Champion’s Heart

v4 Chapter 125: High level head to head

Heinke's headache is a headache, but it is not impossible to get Zhou Yi.

Since Heincks wants to help Bayern Munich regain the league title that has been lost for two seasons, it is impossible to bypass Dortmund. Since he is going to fight against Dortmund, Zhou Yi is a key figure that can't be ignored.

So he must have done a lot of research work against Zhou Yi.

From the perspective of Heinkes, Zhou Yi is not without weaknesses. Although his physical fitness has made great progress, his strength has increased slowly. He has been debuting for several years. His physical fitness has been able to support him to play full games continuously However, his figure has not changed much, which shows that he is still not the kind of player who is good at physical confrontation and has sufficient strength.

Why is this happening? There are many reasons, perhaps because Zhou Yi thinks he doesn't like to be a muscular demon, maybe it is because the strength improvement is too slow, maybe he is not willing to invest as much energy in strength training as in physical training.

In short, Zhou Yi has not been a player who can face the opponent's personal combat and still have the upper hand until now.

Then it is one way to use his physical superiority to backlog his living space in defense.

In this game, Heinckes also asked Harvey Martinez to do so, as long as he had contact with Zhou Yi, he should not be stingy to use physical confrontation. Of course, this physical confrontation must have a good grasp of the scale, it must be able to cause trouble to Zhou Yi, and can not easily foul. If the total foul is committed, it will be easy for the referee to catch the eye and then get a yellow card. Once there is a card on the body, there will be a lot of consideration when acting in the defense, which will greatly reduce the defense effect.

With regard to this scale problem, Heinkes has no way to teach Harvey Martinez, and can only allow the Spanish midfielder to experience the speculation.

There is also a way of thinking-since Zhou Yi is difficult to trap like a slippery loach, why should he stick to defensive Zhou Yi itself? Why can't we start with Zhou Yi's passing goals? Zhou Yi is an offensive organizer. No matter what he does, he always has to pass the football to other teammates. Then we can defend his passing goal, then will it be easier to defend Zhou Yi?

Heyncks also adopted this strategy in this game.

Two-pronged approach, vowed to win Dortmund at home to achieve an iconic victory-Bayern Munich have faced Dortmund in the league in the past two seasons, losing all four games. This is for Bayern Munich, which has always been the Bundesliga leader. Such a result is a shame.

Although the difference in points is not large, there is at most a gap of two goals. But the opponents who have not won in two years still let Bayern Munich hold their stomachs up and down.

In the German Cup final last season, Dortmund and Bayern Munich met. As a result, Dortmund even beat Bayern Munich in the final with a 5:2 disparity score. The failure of this game cannot be explained by the reason that “Bayern Munich will save their strength to prepare for the Champions League final”.

It wasn't until the Super Cup before the league this season that Bayern Munich finally defeated Dortmund.

The victory in this game is also seen as a turning point. Beating Dortmund is very important for the restoration of morale and confidence of the Bayern Munich team.

Now in the league, Bayern Munich naturally hopes to continue their momentum in the Super Cup, defeating Dortmund once again in the heavier gold league, completely ending the embarrassing situation that Dortmund won before.

Because of the sufficient preparation, at the beginning of the game, Bayern Munich had an advantage on the field, the offense was more threatening, and it also restricted Dortmund's offense.

Although Zhou Yi can rely on his running to avoid Harvey Martinez's close defense, the rest of Dortmund can't run around like him, regardless of formation. They still have to be honest in their position and use the passing and running positions to cooperate with others. After Bayern Munich stared at them, Zhou Yi's pass was useless.

The formation is the basis of modern football. All tactics are built on the formation. Without formation, there is no rich and changeable tactics, and there is no ornamental value of football. Think about it. A person rushes forward with the ball, but never passes the ball. He is surrounded by teammates who are running with him. Nine people rushed to the opponent’s goal in this way, or they finished the game with a single shot. Offense, or the ball is intercepted by the opponent... What's so good about a football match like this?

But at the beginning of the birth of modern football, football games did play like this...

At that time, passing was considered a cowardly behavior to evade responsibility. Passing was not encouraged and was meaningless and useless. The football game is to charge the ball and shoot the football into the opponent's goal. If a player lets football off his feet, then he fails. Even in the face of tight defense, he has to rush forward, so as to reflect the manliness. If he passes the football, oh my god, he must be afraid of confrontation, he is a coward without courage!

Until later, the Scots walked ahead in this regard, and they preferred to pass football to and from the English who like to charge the ball. And they rely on this kind of football that looks as ridiculous as juggling in the English media to defeat the invincible English team, and gradually change everyone's attitude towards passing.

Passing has gradually become an important means in football games. The concept of formation has also emerged. Football is no longer a group of ten people charging in a line, and some people are behind to defend, and some are responsible for attacking in front. The existence of the formation makes the passing meaningful, and the passing of the formation makes the formation begin to change.

After a step-by-step evolution, the football form we see now is finally formed.

It may be difficult for people now to imagine that the most important technical and tactical means of passing football, no one used it more than a hundred years ago...

Today's football is based on formation and passing.

The formation ensures that the tactical concept can be implemented by players on the court with passing and running positions. If there is no formation, then it will be a mess and no one knows how to play.

Bayern Munich aimed at Dortmund's characteristics of relying on Zhou Yi's passing organization, strengthened the defense against other players, making it difficult for Zhou Yi to find a suitable passing object, which played a role in preventing Dortmund's attack.


Of course Dortmund's side is not only able to raise his hand to surrender.

After slowly adapting to this tactic of Bayern Munich, they also made adjustments.

Their adjustment is to strengthen the running of all players involved in the offense, so that they will no longer be constrained by their current positions and prescribed positions when they are attacking, and encourage players to change positions. Standing football is the lowest way to play football, and it is the most likely to be protected by opponents. Although playing football according to a fixed routine is more advanced than standing football, it can also be penetrated by the opponent.

However, if you switch positions during the offense and play Qiankun's move, the opponent will have multiple difficulties if they want to limit the offense. Although it cannot be said that 100% of the opponent's defense will be ineffective, but it can increase the probability of success of the offensive on this side.

The biggest disadvantage of this approach is that the physical requirements are very high. If the team's physical fitness is not up to standard and someone can't run, then this tactic will have problems and eventually lead to a crash.

But this is not a problem that Dortmund will worry about, because Dortmund's physical fitness is notoriously good. Even people like Zhou Yi who could not even finish a game at the beginning have now become "run dead".

Another problem is that such frequent transpositions require players to have a deep understanding of tactics and high requirements for tacit understanding. This is not a random run. In order not to let the other party catch the law, it would not have any good effect to just run around blindly.

But Dortmund doesn't have to worry about this, because Dortmund's starting lineup in this game has three players who are particularly good at playing Qiankun's move.

They are Zhou Yi, Mark and Goetze.

In this game, Klopp did not let Royce serve as the starter, but let him play the bench, the purpose is to allow Mark to have the opportunity to play. Klopp also expected how Bayern Munich would deal with himself in the game, so he was ready.

The three of them lined up behind Lewandowski, with Zhou Yi at the center, Mark on the right, and Getze on the left.

But the three of them actually don’t have a fixed position. Once the offense hits, the three of them will constantly change positions, running dazzlingly. When the last pass is made, Getze is still on the left. He may have reached the middle by then, and Zhou Yi went to the left.


The two teams that are evenly matched are indissoluble in the game. Everyone can threaten the opponent's goal, but they can also be threatened. Just looking at this scene, it is difficult to say who is the one who can definitely win the game.

Commentator Marcel Leif is satisfied with this situation: "This is the highest level of competition in German football! Whether it is the technical content reflected by the or the head coaches of both sides for this game Well-prepared tactics reflect the highest level of German football! The scene is stale, suspenseful, whether it is an amateur or an expert, you can see what they want to see in this game, it is perfect!"

Chinese TV commentator Duan Xin also raved about the performance of the two sides of the game: "... Although the score has not been rewritten, but such a game, even if it is 0:0, there is no shortage of exciting and exciting scenes. Dortmund is in In the course of dominating the Bundesliga in the past two seasons, as their opponent, Bayern Munich was not in the best condition. But this season, Bayern Munich's outstanding performance has given Dortmund a best opponent. You can see these two The competition between the strong teams, I think is also a blessing for all Bundesliga fans!"

In the praise of the commentators, the first half of this powerful dialogue came to an end.

Although in these forty-five minutes, everyone has some opportunities, but no one caught, or their defense is doing well.

In short, no goals were scored, and the two teams entered the halftime with a score of 0:0. (To be continued.)