Champion’s Heart

v3 Chapter 273: PowerBoot Footbonaut

Although Zhou Yi thought that way, he didn't really do it in the end, which was impossible after all.

He can only hope that the coaching staff can arrange another ten minutes of training tomorrow.

He really likes this new training facility.

This gives him the feeling of playing a football game. It would be even better if there was a display showing real-time scores.

Just like the challenge to pass.

This totally contrary to the conventional training method makes Zhou Yi excited and excited.

When he entered this dream with this mood, he suddenly found himself in front of the white building without windows...

"This dream did..." When Zhou Yi reacted, he couldn't help murmuring. I'm really thinking about the day and dreaming at night...

But he reacted quickly, and since he had a virtual space in his head, he had no dreams of sleeping, so this should not be a dream!

If it were not a dream, what would it be?

Zhou Yi has guessed how much.

At this moment, Chu Ling appeared in front of him.

"This is your masterpiece?" Zhou Yi pointed to the white building in front of him and asked Chu Ling.

"Actually it's yours." Chu Ling said.

"Mine?" Zhou Yi is very strange.

"Yes. It's your strong subjective desire, so that you have created such an identical building in your mind." Chu Ling said.

"So why didn't I know that I still have this ability?"

"This shows that this thing is attractive enough to you." Chu Ling explained.

"Not bad..." Zhou Yi didn't care too much about his ability to create a new thing in the virtual space. He now thinks that it is good if he has it.

"Is the function the same?"

"In some ways...the same."

"In some ways?" Zhou Yi noticed Chu Ling's words.

"Because this is something you created yourself, you can give it some features that the original template did not have." Chu Ling said.

"such as?"

"You go in and see." Chu Ling reminded.

Zhou Yiwenyan walked in, and an identical iron cage appeared in front of him, but... wait!

Zhou Yi was surprised to find a display on the training area!

This is not in the real world!

He looked back at Chu Ling, and Chu Ling smiled at him: "This is your world, you can do whatever you want."

"Is it possible for you?" Zhou Yi asked suddenly.

Chu Ling: "Hehe."

Zhou Yi clearly felt contempt for himself from this "haha"...

However, he understood the meaning of Chu Ling's previous statement. This is what he created, and he can naturally make various modifications, additions, and settings that meet his requirements.

Plus block display is just one of them.

He thought of every detail of training in this cage during the day. He felt that there was a place where it could actually be improved, or that it was more challenging to change.

In the actual footbonaut training, every time after receiving the ball, I looked up to find the bright passing target. There will be a gap of about a second in between. This one second makes Zhou Yi feel a little not enjoyable enough.

He feels that he can let the passing target light up when the football is shot by the server, so that he can pass the football immediately after receiving the ball without waiting for him to observe the ball. This is of course more difficult, but it is more in line with the actual situation of Zhou Yi in the game.

Because Zhou Yi rarely receives the ball in the game, he looks up at the situation and looks for the passing target. He often optimistic about the passing goal before receiving the ball. At the end of receiving the ball, he can quickly pass the football again, which can speed up the attacking speed of Dortmund and kill his opponent in an unpredictable manner.

Because of the habit of playing football like this, Zhou Yi was not comfortable with the pause after receiving the ball when he started his footbonaut training.

It would be nice if this machine could speed up the passing of the ball.

In reality, Zhou Yi can't control how to set up this machine. But in his own consciousness, the machine he created can obviously be adjusted according to his wishes.

"How do I adjust?" he asked Chu Ling.

"You just need to think about it, what function do you want, just think about it." Chu Ling said.

Zhou Yi's first thought in his mind was to add two more top and bottom tees to the left corner.

As soon as he thought about this idea, in the corner in front of his eyes, there really appeared two white tee holes lined up and down.

Zhou Yi happily snapped his fingers, and then added six such serve machines in the other three corners.

Although this will reduce eight passing goals, it will increase eight incoming directions.

After training during the day, Zhou Yi thinks that the combination of eight ball machines in the four directions of footbonaut is too simple. How can there be such four fixed passing directions of front, back, right, and left in the actual game?

Just like before playing a game, you must set the operation mode and buttons of the handle to suit your own preferences. Zhou Yi is also personalizing the new big "toy".

After everything was set, he stood in a white circle and began training.

With a total of 16 incoming points in eight directions, plus a random passing goal of one-fourth and four that light up at the same time as the incoming ball, Zhou Yi suddenly felt like he was in a five-star difficulty, making him busy , Mistakes repeatedly.

The bottom serve machine is responsible for kicking the ground ball and low level ball, while the top serve machine shoots the half-height ball and high ball, trying to simulate all the situations in reality.

Zhou Yi, a low-level ball, is better to deal with, and Zhou Yi, a higher ball, is a bit more troublesome to deal with, because he needs to stop the football, adjust the football, and finally pass the football, which takes time. If it is a real footbonaut, after passing the ball, the light of the passing target is turned on after one second, then Zhou Yi still has time to adjust.

Now Zhou Yi feels that without this one second buffer time, he will be in a hurry to deal with high balls. Almost every time he passes the football when the green light turns yellow and the yellow light turns red, and the accuracy rate It will also drop a lot.

However, Zhou Yi did not reduce the difficulty again, but continued happily and happily...

For him, what is the significance of special training if it is not difficult?


In the second day of team training, everyone still arranged footbonaut training, this time the training time was increased from ten minutes to fifteen minutes.

After one night of training in the virtual space, Zhou Yi received training in reality and found that the difficulty was reduced a lot. It's like playing a football game. It's as difficult as a hard-to-find person playing with a five-star computer to play Samsung. It's no challenge to win casually.

When some of his teammates were still a little embarrassed by footbonaut, he was already able to cope with it. Some of them came to the ball. He could even pass the football to the goal grid without stopping the ball.

But for Zhou Yi's performance, Klopp was not surprised.

Because he originally thought that this set of training should be the least difficult for Zhou Yi.

What does this training improve?

It is the player's ability to pass and catch the ball, as well as spatial perception and vision.

Zhou Yi is super strong in this respect. Without these three abilities, he cannot be the core of Dortmund.

Klopp did this equipment not to enhance Zhou Yi's strength, but to enhance the strength of other players in the team.

He believes that Zhou Yi is very competent as the core and brain of the team. He even thinks that Zhou Yi is a midfielder, and his abilities and talents can be squeezed into the top ten in world football.

Klopp's evaluation of this player who was discovered by himself and brought to Dortmund was very high.

But last season's UEFA Champions League defeat to Real Madrid made Klopp aware of Dortmund's problems.

At the core of the midfield organization, Klopp believes that Zhou Yi is not much worse than those of world-class midfielders.

But Dortmund has a twelve-cylinder engine, but there is no gearbox and other components that can cooperate with this engine.

In other words, the Dortmund team is not strong enough.

Since being eliminated from Real Madrid, Klopp has been thinking about how to make the team keep pace with Zhou Yi.

Now footbonaut is the ultimate solution to this problem.

As we all Zhou Yi's ability to receive and pass is very good, especially his passing, he seems to be able to decide who to pass the football to before receiving the ball, so most of the time he receives the ball Afterwards, the passing rhythm is fast, but not everyone can keep up with this fast. Klopp hopes his players can follow the pace of Zhou Yi.

This footbonaut can precisely train the players' abilities in this regard.

They have had very scientific calculations and analysis, and believe that training in footbonaut for fifteen minutes is basically a week's pass training.

Dortmund's opponent in the quarter-finals of the Champions League is Barcelona, ​​this is a team with a pass and control crown, their team's pass and control level is much higher than other teams.

If Dortmund wants to shorten their ability to pass the ball with Barcelona, ​​they have to use this training method.

Dortmund's inherent advantage project-excellent running ability, coupled with the rapid improvement of passing ability.

Klopp is confident to fight Barcelona. (To be continued.)