He later found out that although this array of images had 36 prohibitions, they did not combine into a Tiangang prohibition, nor did they produce magical spirits. Therefore, at most, they could only be regarded as a Yang Rune magic weapon, and illegal treasure, Moreover, after his consciousness entered the array, he struggled hard. At first, he couldn’t even step out of it. He raised his eyes and looked around. It was a vast piece of cloud covering the mist. Even if he used his own cultivation skills to see it with Jin Peng, It can only be seen indistinctly, in the extreme distance of the world of the array, the sky collapses...

This array is incomplete, not a complete world. If you want to refine this instrument, then add a ban, unless you can hold up the nine days at the end of the world, fill the earth, renew the world, and evolve completely. However, this kind of great magical means is afraid that even the real person of the Fa can't do it, not to mention him who first entered the realm of life.

Until then, the real person of Guangcheng was completely disappointed in this volume of the map, and the hope in his heart also disappeared. Although occasionally whim, he would try it in the map, but half a year later, he could not be there. Take a step in the world of graphs.

The turning point appeared in the comparison of the true disciples of the Three Demons.

At that time, Guangcheng live against Jiang Jiaotang's brother Jiang Bin, who was suppressed by his one-hand black Jiao swallowing Japanese spells, and he had no chance to swallow it. The moving array suddenly moved a bit, and it flew out of the Qiankun bag of Guangcheng Reality. The Doufa platform was suddenly surrounded by dark ghost spirits. In the sad ghost sounds, a ray of mysterious yellow flashed through, With just a slight pressure, the three heads were crushed, Jiang Bin was knocked out, and the personnel was unconscious...

In this battle, Guangcheng won, not only surprised everyone, but he didn't even think of it.

Then, that picture helped him to win in the true story like a broken one. Unexpectedly, everyone was promoted to the true story and became the biggest talker of the year.

After awakening from the array, the real person of Guangcheng tried to enter it again, to understand the world, and continue to practice hard, and only then discovered that under the thick cloud, there is a world of heaven and earth, and there are countless ancient and exquisite formations. Arrange, from the foot to the horizon, one step at a time, each step behind is more difficult than the previous step. The road in the array, the person without big will can not go, but once it goes through, when the ten thousand array is free...

What's even better is that the body of this scroll is a ray of mysterious yellow, which is the treasure of the world. Although the number is pitiful, but this ray of mysterious yellow is in my body, and if you become a real person, you can stand Defeat can prevent all sharp things in the world. It cannot be said to kill all opponents, but there is no problem in saving lives.

After so many years, the real people of Guangcheng think that their understanding is not low, but they can only take 18 steps in that array, and evolve an 18-layer **** array. Once the array falls, they can block that space. Turning into Huangquan Hell, from top to bottom, down to ants, all can be trapped and killed.

With this volume of maps in hand, a large number of people can escape from the life-and-death crisis. After years of insights, his perception of the formation and the heavenly path increased greatly, and it took only two hundred years to achieve In the realm of Jin Dan's nine turns, he became a figure in the Three Demon Sects, otherwise, if he calculated the Sendai from this Ten Thousand Immortals Cave, he would not let him come alone,

It is a pity that the array seems to be just a page torn from. The incomplete and powerful, although it has been patched up by Guangcheng Real People, has been unable to combine the thirty-six prohibitions into one and produce a magic weapon. Over the years, it is still just a magic weapon, but even so, Guangcheng real people cherish the array as if they cherish their own lives, and all the opportunities for him to evolve Dao Guo into the law are all pressed on the array.