Champion’s Heart

v3 Chapter 285: What should I do?

Messi stood in the penalty area and had already placed the football. The chaos and noise behind him seemed to have nothing to do with him, he just looked at the goal, as if in a daze.

Zhou Yi did not go up to find the head referee because he knew it was useless and the decision made by the head referee could not be changed.

He turned his eyes to Messi's back.

The Barcelona No. 10, standing in front of the ball with his arms akimbo, waiting for a penalty kick.

If there is no accident, this penalty has a great chance of flying to the goal, Dortmund will change from a draw to a backward.

Such a situation, to be honest, he encountered in a virtual game. After all, it’s Barcelona’s home court. To allow them some home advantage, it’s not a surprise to take a penalty.


He carefully searched his memory. When Barcelona scored a penalty and scored a penalty, Dortmund never seemed to have won the game.

In other words, for Dortmund, Barcelona scored a penalty in this game is a necessary condition.

A large amount of confrontation data proves this-although they are all virtual data, these virtual data are based on the analysis of real data. In other words, the results of this data analysis are based on facts, not made up blindly.

Facing such data, Zhou Yi has a different understanding.

He always thought that the data was used as a reference, but he could not decide anything.

Because the data is a summary of the past, it does not predict the future.

The probability of Dortmund losing to Barcelona in the past is 100%, and it does not mean that the probability of Dortmund losing to Barcelona in the future will be 100%.

Every future is completely new and random. Even if there is more evidence to prove that Dortmund will lose to Barcelona on the road, it does not mean that this will happen.

So under what circumstances will this happen?

In a situation where you are scared to surrender with your hand because of the past 100% data.

Zhou Yi did not intend to surrender.


No matter how dissatisfied the Dortmund players are protesting, it cannot change the penalty already given by the referee.

After paying the head coach Klopp to be sent off and Subotic's protest for a yellow card, they can only accept this result.

The players from both sides gathered outside the penalty area and looked at Messi's back.

Weidenfeller waited in front of the goal line.

The referee whistled, Messi approached, then took a shot.

Weidenfeller flew to the left, but the football flew to the right, he was completely deceived.

After half a second, the football hit the net, and the Camp Nou sounded a huge cheer.

"Messi!!! Barcelona has taken the lead! 2:1! And Dortmund is still one less!" Goltv's Hodson is back. "Second score! Messi's performance in this game once again proved why he is the best player in the world! What kind of difficulties the five-round team faces, he can always stand up, force! Mad! Lan!!!"

I feel like crying...


After the goal, Messi and the Barcelona players ran excitedly under the stands to celebrate the goal with the Barcelona fans in the stands.

The Dortmund players are a little disappointed.

The score of 1:2 gave them no advantage in scoring away.

"Barcelona took the lead with a penalty kick and Dortmund was in trouble..." Chinese commentator He Ping said in a low tone. Zhou Yi's luck is indeed too bad. Last year, he met the powerful rise of Real Madrid, and this year he met the defending champion Barcelona.

With the strength of Dortmund, as long as they don't encounter these two teams, they can definitely go further in the Champions League, but they just beat them and let them meet.


After Barcelona’s celebration, he returned to his own half. The TV broadcast kept the close-up shot firmly at Messi. Goltv’s narrator Hodson was still praising Messi. Various words of beauty came from his mouth. It popped out, making the audience wonder why he was able to find so many touted words. Even Messi fans felt blushed when they heard it. In front of this professional "Mei blowing", they even felt ashamed. Furu...

Marcel Leif worried about the fate of Dortmund: "One less central defender, behind the score, Dortmund is in desperate need of adjustment now, but their head coach has been fined to the stands, it is almost exhausted..."

He is right. Dortmund is very confused now. The players don't know what to do.

The score is behind, are we going to attack?

But when we attack, will Barcelona score more goals?

But if we defend, how can we even the score?

Now there is one less man in the centre-back, who is going to go back and hold it until the substitution?

Various problems appeared in everyone's minds, but they were not resolved.

At this time, Zhou Yi suddenly spoke.

He ran to Sven Bender and pulled him, saying, "Sven, you first withdraw temporarily to make a guest defender."

Then he slaps and shouts to his players loudly: "Don't passively defend, we need to keep football under our feet!"

After the goal was scored, there was a huge cheer from Camp Nou, which is now much smaller. After all, Barcelona fans also need to rest their voices.

And at this relatively quiet time, Zhou Yi's voice appeared abruptly.

In addition to the goalkeeper Weidenfeller, who was too far away, the Dortmund players who gathered near the middle circle and prepared to kick off heard the voice of Zhou Yi. The Dortmund players, who were still overwhelmed and somewhat overwhelmed, looked up at Zhou Yi at this time.

Zhou Yi raised the volume and continued to shout: "Pass the ball! Pass the ball quickly! Think about how we train these days! Everyone ran! Anyway, it only took more than twenty minutes and used up all the physical energy! "

Hearing this, a lot of Dortmund players' eyes glowed.

Yeah, how can we forget this?

Why did we practice the "Little Black House" for almost a month?

Remember what Klopp said?

-This is the secret weapon to defeat Barcelona!


After Klopp was caught in the stands, the person in charge of the team became assistant coach Jericho Bovac.

He knew that he should be replaced immediately. He also made this adjustment. Before the penalty kick was taken, he had already let Filipe Santana hurry up to warm up.

But on the question of who to replace, Bocci couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

A central defender was sent off. In order to strengthen the defense, it is reasonable to say that he should not replace any defensive player. In that case, it is meaningful to replace a central defender with another defensive player. ? Under normal circumstances, at this time, an offensive player will be replaced to stabilize the defense at the expense of offense.

But the current situation cannot be done simply. Because replacing offensive players will weaken the power of attack. And now Dortmund is still one goal behind, weakening the offensive force, how is this different from suicide?

But if you don’t replace the offensive player, keep the offensive power, and replace a defensive player, what if the opponent scores another goal before equalizing?

Bouci couldn't take notice.

In the past, the person who made the decision was the head coach Klopp. The person who made the choice was him. If Dortmund won because of this, then he enjoyed praise, and if he failed because of this, he would bear all the criticism.


When Bocage couldn't make up his mind, the court had changed. Sven Bender retreated to the position of central defender, and came back as a guest defender.

In the midfield, Zhou Yi and Jing Duoan formed a midfielder.

It stands to reason that the defensive stiffness of this midfielder combination is not as good as that of Sven Bend and Jing Doan. As long as Barcelona strengthens the offensive, it can blast through this combination of midfield defense.

After Barcelona attacked, they faced Dortmund, who had contracted across the board. Once the ball is changed, according to the convention, Barcelona will not retreat to the halftime, but directly launch an active siege in the frontcourt.

This siege to match the momentum they just scored was enough to make Dortmund at a loss and be overwhelmed by mistakes. And they used Dortmund's mistakes to directly threaten Dortmund's goal.

However, after the ball was really changed, everyone found that the situation was not the same as they thought.

Messi, who was in good shape, shot a cold arrow outside the penalty area. The football flew out of the bottom line on the outside of the goal post. Goalkeeper Weidenfeller failed to touch the football.

Dortmund scored a goal kick.

Goalkeeper Weidenfeller did not directly push the football to the front-many teams will do this when facing Barcelona. On the one hand, they hope to be able to attack directly in front of the goal and avoid being in Barcelona. The most powerful midfielder is entangled with them. On the other hand, it is considered that even if the offense can not be played, directly opening the big foot can also keep the football away from its goal, so safe.

But this time Dortmund did not do so.

They chose what was considered the most unwise approach-short pass.

Anyone who knows that Barcelona is good at attacking in the frontcourt will not think that the goalkeeper uses a short pass to kick off the ball.

But now Dortmund does just that.

Football was quickly passed to Zhou Yi's feet.

Zhou Yi as the core of Dortmund, he will naturally be under the care of Barcelona. As soon as football came to his feet, the Barcelona players forced them up.

But football was just at his feet, and he passed it again.

This is also normal. Zhou Yi often plays football. He is to avoid the habit of being played by defensive players.

But next, what was a little abnormal was the other players in Dortmund.

After they receive Zhou Yi's ball, they will quickly pass the football in the first time. The speed is very fast, the key is still accurate!

This is not the same as before.

The speed and accuracy of the pass are inversely proportional. The faster the pass, the lower the accuracy. This is not the same for Dortmund, but for any team. This is why Guardiola's Barcelona caused such a sensation after coming out, because Barcelona can pass quickly and pass accurately.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with their passing distance usually not more than fifteen meters. The closer the distance, the higher the accuracy of the pass.

Barcelona's ability to pass so smoothly is based on the football philosophy they have insisted on for more than two so they can do it.

What can Dortmund do?

When Barcelona players robbed in the frontcourt as planned, they found it difficult to grab football.

Although many of Dortmund's passes are short passes without difficulty.

But they can guarantee to keep the football under their feet through the pass, which is really surprising.

In the face of Barcelona's siege, Dortmund's players did not seem to have just lost the ball. They were calm and used the back pass to run Barcelona's nose.

No matter how the Barcelona players round up, it is difficult to grab the ball.

This scene really made many people stunned.

This includes Dortmund assistant coach Bovac on the sidelines. (To be continued.)