Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2477: Return to the sky (45)

   Chapter 2477 Return to Tianyun (45)

  Because Su Xin was dressed as a bride, the official called Su Xin this lady.

   Su Xin smiled and said, "I want to sign up no matter if it's in vain or not, sir, you can sign up for me. Isn't this anyone who is eight years old or less than sixty years old can sign up? I meet the conditions."

  The official did not persuade him, picked up the pen, and asked, "What's your name? How old are you? Where do you live? Who is the husband? You have to explain it clearly."

  Su Xin said: "My name is Huo Xiner, I'm eighteen, the Tao Mansion in Xicheng is my home, and my husband is called Tao Mingye."

   "Xicheng Tao Mansion..." The official registered the hand for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Isn't that Tao Shilang's house?"

   "Yes, I am Tao Shilang's eldest daughter-in-law."

When the official heard this, he immediately put down his pen, stood up, clasped his fists and greeted him, "It turns out that she is Tao Shilang's eldest daughter-in-law, disrespectful and disrespectful! I heard that Tao Shilang's eldest son is married, and he married the only son of the late General Huo Bubai. Girl, I don't know who you are?"

  Su Xin said: "I am."

  The officer immediately looked more respectful, "I was fortunate enough to work under General Huo Unbeaten. I respect General Huo very much. I take back what I said just now, Miss Huo should sign up, there are no fathers and daughters."

  Su Xin's expression became much more serious, and she clenched her fists in return, "Thank you for your respect, I will work hard and not embarrass my father."

   As soon as the registration was completed, Su Xin bought some jujube cakes on the street, and bought a lot of idle books to pass the time before returning to Tao Mansion.

   When passing by Tao Minghai's courtyard, the courtyard door of Tao Mingye's courtyard was open. She could just see Tao Minghai practicing martial arts in the courtyard. Su Xin only glanced at it and knew that Tao Minghai would definitely not be the champion of martial arts.

   That skill is much worse than hers!

  Su Xin didn't take another look at Tao Minghai, and went back to the yard where she lived. As soon as she entered the yard, she rushed into the house: "Master, I'm back!"

Tao Ming was really leaning on the collapse and fell asleep when he heard the voice of his daughter-in-law, and he was immediately shaken. Before he could sit up, he saw his daughter-in-law running to his side, sitting on the edge of the couch, like offering a treasure. He opened the small paper package in his hand and let him see a few pieces of jujube cake inside: "Look at what I bought for you~ Even if you can't eat it, you have to eat one, but I bought it for you on purpose."

  Tao Ming's night eyes were so gentle that water could overflow, and he nodded: "Yes."

   "You eat a little first and see if it's sweet."

  Tao Mingye broke some jujube cake and put it in his mouth before nodding with a smile: "Sweet."

  Su Xin immediately said: "Our days will be so sweet in the future~"

   "Yeah." Tao Mingye's smile softened even more.

  Su Xin smiled straight at Tao Mingye. She has been married to her husband for more than a month, and the relationship between her and her husband is really good. That's right, it's the same problem, her husband's health is too bad. Most of the time is spent in the house.

   Seeing Hongye come in with the idle books she bought, Su Xin patted the small table on the kang and said, "Put the books here."

   Momiji immediately put the whole book on it.

Su Xin smiled at Tao Mingye and said, "I've already signed up, you know, no matter how big our yard is, it's not convenient for me to practice martial arts exam subjects. It just so happens that there is a large school ground in my parents' house, which was originally When my father was just appointed general, I should always go home to practice, and I can't always accompany you. These books will give you time to read. I will buy them for you later, and I will do them today. Just buy these."

   (end of this chapter)