Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 187: be quiet, you are awesome

   Chapter 187 Quiet, you are amazing

As for Wu Dashan and Wu Xiaoshan, because they were beaten each other, they were not treated at all in prison for the past two days. At this moment, the wounds are a bit rotten, and there is no money to see the doctor. The forced Aunt Liuhua can only kneel to the doctor. , I beg the doctor to do well, give her two sons treatment first, and also said that her family will pay back the money in the future.

  The doctor agreed to give treatment, and Liuhua's aunt's family also owed a lot of foreign debts.

   But in Jiuping Village, no one sympathized with Aunt Liuhua's family, only that Aunt Liuhua's family deserved it.

  When people were looking for money to lose, wasn’t it a good thing to lose money? Now it's better, not only lost money, but also suffered a board, and even owed so much debt.

   Even if Aunt Liuhua has a good reputation, because she owes money to most of the people in the village, since then, Aunt Liuhua's family has a poor status in the village.

And the news of Anfu's reporting to the officials was also known to the surrounding villages. In these eight villages, there was no report of the villagers' reporting to the officials. Get up, it is obvious that An Fu has always been easy to bully.

   Since then, no one dared to underestimate An Fu.

   And Anfu is a native of Anjia Village. Anjia Village suddenly appeared with such a stubborn person, and everyone did not dare to underestimate Anjia Village. Naturally, there was no idea that Anjia Village would be easy to bully.

   When An Fu took the three taels of silver handed to him by the yamen, An Fu cried. When he was lame, An Fu did not cry, but this time, An Fu cried.

   Aunt Shi Xiaolan also cried.

  An and Gui's eyes were red, almost like crying. This is the money Shi Dashan paid them back. This was the first time they were so tough.


  An Fu's head was broken, and the doctor told him not to be tired for the time being, so An Hegui and the others did not dare to let An Fu make tofu again. As for the work of making tofu, An Hegui asked the people of their two younger brothers to do it together.

   On this day, Shi Xiaolan came to deliver tofu to An Jing again, but this time, it was not An Fu, but An Yi Jin and An Er Yin who came with her.

   An Yijin and An Eryin left as soon as they delivered the tofu, and Shi Xiaolan was still talking to An Jing in the thatched cottage.

  Quiet hesitated for a while, but still asked: "Xiao Lan, do you blame us in your heart? If we hadn't let your family make tofu, Brother An Fu would not have suffered from this disaster." Now An Fu is still recovering.

Shi Xiaolan immediately became anxious: "Quie, why are you saying this, you are kind enough to let our family make tofu, we are grateful that you are too late, how can we blame you, don't say this again in the future, we It's not that wolf-hearted person. Also, we should really thank you, thank you for letting us report to the official, do you know that those who have bullied us before look at us differently now, neither Dare to bully us as casually as before, all thanks to you."

   Here is the principle of 'people do not report, officials do not investigate', as long as you dare to report to officials, the government will definitely pursue it to the end.

   It’s just that everyone has always been a little afraid of the government, feeling that the government is high, and no one dares to report it.

Seeing that Shi Xiaolan really didn't mean to blame them at all, Jing Jing smiled and said, "It's fine if you don't blame us. As for the reporting officer, I just suggest it. In the end, you should report it yourself, don't put all the credit on me. , I wouldn't dare to do it."

   "Quiet, you have changed so much, you are like this now, it's good." Shi Xiaolan gave An Jing a thumbs up in admiration.

  Quiet just laugh.

   (end of this chapter)