Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2601: Return to Sky Cloud (170)

   Chapter 2601 Return to Tianyun (170)

   "But Father Wang thought that I was the daughter-in-law of this family, and it was about me, so I let me make the decision myself. I didn't let the five clans die, but only arrested Tao Minghai and Wan Banyan."

   "These two people were originally going to be beheaded, but you haven't woken up yet. I think it's too cheap for them, so I haven't chopped them down for the time being. If you really can't wake up, I'll definitely cut them with a thousand cuts."

"Now you are awake, wait until tomorrow, let someone cut them down according to the law, I don't care if they have done anything bad before, anyway, this time they have murdered us, once they are released , for us, there are endless troubles, it is better to kill."

   Speaking of this, Su Xin's tone became a little cautious: "Xianggong, I want to cut them down, you won't object?"

   Tao Mingye sighed and said, "I have nothing to object to, it's their own consequences."

   "Why is Tao Minghai also your second brother, I'm afraid you have a pimple in your heart."

Tao Mingye smiled and said, "A second brother who never regarded me as a brother since he was a child? A second brother who wants me to die? A second brother who kills me? My heart is not that kind, he doesn't see me as a brother, I I've never seen him as a younger brother, and now he's taking it upon himself, so I won't have any trouble in my heart, don't worry."

  Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "It's fine if you don't have any pimples. I don't want this incident to cause any gap between us."

  Tao Mingye laughed: "We are so clear, clear, sweet, sweet, happy, happy, and happy, how can there be a gap between us?"

  Su Xin nodded happily and said, "Yes!"

   "That's right..." Tao Mingye sighed again, "Father should feel very uncomfortable." He didn't care about Tao Minghai, but he did care about Tao Chengyin's father.

   "Dad can't help it. Who let them do such bad things, they deserve it."

   "Hmm." Tao Mingye didn't know what to say besides nodding.

  Su Xin said: "Cao's family is imprisoned because of Tao Minghai, and he will die at any time. He has fallen ill."

After a pause, she lowered her voice, "When Tao Minghai is dead, she will definitely put Tao Minghai's dead monster on our heads, maybe she will not only poison you, but also poison me, let us stay with us. Her son. She is just such a son. This son is dead, and there is no hope. Maybe he will do this. We have to be more careful in the future, lest she take advantage of the loophole and let us die. "

   "Yeah." Tao Mingye nodded in agreement.

  Su Xin and Tao Mingye were talking like this, until it was almost dawn, Su Xin fell asleep with an eyelid fight.

  Tao Mingye didn't sleep, but lay there, looking at his precious daughter-in-law who was lying there with him, but was already asleep.

   His precious daughter-in-law fell asleep, but the corners of her mouth were still upturned, looking very happy.

   Tao Mingye looked at it, his heart was warm and sweet. That's why she loves him so much and cares about him so much.


   It was dawn, An Jing and Su Changyi had breakfast, but they didn't see Su Xin getting up, so I was a little worried.

   So, An Jing and Su Changyi came to the door of Su Xin's room and knocked on Su Xin's door.

   "Xiner? Xiner?" Jing Jing shouted.

Su Xin was awakened, but Tao Mingye, who had not slept since she woke up, hadn't answered yet, but helped her to answer: "Mother-in-law, Xiner is still sleeping, Mingye has woken up, mother-in-law doesn't need to worry anymore, I still hope that mother-in-law is still awake. Tell your father-in-law so that he can rest assured. I also hope that my mother-in-law will forgive me, Ming Ye is injured now and can't get up and salute you."

   (end of this chapter)