Champion’s Heart

v3 Chapter 184: Overtime second half

"Ah!!! How is this possible?" After seeing Zhou Yi's goal, the players of the Japanese national team in front of the TV made a variety of exclamations and inhalations.

"If our final opponent is the Chinese team?"

"Zhou Sang is so powerful!"

"You must guard against him by then!"

Everyone has begun to plan how to compete with the Chinese team in the finals. Of course, Zhou Yi is the one they must focus on.

Endo Baoren asked Kagawa Shinji: "Kagawa, didn't you all say that Zhou Yi's physical fitness is bad? Why is it 100 minutes, he can accelerate the ball into the penalty area and shoot?"

Kagawa Maji nodded: "It's not surprising that he often did this when he was in Dortmund. In fact, I think Zhou Sang at the last moment of the game is the most terrible, because you will feel that he can no longer run, no threat, this time ...He could instead send a fatal pass or score a goal in person."

"What is supporting him?"

"Enlightenment that never gives up."

Hearing Kagawa’s explanation, Endo Baoren fell silent.


When the Chinese team players finally got up from Zhou Yi, Zhou Yi did not climb up from the ground with his teammates, but still kept the "big" shape, lying on the ground, his chest undulated violently, his breath was very heavy weight.

He was so tired that he could hardly get up.

At this time, Hao Junmin reached out to him.

Zhou Yi grabbed Hao Junmin's hand and was pulled up by the other party.

"Thank you..." His lips wriggled and he wanted to say something, but there was no sound in his throat, and he was tired and even had no strength to speak.

But Hao Junmin still understood, he patted Zhou Yi: "You're welcome."

Zhou Yi, who walked back slowly, gradually recovered his strength in this process.

Although Australian players have been pointing at Zhou Yi's snail-like back protest, he is deaf and still walking at his own pace.

Is he so easily influenced by the outside world?

The Australian players were dissatisfied and went to the head referee to protest. The head referee ran to Zhou Yi while beckoning them to be quiet. Remind him to hurry up.

Zhou Yi gave him a glance. Opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Hao Junmin next to him explained to the head referee for him: "He really can't run, he can't even think about it. You can see that he can't even talk. It's just a few steps, and it won't take long... "

The referee saw Zhou Yi breathing heavily. Nothing wrong.

In the end, Zhou Yi finally walked back to his own half. The referee whistle to kick off and the game restarts.

Almost as soon as the whistle sounded, Australia could not wait to launch a fierce attack on the Chinese team's goal. If they can, they hope to tie the game in the first half of overtime.

But the Chinese team did not make Australia do what it wanted.

Zhou Yi's goal greatly encouraged the morale of the team. Now every player is very defensively defensive, making it difficult for Australia's offense to hit the Chinese team's goal.

The first half of overtime ended quickly, and the Chinese team temporarily led Australia 2-1. They are only fifteen minutes away from entering the Asian Cup final for the third time in history.

But no one knows what will happen in the last fifteen minutes.


There is no rest period between the first and second half of overtime, according to regulations. The players on both sides must exchange venues and then start the second half of the extra time.

But now the regulations are not strictly enforced.

When the players of the two sides exchanged venues, they did not go directly to the opponent's venue. Instead, he will first walk to the sidelines, drink a few sips in front of the bench and the coach seat, and the head coach will seize the time and make a few adjustments with the core players of the team.

The player then dropped the water bottle, left the area in front of the coach, and walked to his own half.

The same is true for both Chinese and Australian players.

Zhou Yi followed his teammates to the sidelines, but before he got there, someone ran up and handed him the water. This was to let him take two fewer steps and save a little physical strength.

Zhou Yi took the water bottle and saw that it still had no lid.

The teammate handing the water shook the bottle cap in his hand: "I just unscrewed it and no one has drunk it."

He thought Zhou Yi would worry that this was a few sips of water.

Zhou Yi did not care about this, he grinned: "It's okay, I don't care, thank you."

Finally, the sound can be heard.

After taking a few sips of water, Zhou Yi dripped the remaining water from his head, then washed his face with his hands, and then he turned to walk back to the stadium. Gao Hongbo stopped him again: "Zhou Yi!"

He looked back at the head coach.

"Don't run if you can't run, you're behind, don't go up."

Zhou Yi nodded: "Yes, I know, high finger. What other instructions?"

Gao Hongbo stopped talking, but eventually shook his head: "It's gone."

"Then I went up." Zhou Yi said goodbye to Gao Hongbo, and then slowly walked to his position.


After the start of the second half, Australia continued to storm the Chinese team's half, and it can be clearly seen that Zhou Yi's physical fitness declined quickly and almost dried up.

Because he is not running as actively as before, sometimes, he can only stand and watch his teammates stand around and block the eye.

In fact, the Chinese team is just like the one missing. But it can't be said that Zhou Yi stays on the court.

He can still be used as a relay station to handle the football and pass it out.

Although he can't run, football can run.

Just let the football run.


In this semifinal, not only domestic fans are concerned, but also some eyes far away in Europe.

"It's really enviable..." Yang Muge said suddenly in the group.

"Envy what, Zhou Yi's kid couldn't run anymore, he could only stand stupid, just like a wooden pile, did you see that he just defended? It's the legendary defense with his eyes!" .

"Yes, it seems I wish I could rush to the court to defend for him!" Guo Nu also rubbed his hands, unwilling.

"However, he can stand there wearing a real national team jersey." Yang Muge said.

Yang Muge's words kept Sun Pan from talking.

He, Yang Muge, and Guo Nu are all people who have never been selected for the national team. Neither the national junior team nor the national youth team has their share.

When they participated in the recording of the reality TV show, they also wore exclusive jerseys for the reality show. Although both the color scheme and the style are very close to the jersey of the national team, it is not true after all.

Which of these football teenagers did not have the dream of "national football" when they were involved in football?

The reputation of Chinese football is not good anymore. These teenagers who play football do not still hope that they can become a national football player, and think that they can change the bad record and image of Chinese football after being selected as a national team.

For them, a very important goal of playing football is to become a member of the national team.

Now, among them, the person who was farthest from this goal, Zhou Yi has already realized such a dream. And he went to the national team instead of playing soy sauce, but became the core of the team, and really started to change the Chinese team's performance!

Don’t they make them envious?

Envy is dead!

This is the first time he has participated in the competition as a national football team, he can lead the team to the finals!


In the second half of overtime, Australia bombed the Chinese team's goal indiscriminately, just like a storm on the Australian mainland. Every Chinese team player can feel great pressure. And this pressure will continue for 15 minutes.

In these fifteen minutes, as long as the Chinese team players relax for a second, it may bring very serious consequences-if Australia is equalized at this time, the morale and confidence of the Chinese team will be very heavy. The blow directly affects their performance in the next penalty shootout.

No one knows whether and when the Chinese team will collapse under such constant pressure.

Every Chinese fan in front of the TV was nervous and speechless.

The same is true of the Chinese team members on the coach and bench.

At this time, I had to admire Liu Hong, at least he could explain...

In the 110th minute of the match, the Chinese team was besieged by Australia.

In the 115th minute of the match, the Chinese team was still under siege by Australia.

Five minutes before the end of the game, Australia almost even the goalkeeper rushed up. At this time, people will feel sorry for Zhou Yi’s physical fitness. If Zhou Yi still has physical fitness, a long pass will probably complete the game. game.

But in fact, even if Zhou Yi has the ability to pass the ball forward, there is no Chinese player in front. Even a center like Gao Lin has returned to the penalty area. The guest has played as a defender, and the Chinese team has no time to fight back.

"In the 116th minute of the game, Australia launched an offensive again. There is not much time left for them!" Liu Hong is very cool now, he always said when explaining the national team game: "Leave The Chinese team is running out of time!"

This sentence has also been spit out by fans and the said that Liu Hong is simply the broom star of the Chinese team. The fans have a bad impression of him because every time they watch the national team game, it is painful There will always be Liu Hong's unpleasant voice in the memory...

When Australia organized the attack this time, it was unexpected that instead of violently rushing as before, it organized patiently.

This instead made the Chinese team a little surprised and uncomfortable.

Some problems arise when you are not used to it, such as...leaking people on defense.

After a series of passes, Cahill received the ball in the rib space, when he received the ball, no Chinese defensive player was defending him!

No... I can't say that, at least in front of him, there is a Zhou Yi.

It's just that Zhou Yi, who basically has no physical strength, can prevent Cahill, who is in such a situation. !

As long as Cahill breaks through Zhou Yi, he will directly enter the penalty area, and then the goal of the Chinese team will be in trouble! (To be continued.) Activate new URL