Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 3050: Fanwai Finale (53)

   Chapter 3050 Fanwai Finale (53)

   "Yeah." Jun's voice was much lower than before, obviously taking into account her feelings and listening to her words.

   "Then how did you die in your original world?"

   King's Landing did not answer, but asked: "Aren't you afraid? I'm actually dead."

  Su Su was angry: "What are you afraid of, aren't you living well now? You just died once!"

When Jun Lin saw her, he was really not afraid at all, so he laughed and answered the question she had asked before about how he died: "I was stabbed to death by the person I trusted most while I was healing. , so I don't believe anyone but myself."

  Although he said it with a smile, Su Su's heart clenched and felt distressed for him.

  I saw Su Su answering: "So, when you heard me say that you were going to stab you with a knife, did you treat me like that?" It looked like you were going to kill her.


  Su Su stopped talking.

  Because she understood why he was not good to her at first, but she also knew that later, apart from loving control and restricting her, he was still very kind to her.

   "Why didn't you speak?" King's Landing asked.

  Su Su looked at him very complicatedly. After a while, he asked in a low voice, " you still believe in no one but yourself?"

  Jun Lin smiled when she saw her voice was so small: "Why, do you think I trust you besides myself?"

  Su Su was not angry: "I can't get off the stage, are you happy?"

   King's Landing really nodded: "I'm quite happy."

  Su Su turned around and left.

  Jun Lin hurriedly smiled and pulled the person back and hugged him: "I'm really happy."

   "You still said it!" Su Su angrily wanted to bite him.

  Jun Lin said with a smile: "What I said is true, you care so much about whether I trust you, that means you like me very much, can I be unhappy?"

  Su Su only hummed.

   After waiting for a long time, seeing that Jun Lin just hugged her and stopped talking, she couldn't help but said, "Is that so?"

  Jun Lin smiled softly: "I knew you couldn't help but ask."

  Su Su really bit him angrily and said, "You also said that I care a lot about whether you trust me!"

   was bitten, it was quite painful, but Jun Lin didn't care, and thought it was a little fun between him and Su Su.

   "Actually, I still believe in you." Jun Lin stopped hanging her and told the truth. "At least I believe you won't hurt me."

  Su Su stubbornly said: "When you treat me badly one day, I will hurt you."

   King's Landing laughed: "Are you threatening me to be nice to you for the rest of my life?"

This time, Su Su was not stubborn, and was very honest: "If it can last a lifetime, I naturally hope for a lifetime." After a pause, she complained: "You don't even know that I like what you like and I'm tired, let me If another person likes it, I really have a headache just thinking about it."

  Jun Lin felt very uncomfortable when he thought that Su Su no longer liked him, but liked another person.

   Seeing that Jun Lin's brows were furrowed and he didn't speak, Su Su asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

   "Don't like others!" After saying that, without waiting for Su Su's reaction, he grabbed the back of Su Su's head and kissed Su Su.

   Even, he kept deepening the kiss.

  Su Su was stunned for a while before she could react, and she stared blankly at Jun Lin who suddenly kissed her angrily for a long time before she reacted, and the corners of her mouth twitched like that.

   This is jealous~

   The vinegar is quite strong~

   (end of this chapter)