Champion’s Heart

v3 Chapter 131: did not expect

Obviously at home, but behind, this is a blow to Valencia.

While Klopp was applauding his disciples, Emery was thinking about countermeasures.

In order to curb Zhou Yi, he kept the formation compact, which was no problem.

The only problem is that Zhou Yi's ability to find time is too great, and the occasional negligence allows him to seize the opportunity to send such a deadly pass.

Now it seems that although the space is compressed, it is not enough.

After the game restarted, Emery has not yet made a decision. Players on the field can only kick according to the previous arrangement.

During this time, Dortmund, who has just scored, has increased morale. The players are in a better state than before.

As a result, Dortmund gradually suppressed Valencia on the scene.

And several consecutive attacks have threatened the goal guarded by Cesar Sanchez.

During this time Valencia was very passive and was completely suppressed by Dortmund on the scene.

Spanish commentators are even calling for danger.

"Valencia will seem to lose the ball again in a short time! In that case, the game will be difficult!"

Fortunately, Emery made a quick decision, still the previous defensive strategy, but when defending Zhou Yi and a few of Dortmund's main offensive players, it must be more aggressive.

In the past, after Zhou Yi received the ball, Valencia players threw up. After the adjustment, it was Valencia's players who rushed to Zhou Yi with the football.

Just after Zhou Yi received the ball, he was bumped by the opponent, who had the opportunity to pass the football forward, and finally turned it back. Because only to ensure that the ball is not lost, more adjustments are needed in any other way. At that time, the opponent has already snatched the ball.

For safety reasons, Zhou Yi can only post back.

And Groszloitz and Goetze, who inserted in front of the wing, ran away in vain.

Zhou Yi also has no choice. The referee will blow the foul, but what's the use? Blowed without playing cards. And Valencia has interrupted Dortmund's attack anyway. The goal was achieved.

Because Zhou Yi's position on the court is the midfielder, most of the time the first time he takes the ball is in the backcourt, so the place where Valencia fouled is also here, too far from their goal. It's hard to call it a threatening attack that was blocked by a foul. A foul in such a place, as long as it is not the kind of foul that is particularly bad in shoveling people behind and elbowing. The head referee generally does not give cards.

On this point, Zhou Yi is also the same, of course, he will not want to exchange a red card with his serious injury. Isn't that a sick brain?

It is still the most important to stay on the court, as long as you can stay on the court and make a contribution. The end of the game, no matter what the reason for the end, what happened on the field has nothing to do with you.

Now it seems that the opponent's foul tactics are very limited. It seems that he can only pass back and cross, but Zhou Yi never feels that it is bad to do so. He just waited for the opportunity to appear in his heart.

When he can't send a deadly pass forward, Zhou Yi will not be anxious, he will do his job as a midfield conversion hub. It's that simple to pass the ball passed by a teammate to other teammates.

In a football game, a midfielder couldn't possibly make every foot a deadly threat that could create a shooting pass.

The important thing is the state of mind, not to be irritated by these small actions of the other party.

A midfield commander, if he loses his composure and loses his sensible judgment on the situation, then he is not worthy of being a commander, because he will only lead his team into the ditch and walk toward destroy.

So although his pass will always be interfered by the opponent, his organization offensive will always be interfered by the opponent with fouls and small moves, but when the live TV broadcast to Zhou Yi close-up, no one can see from his face A look of anger and dissatisfaction.

He will at most open his hands to the head referee, which is helpless, but also a kind of civilized protest.


Although Emery's tactical adjustments did not meet everyone's definition of "beautiful football", but it was very effective.

Dortmund's arrogant arrogance was immediately converged.

Valencia, who had stabilized the situation, began to think about equalizing the score. They did not want to enter the halftime break with a goal behind.

You know, this is at their home court!

But just when Valencia thought, when they started the counterattack, their control of the midfield defense declined.

The chain bound to Zhou Yi was slightly loosened, and Zhou Yi immediately sent a beautiful straight forward. If Groszlitz's shot was higher than the beam, Dortmund will be in the 41st minute. Two goals lead.

Although the goal was not conceded, Dortmund's attack gave Valencia a new alarm, making them realize that the danger did not pass.

So then Valencia returned to its previous state, first of all to ensure that no goals were dropped, as for goals or something... and then considered.

In this way, the first half of the game came to the end in a stalemate.

The referee blew the whistle and the game ended.

The Valencia players walked down the stadium with some depression.


After fifteen minutes of halftime, Klopp praised the team's performance, but also asked the players to continue to stay focused in the second half, not to get embarrassed because they now lead a ball.

"I must remind you again, guys, this is the UEFA Champions League. You know what this name means, and the league in peace is completely different. In the league, maybe you think it is safer to lead a ball in the first half, But in the Champions League, it may change from leading to lagging in minutes. The opponents here are not easy to deal with, so play the spirit of twelve points, be careful."

At the same time, on the other side, Valencia's head coach Emery is making detailed tactical adjustments, which is much more detailed than the random sentences he roared on the sidelines.

This is mainly an improvement in offense.

As for defense, Valencia has been able to contain Zhou Yi very well in the last half of the first half.

The key to the problem is that after containing Zhou Yi, there is no extra energy to attack.

This won't work. If you continue to do so in the second half, even if you don't lose the ball anymore, you can't rewrite the score behind 0:1.

Still have to attack.

To this end, Emery asked everyone to run more and run faster.

In addition, when switching between offense and defense, attention should be highly concentrated. The lost goal was actually the team's loss in a continuous offensive and defensive transition, which was caught off guard by Dortmund.


After the intermission, both sides returned to the court.

The second half of the game began.

Valencia faithfully carried out the tactics arranged by the head coach during the intermission.

While conducting a very tight defense against Zhou Yi, they also actively strengthen their offense.

But Klopp is not a vegetarian, he also made corresponding adjustments during the intermission.

The opponent is clearly putting the focus of the defense on Zhou Yi now. Then don't let Zhou Yilai organize the offensive, let Kagawa Shinji retreat some, let Gotze lean a little towards the middle, and both of them can send deadly passes.

And Zhou Yi? Positioning becomes a scheduling that controls the rhythm, but there is no need to make a final pass.

This adjustment quickly worked, because Valencia put the defensive focus on Zhou Yi and lacked the care of other Dortmund players.

In the sixty-ninth minute, Zhou Yi retreated to the defender line to ask for the ball, and opened the distance to the Valencia player. After receiving the ball, he directly turned and sent a 20-meter pass to find the retreat. Kagawa.

Kagawa Shinji stopped the ball and passed the football up to meet his Goetze, then turned around and ran forward. Goetze sent the football out again, and the two made a two-for-one match.

Kagawa Masao pretended to have a long shot after receiving the ball, but distributed the football to Barrios who was flexible.

Barrios kicked the ball at the edge of the penalty area and the football made an arc, bypassing the goalkeeper Cesar Sanchez's ten fingers and flying into the goal.

2: 0!

"The goal has been scored! Beautiful goal!" Marcel Leff shouted excitedly. "Dortmund led by two goals away!"

"Good shot! Barrios scored twice!" He Ping shouted, "Although it was not Zhou Yi's direct assist, it was initiated by him! After receiving the ball, he found Kagawa Shinji decisively, taking advantage of Barron When West Asia's defense hasn't adjusted the focus of defense to Kagawa Shinji in time..."

As a qualified Chinese most basic quality is that no matter who scores the goal or who assists, he must be able to find an angle to praise Zhou Yi.

And because of Zhou Yi's outstanding performance, even if it is such a blow, no one will disgust.

After the goal, Barrios and Kagawa Masu embraced together. Zhou Yi in the backcourt was also hugged by Sven Bender, and the two ran to the frontcourt with other players to participate in the celebration.

Watching Dortmund players wearing yellow jerseys celebrating at the Mestalla stadium is really unexpected.

Before the game, everyone thought that Dortmund, who had participated in the Champions League for the first time in seven years, had no experience and challenged Valencia away. It was a good result to lose without losing. Klopp should take a relatively conservative away Tactical strategy.

Unexpectedly, Dortmund's performance was shocking and impressive.

They are not conservative, but insist on their own style of play, instead leading Valencia two goals away! (To be continued.) Activate new URL