Champion’s Heart

v3 Chapter 109: new contract

Zhou Yi ended two months of special training. Before the new season team reported, he had five days to rest.

But this does not mean that Zhou Yi will be able to sleep at home every day for the next five days, no matter what.

In fact, he still has many things to do.

These things were accumulated during the special training for more than a month before.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yi sent a text message to his agent Tino Schulte: "I am free, Tino!"

Five minutes later, he received a call from Schulzer.

"Congratulations on your being alive from hell, Zhou Yi!" Schultzer looked very happy. "Then we can talk about things at work..."

Zhou Yi rolled his eyes: "I feel like I have entered another hell..."

"Can't say that, Zhou Yi. Have you ever seen a **** full of banknotes?" Schulzer laughed.

"Ah, that's heaven!"

"Yes, I'm here to send you money!"

The renewal negotiations between the Dortmund club and Schultze about Zhou Yi have ended. Although the intermediate process is very ups and downs, they are finally negotiated and are the conditions that Schulze wants.

This has to be said that although Schulze lacked contacts and experience, he really didn't have the ability to say that, plus he was good at stalking, so in the negotiation process, it was very difficult to deal with, causing Zork to have a headache Endless.

As for the timing of the negotiation, Schulte made the right decision. He asked Zhou Yi to discuss after Shaxin's transfer was confirmed. So after Dortmund bought Sahin, they must pay attention to Zhou Yi, so the conditions put forward by Zhou Yi must be accepted whether they can accept it or not.

Of course, Schultzer also made some concessions, that is, allowing Dortmund to increase the amount of the penalty clause to 10 million euros. This is why Shultzer proposed the right of portrait when the penalty has not been negotiated. He is the one who made this idea. It seems that he seems to care much about the penalty, but the most important thing is the right of portrait.

The liquidated damages clause has become a step for Dortmund to step down so that both parties can accept it. Shultzer used the liquidated damages to obtain more favorable conditions for himself and Zhou Yi.

Looks like a concession of Schulzer. But it made a big step forward in the negotiation process.

In the new clause. If Dortmund wants to use Zhou Yi's portrait rights, he needs to pay Zhou Yi a certain percentage of payment. If he sells jerseys printed with Zhou Yi's number and name, he will also be divided into Zhou Yi.

As long as the Zhou Yi jersey sells well, it will be this one in the future. Zhou Yi may earn more than one million euros every year.

So now lying down to make money from the club to Zhou Yi...

When it was finally settled, Zorke gritted his teeth and said to Shultzer: "If you weren't Zhou Yi's agent. I would have let the security guard kick you out! And I wouldn't let you take another step at the Bracker training base !"

Facing the angry Zorke, Schulzer was not angry, but said with a smile: "I am also very happy that I can become Zhou Yi's agent. Mr. Zorke."

In the face of this Schulzer, who was super motivated in the negotiations and had a thick-skinned city wall, Zolke was speechless...


"The specific terms of the contract have been negotiated. I will send you a contract document in your mailbox. You can call me anytime if you have any questions. If there is no problem, we can make an appointment. Signed a contract." Shultzer said on the phone.

"Okay, Tino. You have worked hard."

"Hi. You're welcome, I'm going to split the money from your income, so working for you is also making money for me. You're welcome, Zhou Yi."

"By the way, when it comes to sharing this matter, do I need to withdraw it from my salary?" Zhou Yi asked.

"No, ha!" Schultzer smiled. "Your money is your money, and my commission is given by the club."

"Club?" Zhou Yi was a little surprised. He used to think that the so-called agent's achievement from the player's salary was the player's own money to give the agent, but he did not expect it to be the club.

"Yeah, my percentage is 8% of your salary, but it's not much. The money is not from your salary, but the multi-stunt club will pay a separate amount of money based on your salary. Me." Schulte explained.

Zhou Yi thought about it, no wonder Zork would be very unhappy with Schulze-such a person who makes them find it difficult to hate, in the end, they even have to pay for it with the club, and give it every year. Who can you say Cool?

He didn't know why there was such a rule, but it didn't matter if he didn't let him pay.

After hanging up the phone, he started to receive mail and then read it.

The most critical contractual salary and salary issues, Schulzer can’t dare to make his own decision, and he must ask Zhou Yi’s opinion. If Zhou Yi is not satisfied, he will continue to grind with Zorke until Zulk collapses. Don't care, as long as Zhou Yi nods his head. Anyway, he is Zhou Yi's agent, so he doesn't need to consider Zorke's mood.

The contract period is six years, which is two years less than the eight years of the previous contract. It is also a suitable period. Four years is too short for a young player like Zhou Yi, and Dortmund Club will not accept it anyway.

Eight years is too long, neither Zhou Yi nor Schulte can accept it.

The annual salary is 1.5 million euros before tax. Compared with Zhou Yi's first contract, it is a tenfold increase, which is also consistent with Zhou Yi's performance on the court. Converted into Renminbi, it is nearly 15 million. Zhou Yi was already a millionaire at the age of nineteen. This may be the most obvious change in destiny brought to him by professional football.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhou Yi thought that the money was a bit low, but Shultzer told him that 1.5 million is already the top salary in many Bundesliga clubs, or more than the top salary. The entire Bundesliga pays attention to the concept of health management, so the salary of the players is strictly controlled. Except for the wealthy clubs like Bayern Munich, the salaries of other clubs are not much. Due to the financial crisis that has always existed in Dortmund, the wages of players are generally not very high, and the team's one-year salary expenditure is not ranked in the top three of the entire Bundesliga.

Zhou Yi, who listened to the tightening of the belt in the Bundesliga, has repeatedly made a speech on health and finance, and it is not easy for the lion to speak.

However, Schultzer also assured him that when the time is right, he will continue to negotiate with the club for new contracts. At that time, as long as Zhou Yi performs well, doubling the salary is not a problem. It is unlikely that this six-year contract will actually be executed until six years.

Moreover, the annual salary of 1.5 million euros still has a clause that increases by 10% every year. Zhou Yi's salary will still rise.

In addition to salary. Bonuses are also an important part of the player's annual income in the club.

European clubs don't have any single-game winning prizes like Chinese clubs. Instead, there is a target bonus before the season, such as what league championship award. If the team finally wins the league championship, then all players can be awarded different amounts of bonuses according to different proportions, generally the more important players. The player with the bigger card gets more bonus.

Therefore, this bonus distribution ratio also requires the broker to fight with the club in the contract.

Zhou Yi's bonus distribution ratio is not too prominent. But it's not bad. Consider that Zhou Yi is not yet twenty years old, in his age group. He is the number one among Dortmund's young players.

The amount of various bonuses was also known to Zhou Yizao, and he nodded in satisfaction. Will appear on the contract.

The penalty for breach of contract is 10 million euros, and it is stipulated that the penalty for breach of contract can only be initiated when there is one year left on the contract. It cannot be activated until then.

In case the contract is signed for the second year, the team has robbed Zhou Yi for 10 million yuan.

Know that for the Bundesliga team. The transfer fee of 10 million euros is a huge amount, but for the giants of La Liga and the Premier League, 10 million is not a money.

So add a time limit. Is very necessary.


Zhou Yi looked at the terms of the contract and there was no problem, so he called Shultzer and told him that he could sign an appointment with the club.

In addition to signing a contract with the club, there is also an endorsement contract.

Because Zhou Yi's excellent performance in the first season of the Bundesliga, coupled with the huge Chinese market behind it, Zhou Yi has become the target of many second-tier, quasi-first-tier, and even first-tier brands.

The use of "queuing to send money" is really not an exaggeration, and these companies that line up to send money don't necessarily need Zhou Yi every one. He also needs to delete and exclude those companies whose reputation is too low and the offer price is too low.

Although Zhou Yi is a newcomer who aims to play in the professional league for a season, Schulte has not built Zhouyi as a newcomer at all, which makes him more stringent in selecting endorsement brands.

If you only have some well-known companies in Dortmund, you don’t have to think about it at all, at least you have a huge reputation in Europe.

In addition, the Chinese market is also a big cake that Schulzer will never give up, but this does not mean that he will relax his requirements a little bit for Chinese companies that come to the door. He still requires that those companies are well-known in China and have a certain reputation in the world. At least they can't make the world's top 500 companies?

The image he created for Zhou Yi is an international superstar even in China, and not in China, the value of the image will fall.

Because there are too many companies looking for Zhou Yi, it takes a lot of time and effort for Schulzer to screen out.

This also led to the contract negotiations in this area not being carried out very quickly.

So far, Schulzer has only identified one endorsement brand, which is the famous brand CK from the United States, its youth clothing brand CK_Jeans.

This company is looking for Yi Zhou last week because of Zhou Yi's stunning performance in German football last season, plus his huge appeal in the Chinese market. Coupled with Zhou Yi's personal image and CK_Jeans' brand image is also very consistent, CK_Jeans promotes a naive and pure mind, confident and active, full of vitality, which is just like tailor-made for Zhou Yi.

Because Zhou Yi's image and brand characteristics fit so well, CK_Jeans' attitude towards Zhou Yi is very firm.

In the end, the two parties filled out a three-year contract. Within three years, American fashion brands paid Zhou Yi 800,000 euros per year, or 2.4 million euros in three years. The two parties talked about an exclusive and unique endorsement contract in the field of denim.

That is to say, Zhou Yi can't sign an endorsement with other corporate brands that produce denim clothing in these three years. In any public place, if Zhou Yi wants to wear denim clothes, he must wear CK_Jeans, otherwise he will be compensated if he breaches the contract.

But there are also benefits, that is, Zhou Yi does not need to buy jeans and jeans in the future, these are sponsored by American fashion brands.

In addition, in order to avoid tax reasonably, Shultzer also suggested that Zhou Yi should establish a company. The company is registered in the Cayman Islands. With money like an endorsement sponsorship contract, you can directly let the other party call the account of the registered You can avoid Germany's terrible personal income tax.

This is not the first of Shultzer's, many players and stars have adopted this approach to tax avoidance.

However, Zhou Yi was a bit worried at first, afraid that he would be found out and become his stain.

In this regard, Shultzer explained to Zhou Yi that tax evasion is not the same as reasonable tax avoidance. Tax evasion is a crime, but reasonable tax avoidance is not, otherwise why is there the word "reasonable" in front of it?

"... this part of the salary bonus given to you by the club is that you must declare and pay taxes. If you do not declare it, you will be evaded. And the endorsement contract between the sponsor and you is not signed with you, but with the company you set up. , And you sign the contract as the legal representative of the company, which is equivalent to endorsement that the contract occurred between your company and the other company..."

Shultzer explained to Zhou Yi patiently that this set of practices is legal and reasonable anyway. Many celebrities do this. Otherwise, what does a small country like the Cayman Islands do? Financial services.

In the end, Zhou Yi was persuaded by Shulze. He asked Shulze to do these things. Anyway, he only had to attend the signing ceremony. (To be continued.) Activate new URL