Champion’s Heart

v3 Chapter 116: Lower back

As the players who participated in the World Cup gradually returned to the team, Dortmund's lineup was neat and training became normal.

The whole team is training hard for the new season.

Of course, physical fitness is still valued by Klopp, and running training is very much.

Mountain climbing training is still arranged.

When Zhou Yi and Yang Muge were chatting, they learned that Schalke 04 coach Magath also loved to take first-team players to climb mountains.

Therefore, mountainous Austria and Switzerland are popular training grounds favored by the Bundesliga teams.

Zhou Yi knew that German coaches like to climb mountains so much...

But mountain climbing is indeed a good training method, not only to train physical fitness, but also to train the will of the players.

Because climbing to the end, in fact, the fight is not physical fitness, but the quality of will-when exhausted, when you look up and find the high mountains and difficult slopes, many people will have a sense of frustration It seems that the end point is always out of reach.

At such times, only those who do not give up can finally reach the end.


After physical training, it is the team's tactical training stage.

On the first day of tactical training, Klopp arranged a closed team training game.

Divide the players into two teams to play an eleven to eleven, ninety minute game.

Start a tactical training with a game. Through this kind of in-team game that is not too large, let the players find the feeling as much as possible. At the same time, the coaching staff can observe each player.

Especially those new players who have just joined the team.

Originally Klopp wanted to observe more new players, such as Kagawa Shinji, such as Robert Lewandowski, such as those young players who were drafted from the second team.

But soon, his eyes fell on Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi's training on physical fitness and strength during the holidays was led by Klopp.

The results of Zhou Yi's training, Klopp also saw in the physical examination report and the next physical training period.

But he has never really seen the results of special training on the court.

Now he saw it.

Zhou Yi's running in the training competition is more active, and the range of activities is much larger than before. In the past, Zhou Yi mainly played in the middle of the court, or two ribs, and occasionally went to the secondary side.

His vertical range of motion is smaller than the horizontal range of motion. But he rarely enters the two restricted areas.

For a front waist. In addition to the fact that they do not enter the opponent's restricted area very much, the active area is almost enough.

But now, his running range is significantly larger, he will insert into the opponent's penalty area. He will also retreat to his own restricted area, and he will also appear on the sidewalk. And from this side road to that side road.

After the scope of activities is large, he feels that he is everywhere on the court and can participate in the team's offense and defense anytime, anywhere.

And it's not just that the running range has become larger. This is actually just an introduction. What really catches Klopp's eyes is still behind.

When the running range becomes larger and more places can be reached. Zhou Yi also needs to have the ability to send football to any place on the court.

This is the basic requirement for a good midfielder.

So soon, when Zhou Yi ran to the corner of the defensive three zone to take the ball, then turned a long pass to the diagonally opposite Groscroitz. Klopp's eyebrows jumped when it was said that he would not leave.

Then. Long passes such as Zhou Yi shifted the ball more and more, from the left to the right of the court, the right to the left. Back to front...

Sometimes he will fail, but this is no big deal. Compared with short pass, long pass will have a much lower accuracy, and the success rate will not be too high. It is impossible to pass every foot to the destination accurately.

The tolerance for long pass accuracy is actually very large.

As long as the eighty-nine that can be communicated does not depart from ten.

So what attracted Klopp's attention was not the accuracy of Zhou Yi's long pass, but his intention to start frequent long passes.

You know, this was almost invisible last season. Last season's Zhou Yi only made short passes, occasionally a mid-range pass. Sometimes, in order to connect the team's offense, he has to constantly run to meet his teammates, and then pass the ball again. In this way, his physical requirements are naturally very high.

Klopp recalled carefully, he was impressed to see that Zhou Yi took the initiative to try many long passes. There seemed to be only one game-last season's league round, Dortmund challenged Freiburg away and scored 1 on both sides :1. When the game reached a deadlock, Zhou Yi suddenly made a long pass and found Barrios accurately, forming a perfect opportunity.

But in the end Barrios wasted this opportunity.

As a result of the last game, Dortmund failed to win.

That game was not just Zhou Yi's only long pass. Before that, he also tried several times, but it was not very successful.

Now seeing Zhou Yi's performance in the training game, Klopp reacted-perhaps since that time, Zhou Yi has consciously increased the use of long pass...

This shows that Zhou Yi is a young man with a clear mind. He is not satisfied with his 14 assists in a season, but clearly recognizes his shortcomings. As a midfield organizer, it would be justified not to pass a long pass...

Seeing Zhou Yi constantly changing positions on the court, shifting football around, Klopp suddenly had an idea in his mind.

After Sha Xin left the team, he had always troubled him with a problem, and there seemed to be a solution...


So after the training, Zhou Yi was notified by Klopp to go to his room at night.

Zhou Yi was surprised by this, and his friends were also surprised.

As soon as Klopp left, Mark moved up: "Why would the coach ask you to go to his room?"

Zhou Yi shook his head: "I don't know..."

"I don't think it's a good thing!" Gross Kreuz pretended to be mysterious, "You're going to be unlucky Zhou Yi!"

"Kevin, don't change Yi next week!" Mark quickly comforted Zhou Yi. "It may be a good thing!"

"Yes, at least a 50% chance is a good thing. It sounds like the probability is high." Getze interjected.

Zhou Yi rolled his eyes.

He didn't care about good things or bad things. He just felt weird. He waved to Mark: "Relax, Mark. If there are bad things, let Uncle Kevin and Mario invite us to dinner!"

"Well," Groscroy snorted. "What if it's a good thing. Will you invite us to dinner?"

"If it's a good thing. Shouldn't you even invite me to dinner? Celebrate." Zhou Yi surprised.

GrossKreuz patted Zhou Yi on the shoulder and praised, "Hi, I like your shameless, shameless Zhou Yi!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Uncle Kevin." Zhou Yi readily accepted it.


Have dinner in the evening. Zhou Yi knocked on Klopp's door.

It wasn't Klopp who opened the door, but assistant coach Bovac.

Then. Klopp greeted him and motioned for him to sit.

After sitting down, there was no greeting. Klopp asked directly: "Zhou Yi, did you add a long pass to yourself?"

Finished asking. Both of them looked at him with expectant eyes.

"Uh..." Zhou Yi is definitely impossible to tell "I practice in my dream", he can only nod, "Actually from last season. I have practiced a long pass for myself in private."

He is right to say so, just to practice in the virtual world.

Klopp did not intend to ask Zhou Yi how to train himself. Instead, they looked at each other with Boiqi, and there was a meaning of "sure enough" in it.

Next, the team's assistant coach. Zelico Bovaci, who was in charge of tactics, looked back at Zhou Yi and said to him: "Why did you start practicing long pass?"

"I just think that my means is too simple. If I just pass a short pass, I will miss some better opportunities." Zhou Yi honestly said what he thought. "When a long pass is needed, if I can't have an accurate long pass, I can only stare."

"But you are a midfielder and you are close to the opponent's goal. How often do you need to use a long pass?" Bovac continued to ask.

"'s the saying, coach. But I don't think it should be fixed in one place, go wherever there is free time on the court, and pass football wherever possible." Zhou Yi explained. "Besides, if I am going to make a long pass, if the opponent pushes me in front of their penalty area and rushes into me, I can take the initiative to retreat, after the distance is widened, and then use the long pass to launch the attack..."

Klopp and Bovachi looked at each other again. It’s a rare idea for a young player to have such an idea.

Many young people, after playing football, just think about how to use the money they earn to pick up girls and buy cars. This kind of thinking on the tactical level seems to be the coach's business, they just execute on the court.

After listening to Zhou Yi, Boiqi nodded and said, "So Zhou Yi, how about playing the midfielder?"

"Ah?" Zhou Yi was surprised. The question was asked too suddenly. He hadn't responded yet.

Bovachi said, "From the front waist to the back waist, you will get a wider space and vision, and your hard-working long pass will have a place to use. And... Judging from the style of your playing, it is necessary You can also push forward at any time. Anyway, your current physical fitness can also keep up. How about it, consider it? Modern football, the core shift of the organization is already a trend. Of course, you don’t have to give the answer now , You can go back..."

But before Bowaqi finished, he heard Zhou Yi saying: "Okay."

"Huh?" It was Bovac and Klopp's surprise this time.

"I have no problem hitting the waist." Zhou Yi said again.

" don't think about it?" Boisc couldn't believe it.

"I have considered it clearly, coach. Since I have considered retreating to avoid the opponent's close snatch, why not change the passive retreat to the active retreat?" Zhou Yi spread his hand. "And I do often go to the lower back to get the ball in the game. I think it is better to go to the lower back and grab the position, it is better to make a lower has been silent Klopp finally said: "You have to think clearly, Zhou Yi. I hope this is your own decision, not any pressure. "

Zhou Yi shook his head: "No, coach, this is my own decision."

"But the midfielder is far away from the opponent's goal. I remember someone commenting that the closer you are to the opponent's goal, the greater the threat, so in turn, the farther you are from the goal, the smaller the threat..." Klopp said.

"I think this statement is wrong in itself, coach. I am not fixed in a position on the court. I always have to keep running. I play the lower back, maybe I can't even half the game? I play. Without saying anything about the front waist, just stay in front and don’t come back? Besides, why can’t I be a man who can make a threat no matter how far away from the goal?"

Hearing Zhou Yi's reply, Klopp slaps: "Okay! Then it's so settled, from this season, you will hit the waist!"

In this way, Zhou Yi experienced his second position change since playing football, from forward to front waist, from front waist to back waist, his position is getting more and more backward, but the importance is getting more and more forward. (To be continued.) Activate new URL