Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2880: Tianyun Chang'an (97)

   Chapter 2880 Tianyun Chang'an (97)

   He didn't like her, so when he said he was responsible for her, she didn't let him take it.

   When she ran away from home, she didn't know she was pregnant, but only later found out.

   But she ran away from home and didn't want him to be responsible. How could she come back?

She wasn't perfect at that time, she didn't plan to get married at all, and suddenly found out that she was pregnant. Apart from being frightened at the beginning, she was full of surprises later. Having a child to live with her is better than hers. People live more and more lively.

  So, she never actually thought about aborting the child.

   Therefore, she told Su Xie before that she didn't kill the child because beating the child hurts the body, but she actually lied to Su Xie.

   She really didn't expect to be twins, so the surprise was even bigger.

   There is no way to go back to the imperial capital, otherwise she will not come back.

When    came back, I thought that I would meet Su Xie, but I never thought that the child would be recognized by Su Xie.

   There are too many unexpected things, just like pushing her to Su Xie's side step by step, but she is still stubborn, thinking that Su Xie doesn't like her, she doesn't want to marry Su Xie.

   Now Su Xie likes her a bit...

  Thinking of this, all kinds of tastes came to Tao Mingxiang's heart. If Su Xie liked her even a little bit, then when he said he was responsible for her, she would have let him take it.

but now…

   Tao Mingxiang gave a wry smile. She seems to be a little dissatisfied with Su Xie and only likes her a little. It was obvious that Su Xie didn't like her before, but now Su Xie likes her a little bit, and she thinks that Su Xie doesn't like her enough...

  Su Xie is right, she definitely won't be able to sleep tonight. Because he messed up her heart.

   She doesn't know what to do now.

   Maybe, as he said, give him a chance? also give them a better result?

  Tao Mingxiang's heart was really messed up like a pot of porridge, until it was almost dawn, she couldn't hold it anymore and fell asleep in a daze.


  Su Xie got up early in the morning. When they came together, he lightly walked to the door of Tao Mingxiang's room. Seeing that the door of Tao Mingxiang's room had not been opened, and there was no movement inside, he knew that Tao Mingxiang had not woken up.

  Tao Mingxiang used to get up very early. Tao Mingxiang didn't seem to know what it was like to stay in bed. Anyway, when he woke up, Tao Mingxiang was already up.

   hooked the corner of his mouth and smiled, Su Xie lightly entered the room of the two children, and the two children were still awake.

   The two children slept with him for the night before and stopped sleeping with him. They thought that his father was not good at sleeping, so they would unconsciously push them to the innermost part of the bed, occupying a bed as much as possible...

  Su Xie never knew that he was not sleeping well, and he only knew thanks to the two children telling him.

  No wonder at first, Tao Mingxiang woke up from his sleep and found that Tao Mingxiang was sitting in a small corner in the innermost corner of the bed watching him calmly.

   Thinking that he might sleep in the same bed with Tao Mingxiang in the future, Su Xie sweated. He couldn't let Tao Mingxiang sleep outside, otherwise, Tao Mingxiang would definitely be pushed up by him.

   As soon as Su Xie walked to the bed of the two children, he sat on the edge of the bed and waited for the two children to wake up.

The two children wake up very early every day, and Tao Mingxiang wakes up before the two children wake up every time, and then comes to help the two children dress and wash, and now he is going to help the two children dress and wash. .

   (end of this chapter)