Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1340: pump him

   Chapter 1340 Draw him

The laughing soldier who was not at all scruples didn't take it seriously: "It's said that there is a princess princess in it, who has seen it? The princess is a golden branch and a jade leaf, and the county owner is a rich and precious body, who would go to the military camp to suffer this crime. ? Also, I heard that the female soldiers in the women's military camp are all trained the same way, and Princess Yi trains them to death. If there is a princess and a princess, Princess Yi dares to be so messy ?"

   When the other soldiers heard it, they all felt that it was quite reasonable, so they nodded in agreement.

When the soldier saw that everyone agreed with him, he was even more open-minded: "Although the emperor allows women to join the army, they don't look at how much they weigh, they really think that everyone is as sturdy as Princess Yi. They should do laundry and cooking at home, wait on the in-laws and take care of the children, and as for the battlefield, we will do!"

Su Chengyuan is a princess, so how could she bear such contempt? As soon as she put the basin with the clothes to the side, she took out the whip around her waist and walked over. The whip whipped, and with a slap, it hit the open soldier's mouth. Face and mouth, the soldier's face and mouth were immediately red and swollen.

   "Ah!" The soldier couldn't dodge, and immediately cried out in pain. It was so painful that he couldn't speak at all, his lips and facial muscles just kept shaking.

   It can be seen that Su Chengyuan did not show mercy at all.

   Being so despised, the other female soldiers were also indignant. It is true that they are women, but they are also soldiers now, why are they so despised by other soldiers? No wonder An Jing has always asked them to train better than the male soldiers, so that the male soldiers can't do anything even if they want to look down on them, so it is!

  Really angry!

   Therefore, no one among the female soldiers stopped Su Chengyuan from whipping the soldier.

  The soldier was speechless in pain, but the soldier's other companions could tell. When they saw the soldier being severely whipped, everyone was startled.

   Immediately, those people quickly stood up, stopped chatting on the ground, and glared at Su Chengyuan.

When Du Aya and the others saw it, they quickly walked to Su Chengyuan's side. The ten female soldiers formed a confrontation with more than a dozen male soldiers, but the ten female soldiers were not inferior at all, even stronger than others. Many male soldiers.

   But because the male soldiers are male, the female soldiers can’t always beat them, so even if they are a little afraid of the aura of the ten female soldiers, on the surface they don’t show weakness at all, and they are even more fierce.

   "You female soldier is simply lawless, can you beat anyone casually in the barracks?" Among the male soldiers, someone took the lead in targeting Su Chengyuan.

  Su Chengyuan sneered: "I think it's you who are lawless. In this military camp, is the place where you chew people's tongues? You are also chewing the tongues of the emperor, the prince, and the princess!"

  The male soldiers were immediately terrified. It can be seen that all the female soldiers heard what they said. If it was spread out, it would be incredible.

But Su Chengyuan didn't care whether they were frightened or not, and said coldly: "The emperor allows women to join the army. After that woman joins the army, she is a soldier just like you. We have never competed with you. How do you know that we are? Cowardly soldiers, not as good as you? If we are cowardly soldiers and you are not as good as us, wouldn’t you be even more cowardly?”

   Born as a princess, she has seen countless things in the world. Su Chengyuan's aura of aloofness is really powerful.

   (end of this chapter)