Champion’s Heart

v3 Chapter 193: Half body squeezed into the quarterfinal

The specific performance of a Milan player's impatience is not only simple on offense but also impatience on defense.

In the sixty-sixth minute, a Milan centre-back Yepez violated Mark and received a yellow card while defending.

As a central defender, carrying a yellow card is actually very dangerous.

During the offense, a Milan became more and more pressured. Sometimes, even if he lost his possession, he didn't even want to go back. He just grabbed in the frontcourt, hoping to break the ball and fight back directly.

If their siege can really put pressure on Dortmund, but such siege needs a high degree of tactical discipline, not to say that the crowds are enough.

Especially when facing Dortmund with a fast and accurate pass, the siege of a Milan players can only make the defense behind them appear more empty...

In the seventieth minute, Dortmund patiently waited for the opportunity they wanted.

When a Milan player robbed in the frontcourt, Dortmund, under the command of Zhou Yi, passed the football back and forth, mobilizing a Milan player to push forward a little bit, getting closer and closer.

Then football was passed to Zhou Yi's feet.

At this time, Zhou Yi did not pass the football back, or pass it horizontally.

It's a long pass forward suddenly!

With this long pass, he found Goetze accurately. After Goete stopped the ball, he sent the football to the middle.

Mark, who was originally in the middle, was supposed to catch the ball, but when the football rolled in front of him, he suddenly had his legs spread apart, leaking the football from his crotch!

This time was completely beyond Yepez's expectation, and he threw himself away!

The football that was missed fell to Kagawa Shinji's feet.

The Japanese national team took advantage of the situation and drove the football into the penalty area. When Nesta rushed up, he shot directly!

"Kagawa Shinji!!" Marcel Leif yelled excitedly.

In his shouts, the football rolled past Nesta’s feet and goalkeeper Abbiati’s fingertips, and... rolled into the goal!


"Goal scored!!!" He Ping shouted. "Dortmund scored a goal! Dortmund scored a goal! They lead a Milan at 0:0 away and have a valuable away goal!"

"This is a valuable goal!" Marcel Leif was also happy. "Taking the lead in the 70th minute, not only has an away goal scored, it is also very likely to win this game!"

Dortmund's players ran to Kagawa Shinji who scored goals. Celebrate the goal with him. Zhou Yi ran halfway and was surrounded by Sven Bender, and the two ran to Kagawa Shinji together.

Although the ball was not assisted by Zhou Yi, it was initiated by him. And before that long pass, Dortmund passed a series of passing downs in the backcourt, which were also controlled by Zhou Yi.

In the face of a Milan's siege, Zhou Yi's calm and accurate score made Dortmund's goal without being in the backcourt...

So this ball, Zhou Yi has to make a big contribution.

Perhaps ordinary fans have focused their attention on Kagawa Shinji who scored. But everyone in Dortmund knows it well. Zhou Yi is the core of this team, he is the most indispensable.


While Dortmund players and coaches are celebrating this goal in excitement. A Milan player is dumbfounded.

They hadn't scored for so long, and Dortmund scored once.

This is unavoidable... is it unfair?

The television broadcast aimed the camera in turn at A Milan's head coach Allegri, and A Milan's vice chairman Galliani, and... Pirlo sitting in the box and watching the ball.

These three shots constitute a small story.

Pirlo was absent from the game because of an injury in January. Now he is the brain and core of a Milan. But this core is now facing the situation of being abandoned by a Milan.

The media reported Allegri's dissatisfaction with Pirlo and the club's support for Allegri, so Pirlo's farewell seemed to be an inevitable thing.

As a player who played for a Milan for more than ten years, Pirlo did not eventually retire in a Milan. Regrettable.

There are media reports that Allegri believes that Pirlo is too old, and lacks muscle and hardness in the midfield, so the club chose to renew the contract with Ambrosini, also a veteran, Gattuso has also been retained, only On the issue of Pirlo, the club chose to give up.

but now. Looking at the goal scored by Zhou Yi led Dortmund, one cannot help but think of Pirlo sitting in the stands and watching the ball.

Pirlo is certainly old, but his kicking method is actually very little affected by his age. If a Milan has such a brain, how can it be that it hasn't scored in a bombardment for 70 minutes?

How can Dortmund succeed in a sneak attack at this time if he can score early?

Take a look at the midfield that came out of this Milan game.

Gattuso, Flamini, Robinho and Seedorf. Is there a real offensive organizer?

Pirlo's value is not his muscles, but his brain.

This is also true of Zhou Yi.


After the game restarted, a Milan launched a fierce attack on Dortmund's goal.

They want to be able to open Dortmund's goal.

But without Pirlo, they are a bit confused in their offensive thinking. Some people want to cross the sidelines, some want to attack the middle. And there is no offensive organizer, they can only pass the football to Ibrahimović, let the Swedish **** tower use his personal ability to score.

It is a pity that the performance of the Swedish God Tower in this game was not satisfactory.

Actually on Ibrahimovic. There has always been a saying that his performance in the Champions League is far less than his performance in the league. Or to be more specific, Ibrahimovic's performance in the Champions League knockout is not as good as his performance in the UEFA Champions League group stage.

There are actually some impressions in it, but I have to say that this statement is still very accurate.

Ibrahimovic's performance in the Champions League knockout is indeed not good. It is considered to be a "soft foot shrimp" and can only be abused in the Champions League group stage. When the intensity is greater, the opponents pay more attention to the defense of the Champions League knockout stage. It’s just magical.

As for why Ibrahimovic has such a performance, there are also many opinions, from personal character to Ibrahimović's technical and tactical capabilities, as well as his team's playing style.

I won't start here, but this phenomenon does exist.

At home, Milan need a person to stand up and equalize the score for the team, or even achieve the final victory.

Everyone focused their attention on Ibrahimovic, but the Swede who slashed his opponents in the league, but disappointed his supporters.

Until the end of the game, Ibrahimovic failed to break Dortmund's goal. When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the match, the score was fixed at 0:1.

The home team a Milan lost only one goal to Dortmund!


"The game is over! 1:0! Dortmund won! They got an away goal, but they won a victory! It was perfect!" Marcel Leif was very happy.

He is not a supporter of Dortmund, but in the Champions League, he is a supporter of all Bundesliga teams, he hopes that the Bundesliga team can achieve good results. In this way, the Bundesliga will have one more place in the Champions League. It is not necessary for only the top two in the league to enter the main game, and the third place to participate in the qualifying game.

If the Bundesliga teams perform well in the Champions League, then in the future the Bundesliga will have four Champions League places, of which the top three leagues directly enter the main game, and the fourth place to play in the qualifiers, just like the Premier League.

Dortmund players on the court are also very excited.

In the face of the Champions League It has been more than ten years that they have not participated in the Champions League knockout. They even beat a Milan on the road. This result is enough to excite them. After returning to the home court in the second round, you can advance to the quarterfinals as long as you can tie.

It can even be said that Dortmund has already squeezed into the quarterfinals of the Champions League...

However, Klopp was still calm. He said in an interview with reporters after the game that Dortmund only led by one goal in the total score, which is not an insurance score. He has repeatedly emphasized that Milan has a lot of experience, and Dortmund, who returned home at the second round, must not be taken lightly.

Allegri also said in the post-match press conference that a small loss will not give up. There is a second round of the game. Even if the second round is away, he and the team will go all out. It's not about giving up.

One goal lead is really a subtle score.

It will neither let the leader lose vigilance nor lose the hope of the laggard.

So there is suspense in the second round of the game, which is probably the best result for TV be continued. Enable new URL