Champion’s Heart

v3 Chapter 211: Superstar treatment

With Dortmund successfully winning the salad plate, the Bundesliga 2010-2011 season is all over.

Dortmund scored twenty-five wins, five draws and four losses in the 34th round of the league, with 78 points. Seventy-two goals were scored wrong, only 22 goals were lost, and 50 goal difference goals.

They are the second most scoring team after Bayern Munich with eighty-one goals.

They were the team with the fewest goals conceded, and Mainz, who had the second least goals, lost 17 goals. Fifty goal difference also made them the team with the most goal difference.

Such a performance won the Bundesliga and deserved to win the Bundesliga championship.

In terms of personal data, the league started a month ago because of Barrios’ injury. Mark, who has achieved an amazing growth, has scored a total of 17 goals this season. He is a good shooter in Dortmund. The league's top scorer also ranks third with Novakovic in Cologne.

There is no doubt that the Bundesliga best rookie of the season will be awarded to him.

For Zhou Yi, this season is also a bumper season.

Six goals in the league were the highest in his career. Nineteen assists also allowed him to beat Kaiserslautern midfielder Christian Tiffet and won the Bundesliga's assists. The latter's assists The frequency is sixteen times.

This assist data is also ranked first in the top five leagues in Europe.

Second place was Messi of Barcelona with eighteen assists and third place was Real Madrid’s Ozil with seventeen assists.

In terms of the number of passes, Zhou Yi has a total of 3,089 passes, which is also the first in the Bundesliga.

These data show that Zhou Yi is already one of the top players in the Bundesliga. Although he is only 20 years old, he is on par with the world's top players such as Ribery and Robben.

Coupled with his excellent performance in the Champions League, two goals and six assists, but also let his influence not only limited to the Bundesliga, but also spread throughout Europe.

It has always been good for Chinese football to produce a top-notch Asian player. And now, Zhou Yi is already a world-class first-class player.

Now this quasi-world-class player will return to his hometown with honor.

Just when the Dortmund team celebrated in Boris Square, in China, there have been media reports that Zhou Yi is going to return to China after the end of the season, and even the specific time for returning to China is reported.

The final round of the Bundesliga was kicked off on May 14th, Zhou Yi will depart for his homeland on May 16th, then he will stay in Beijing for three days, attend three brand business events he spoke for, and participate in CCTV An interview with a football column.

Only then will he leave Beijing and return to his hometown of Qingyang.

All of Zhou Yi's actions have been basically figured out, which of course is the price of his stardom.

Zhou Yi's supporters are already connected to each other on the Internet to discuss picking up at the airport.

Two and a half years ago, when Zhou Yi followed Dortmund's scout Tim Kist away from Qingyang and transferred from Beijing to Germany, only his parents came to see him at the airport.

And two and a half years later, when he returns to China, there will be no one knowing how many people have gathered at the airport to meet him.


Before leaving Germany, Zhou Yi went to Mark's house as a guest and relaxed at his house.

Of course, he also saw Cortana.

At Mark's house, Mark said excitedly to Zhou Yi: "Zhou Yi, I just received a call from Loew! Do you know who Loew is?"

"Nonsense, of course I know, the head coach of the German national team. Congratulations, Mark!" Zhou Yi gave Mark a punch with a smile.


They all know what this call means.

Mark has performed so well in Dortmund this season, how could the national team ignore him?

Earlier media reports said that Loew was closely following Mark Wagner of Dortmund, placing him on the national team watch list.

At the last moment of the season, Mark scored two consecutive games and scored four goals, one of which was a hat trick, which performed very well. As a result, he received the national team coach Luf just after the season. Incoming call.

In other words, Mark will be selected for the new round of the German national team's training list, and have the opportunity to wear the German national team's jersey to play and become a real German international!

From a waste that the Dortmund youth team can't even match, to becoming a player of the German national team, Mark Wagner has gone through a legendary journey. What he did not forget is who made his ordinary life a legend.

"I want to thank you, Zhou Yi, really really thank you!" He said to Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi put out his ears: "Thank you for saying too much, Mark. This is the opportunity you have fought for, and it has nothing to do with me."

"But if it wasn't you, I might have left football when I was eighteen. I mean, my sister always said I couldn't sign a professional contract with Dortmund..."

"Don't listen to your sister talking nonsense." Even though Cortana was nearby, Zhou Yi told Mark this way.

Hearing this, Cortana glanced at him.

"What are you looking at?" Zhou Yichong Cortana said.

Cortana's expression of "Mom's mental retardation" turned away.

Looking at the inconsistent back of two people, Mark sighed.

His best friend and his elder sister, how can these two people get along well? When will the two of them be able to talk and laugh with a smile, how nice!


After finishing the gathering at the Mark's house, Zhou Yi and Tino Schultzer packed the next day to the airport, first to Frankfurt, and then flew back to Beijing from Frankfurt.

After participating in various business activities in Beijing, Zhou Yi will be separated from Schulze, and he will return to Qingyang.

On the plane, Zhou Yi found that Shultze took a copy from his bag...

Found that Zhou Yi was looking at the book in his hand with strange eyes, Shultzer explained: "Uh, as a Chinese player's agent, if I don't speak Chinese, it will definitely not be convenient for my work."

"Actually, you just speak English..."

"No, that's different, that's different." Shultzer shook his head and said firmly. Then he said to Zhou Yi, "Actually, I have learned a little, for example, to say hello. "The mud is cut!" Look at what I said is not authentic?"

"What? Cut? Tino, if you say hello to people on the streets of China, don't blame us Chinese people for being hospitable when they are beaten."

"Why? Why is the problem?" Shultzer looked confused and wronged.

"It's ‘eat’, not ‘cut’. Look at my mouth, c——h——i——eat!”




"Yes, you have learned how to pronounce a Chinese character!" Zhou Yi reached out and shoved his palm across the aisle.

"Really?" Schultzer was very excited. He was eager to try. "So how many more words can I learn to communicate with you in Chinese?"

"Not many, there are three thousand Chinese characters commonly used in Chinese." Zhou Yi laughed, "You can learn another two hundred ninety-nine!"

"Uh..." Schulzer was dumbfounded.


When Zhou Yi and Shulze arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport, they followed other passengers to get off the plane, and then walked to the customs with the flow of people.

At the customs, while his passport on the ground was waiting for customs inspection and release, there was a soft cry from the glass cover.

He raised his head reflexively, and saw the male customs officer inside holding his passport and watching him.

"What's wrong?" he asked strangely.

"Uh, it's nothing..." Customs staff handed the passport back to Zhou Yi after the passport should be stamped with permission to enter the customs.

Although he wanted to find Zhou Yi to sign, he still remembered the discipline of work. At this time, he could not do the kind of star chasing thing.

After taking the passport, Zhou Yi expressed his gratitude to the other party, and then lifted his luggage out of customs.

When Zhou Yi and Schulte went to the conveyor belt to pick up their luggage and walked to the exit, they were startled by the black crowd outside.

Seeing Zhou Yi coming out, the dark crowd suddenly burst out with a dazzling light-it was the flash of the camera.

Then, cheers came with the flashing lights, which rang through the entire pick-up hall.

"Zhou Yi! Zhou Yi! Zhou Yi!!"

Those excited fans shouted in unison while waving the posters, banners and jerseys they held in their hands.

"Oh!" Schultzer whistled excitedly. "Giant star treatment!"

But the next second, the agent began to worry about how they went out...


The bus station located in the commercial center always has a large flow of people every day. During peak commuting hours, not only do the people waiting for the bus line up, but also the bus line up.

Today is no exception. People standing on the bus stop are waiting for the bus they want to take.

In the advertising light box behind them is a bust of Zhou Yi, next to the bust is the Puma logo, which is very eye-catching.

There is no slogan in this light box advertisement. Apart from Zhou Yi's photos and Puma's logo, there is nothing.

But I believe everyone knows what it means-Puma's global spokesperson Zhou Yi!

People stand in front of this billboard, and no one will specifically look at the billboard behind Obviously, those who have to get on and off here every day are already accustomed to Zhou Yi behind them.

Soon a bus drove into the station, stopped by the platform, the door opened, people on the bus poured out from above, and people on the platform entered the car through the front door. Zhou Yi was holding a bottle on both sides. A bus with free flow of mineral water.

When the last passenger boarded the car, the door was closed, the bus was full of passengers and Zhou Yi drinking mineral water left the station, Zhou Yi and Zhou Yi completed a meeting and farewell.

On a skyscraper a little further away, there is a huge led outdoor screen with cool commercials playing on it.

Zhou Yi in the screen is constantly changing his posture, sometimes running, sometimes jumping, and the jeans that change with his posture.

At the end of the screen, an ad message appeared: "Young, nothing is impossible!"

And the logo of this brand.

This is not a special scene, it is just a scene that the city’s business center repeats countless times every day.