Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 42: I'm already stuck. Inextricable.

  Chapter 42 I'm already stuck. Inextricable.

   On the way back to the village, Xiao Changyi took a short break twice at Quiet's request. If it wasn't for Quiet's request, Xiao Changyi would not have planned to rest.

   Obviously this person is carrying her most of the time today, but there is still no sign of breathlessness, just like nothing, An Jing really admires her man's good physical strength.

   Even though she knew that her man was physically strong, she was still afraid that her man would be tired, so on the way back, she still insisted that her man take a short break twice.

   Fortunately, her man listens to her words~

  Quietly tightened her arms around Xiao Changyi's neck and smiled silently. When she saw the big banyan tree at the entrance of Jiuping Village, her eyes darkened slightly.

  Her grandparents are from the countryside. Because her parents are also soldiers, they can’t control her in the army all the year round. When she was a child, she basically lived in the countryside with her grandparents.

   But the people in her village are obviously more simple and kind than the people in this Jiuping village.

  To be honest, she didn't like Jiuping Village at all.

  …I will get out of here one day. Quietly said this in his heart.

   looked back from the big banyan tree, looked at the perfect profile of the man who was carrying her, smiled quietly and slowly, and added in his heart: Bring him with you.

As soon as    added in his heart, Jing Jing saw that there was no one around, so just like a cat, he gently rubbed his face against Xiao Changyi's profile.

  Xiao Changyi's body was obviously stiff, and then he relaxed again, freeing up a big hand, and touched the quiet head on his shoulders, as if to comfort him.

   "Hehe..." Quiet just laughed and didn't speak.

   There were quiet laughter all over his ears, Xiao Changyi only felt full of heart, and the corners of his thin mouth were barely visible.

  As soon as they entered the village, An Jing and Xiao Changyi were slightly surprised.

   Just because they found out, the eyes of the villagers looking at them changed again, envious, jealous, and complicated, which made them a little confused about what happened.

  Ke Jing and Xiao Changyi only took each other to heart. As for these, although they couldn't figure it out, they didn't care.

   Xiao Changyi went home with An Jing on his back.

   As soon as Xiao Changyi put Jing Jing on the bench and sat down, he took oil, salt, vinegar and two meat buns to the stove. When Xiao Changyi appeared in front of Jing again, Xiao Changyi had an extra bowl of water in his hand.

   Xiao Changyi handed the water to An Jing.

   "Xiao Changyi..." Looking at the bowl of water quietly, he was so moved that he didn't know what to say. This guy is really attentive. Knowing that she couldn't quench her thirst with a sip of tea, she immediately poured a bowl of water for her to drink when she got home.

   Obviously this guy didn't say anything...

  If he said she wouldn't be so moved, but he just silently did it all without saying anything...

   Every time…

   Being watched by Jing Jing, Xiao Changyi did not speak, but continued to stretch the water in front of Jing Jing, waiting for Jing Jing to pick up.

Quietly pursed her lips in a complicated mood, and then took the bowl of water with a smile. Instead of drinking it immediately, she looked at Xiao Changyi and said with an almost teasing smile, "Xiao Changyi, if I get deeper and deeper, it's all about you. Harmful."

   Xiao Changyi's eyes didn't dodge, he looked at her, only to hear him say in a low voice, "I've already fallen into it." After a pause, "I can't extricate myself."

   Quietly shocked. After a long while, he smiled and said, "Your heart is so cruel, it's not enough to be trapped alone, and you have to pull me together."

   "Would you like to?" His eyes were burning.

  ps: Thank you user "—-suan.le—" for the reward, alright~

   (end of this chapter)