Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1427: He's going to be heartbroken!

   Chapter 1427 He's going to die of distress!

   Now, after hearing from Zhu Junyi that the quiet hand might be abolished, Xiao Changyi's expression became extremely difficult to see in an instant.

   Feeling the low air pressure, Dr. Zhu Jun was out of breath, his heart skipped a beat, and he said weakly, "General, it's best not to use the general's hand until the injury is healed."

   After finishing speaking, Zhu Junyi saluted Xiao Changyi before hurriedly 'going' with the medicine box on his back.

   Seeing that Zhu Junyi might be dead if he stayed with him for a while, he ran away, and An Jing immediately laughed out loud.

   When he turned around, seeing Xiao Changyi's face was extremely ugly, An Jing immediately smiled and said: "Master, hug again~"

   Xiao Changyi was indeed satisfied with the quiet hug, but he hugged the quiet horizontally. He put the quiet on the bed and went to take off the quiet clothes.

   "Master, the door. The door." Knowing what Xiao Changyi wanted to do, Quiet hurriedly reminded Xiao Changyi that the door was not closed. If someone came in and saw it, it would be bad.

   Xiao Changyi then went to close the wide-open door, and then strode back, taking off his quiet clothes.

   Sitting quietly on the bed, Ren Xiao Changyi, who was smiling, took off her clothes.

  Xiao Changyi took off An Jing's clothes as soon as he saw An Jing's whole body, except for his face, forehead, hands, legs and arms, were scratched a few times, which should have been scratched while walking through the jungle. Even if the hole is not big or deep, it is still enough for Xiao Changyi to feel distressed.

   As soon as Xiao Changyi checked An Jing's whole body, he hugged An Jing tightly into his arms.

   "My body is a little hot." Xiao Changyi tried his best to make his words sound calm, but the fluctuating breath revealed his distress at the moment.

  Quietly hugged Xiao Changyi, and said with a soft laugh, "I'm a little cold, and Dr. Zhu Jun has already prescribed medicine, don't worry, I'm fine."

   Xiao Changyi hurriedly put on his clothes again when he heard An Jing said that he was a little cold.

   While dressing Jing Jing, he said stuffily: "It's all like this, it's alright..."

   "It was promised that he would come back safely..." Even if Xiao Changyi tried his best to control this sentence, he still couldn't hide the deep distress he felt for his daughter-in-law.

   Usually, he wouldn't let his daughter-in-law suffer even a little grievance, and he couldn't even see his daughter-in-law suffer a little injury. Now, his daughter-in-law came back with so many injuries, how could he not feel distressed.

   He's going to be heartbroken!

   Hearing that her husband was not only distressed to death, but his voice trembled slightly. Quiet couldn't stand her husband's appearance, so he quickly smiled and comforted: "Didn't I come back safely?"

   "I want peace and security that you are unscathed!" Xiao Changyi said loudly. Emotionally powerful. It can be seen that the emotions that have been accumulating have completely exploded at this moment.

  An Jing immediately hugged Xiao Changyi, hugged Xiao Changyi tightly, and reassured him: "Master, don't be afraid, I'm back, I'm back, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid."

  Yes, her husband is afraid.

  She spent two days and two nights in the mountains, and went deep into the enemy's army. Her husband must have been worried about sleeping and eating for the past two days.

   Afraid that she won't be able to come back alive.

   Xiao Changyi pushed her away, "Put on your clothes first."

   "Pfft." Jingjing laughed out loud for a moment, but let Xiao Changyi continue to dress her.

   As soon as Xiao Changyi dressed An Jing, he hugged An An, hugged An An tightly, and hugged An An as if he was afraid of losing it.

  Quiet not only let Xiao Changyi hug her tightly, but also hugged Xiao Changyi back.

   (end of this chapter)