Change the Extraordinary

Chapter 487: The gap between brain filling and realit

All the way to the west!

Sui Yu and his entourage crossed Linhuo City, passed Pingsu Village, Lijia Village, and Tieshan Village, crossed the afterburner river, and stepped closer to the Tianying Cliff where the Tianyingjiao rudder was located.

With the convenience of many people, Tianyingjiao used all the system carriages of Sui Yu and his people passing through the town post along the way. As a result, Sui Yu could only continue to advance to the helm of Tianyingjiao by walking.

At the same time, there have been more than thirty times of various battles with the Skyhawks along the way.

In a week of travel, you will encounter four to five times on average every day!


Sneak attack!


Take advantage of city defenses, traps, and even some urban residents secretly poisoned!

Along the way, Sui Yu and his party were very troublesome, and they even couldn't sleep at night, and from time to time they could hear the screams of the intruder when the maid responsible for the night watch killed the intruder!

As a result, Sui Yu’s nightlife became very uncomfortable, which led to the girls’ recent grievances, so that once they encountered the resistance of the Tianying religion, the girls bravely killed the enemy and broke out their unimaginable fighting spirit... And resentment!


Sky Eagle teaches that this is obviously a cocoon in various senses!

Of course, it wasn't just a single finger that stirred the girls' fighting intentions.

Obviously, from the other party's hurried or even panic sniper attack, Sui Yu has clearly felt the Tianying Sect, or Yu Juncai's panic!

Sui Yu's fighting power they showed before is actually very powerful!

However, because the levels of the two parties involved in the war were so different at that time, Yu Jun misjudged Sui Yu and his party.

This is the same as in an online game where the game level is not visible, level 10 players encounter the pursuit of level 30 players and level 50 players on the low-level map, the feeling is the same-instant spike!

Therefore, Yu Jun didn't expect that his tenth-level trumpet would encounter a 100th-level full-scale game character at the beginning of the game!

Well, this is probably the feeling!

As a result, Yu Jun, who thought that the strength gap had not reached despair, made a one-month contract with Sui Yu stupidly, hoping to use the Butterfly Valley to contain Sui Yu and not let them run away.

Then during the siege battle, once again use Butterfly Valley to contain Sui Yu's group and his forces, and even make a strategy to attack Butterfly Valley to disturb Sui Yu's team and thus violate this group's dignity. The villain beheaded the spot!

However, many times, the idea of ​​brain stoppage time is very good.

But when it is actually implemented in reality, you will find that the gap between brain supplement and reality is very, very, very big in many cases!

No, Sui Yufei not only stayed beside Butterfly Valley as Yu Juncai planned, but pushed all the way to the west. Seeing the momentum, it was obviously going straight to the Tianying Cliff of the Tianying Jiaotan Altar!

And what's worse is that from the powerful fighting power they showed on the way, Yu Juncai suddenly realized what kind of monster he was provoking!

Even the traps that he thinks are tenacious and stable are taking Sui Yu they have no effect!

As for halfway through, people were arranged to poison Sui Yu by poisoning...

Because wearing anti-virus equipment, to tell the truth, most of the time, Sui Yu, they actually did not feel the matter of being poisoned by people......

So, after getting the latest battle data, Yu Jun panicked after measuring it!

Finish the calf!

This is really a big disaster!

If this group of people is allowed to break into the Tianyingjiao altar, and then use their unreasonable fighting power to block up under the Tianyingya cliff and wantonly kill the Tianyingjia players!

When the time comes, the majesty of the Aquila will be completely swept away!

To be honest, Yujun was really wrong.

Where is his woman missing from his looks and power?

No, the game has just started not long ago, Yu Juncai has gathered a lot of outstanding player girls around him by virtue of Junxiu's appearance and the status of the first apprentice of the Skyhawk who he gained through various wrists (Yujun can become the first apprentice , These girls also contributed a lot).

Even many of them have already entered the home base after gaining unfailing interest through various interactions.

It can be said that in a sense, Yujun is definitely a winner in life!

Therefore, Yu Juncai didn't really love Su Xiaolei, who had a slightly ordinary look and darkened skin.

But there is no way to cure this kind of thing. In many cases, it is necessary for participants to do something that they are not willing to do against their original intentions.

Even if Yu Jun didn’t like Su Xiaolei, he had to get close to the other because the other party’s inexplicably given name of the sage was trying to increase Yu Juncai’s own capital.

So, Yu Jun was just planted into this bottomless pit.

Not only is there a lot of panic now, but we also have to work hard to clean up the mess and urgently arrange for the Tianying elite to hurry back, while desperately blocking Sui Yu's progress.

That's right, with more and more reports coming out, Yu Jun is now completely convinced!

If you let them rush to Tianyingya regardless of their indulgence, Sui Yu's strength is absolutely capable of besieging the Tianyingya directly, so that the Tianyingjia can only shrink to the top of the Tianyingya!

If at this time the Wudujiao will follow the downfall again, don't think about it, by then, a large number of towns will be completely lost!

The foundation laid by Tianyingjiao is completely buried!

As for whether the other party will hit the Sky Eagle Cliff, Yu Jun never thought about it.

Because Sky Eagle Cliff is not only steep and easy to defend, but also has a lot of powerful npc stationed on Sky Eagle Cliff, especially some of them are said to have the best presence in the entire rivers and lakes!

I would like to ask, in the early stage of the game, if the players are so good, how can they beat a sect npc?

In particular, there are npc masters among the best? !

Well, it seems that Yu Jun didn't realize that he seems to be using brain supplements to make plans...

And while Yu Juncai used brain supplements and the conclusions drawn by all parties' intelligence to lay out a series of battle plans against Sui Yu's group, Sui Yu and they were not idle!

Even, the closer to Tianyingya, the more trouble Sui Yu will encounter...

"Get out! You are not welcome here!"

No, the closer to the Sky Eagle Cliff, these towns seem to have been publicized by the Sky Eagle for a long time, and they have enjoyed several months of peace.

Coupled with the fact that rabbits do not eat nest edge grass, so that these towns have not only been exposed to the flames of war, but also have not been robbed by the Eagles players under the banner of searching for the remains of the Five Poisons.

So, when Sui Yu and his party finally crossed a very rugged mountain road to a small town called Shancheng, which looked very prosperous, a large group of ordinary players in the city blocked the way at the gate.

In the face of this group of ordinary players who blocked their way, Sui Yu, who stood out from the crowd, very politely said to them: "Dare you dare to block our way! Do you guys want to die once?"

To be honest, Sui Yu has experienced this kind of battle several times before.

It's just that even if the players in the peripheral towns see Sui Yu, they shout, kill, but after Sui Yu kills several players with thunder, the other players will stop talking.

It's not like here at all, it seems that because of the news, they even directly formed a group to block the gate!

And looking at the appearance of that crowd of people, there is a pair of "If you want to pass from here, you must cross our corpses" momentum.

Of course, the reason why these people dare to do this is probably also influenced by the thinking that "the law does not blame the public" in reality.

"You gangsters! Betraying traitors! Do you know what you are doing? Do you know what the Sky Eagle teaches to protect this land?!"

"Traitor! You will be condemned by doing right against the Tianyingjiao!"

"Hurry up! Otherwise, you will be killed!"

"Go! Go back!"

"Yes! The traitor leave me!"

"The foreigners hurry up!"

Sui Yu scratched his head and then nodded slightly as he looked at the group's excited expression.

It seems that the propaganda of the Skyhawk is still very powerful, and even by controlling the direction of public opinion, these ordinary players are obediently run over to serve the Skyhawk.

Of course, it is not clear whether there are some dark lines ambushed by the Aquilaism.

However, depending on the situation, if you want to go through this city, it seems that there is only a way to kill!

As for the detour?

Please, the reason why Tianyingjiao chose to block Sui Yu's road with ordinary player groups here is to see that Sui Yu needs to spend extra days to bypass the road!

and so……

"If you want to pass from here, you must cross our body!"

Just when a guy with rhythm finally shouted Sui Yu's guess that it would appear, Sui Yu folded his hands slightly and then smiled and said to the ordinary players who blocked their way: "Then I'm welcome!"

"Everyone's orders!"

"Yes!" All the girls' uniformly squealing, let alone say, is really very beautiful!

"Give me...kill!"

Although the other party has justice that the other party insists on, but I'm sorry, Sui Yu also has justice that needs to be adhered to!

There is no absolute right or wrong in reality, only different positions!

So what to do when justice from different positions conflicts?

It's easy!

The clever ancestor told us a long time ago what we should do when we encounter this situation!

That's right!

That is... war!

Uh, no!

Seeing the corpses raging across the field in front of them, most players hugged their heads and fled at the moment of the battle without any resistance.

It seems that the war was over from the beginning...


Please, Sui Yu is not doing popularization!

What's more, here is a brand-new world that completely broke the old order and broke the ideological routine of modern people!

How can those ideas in reality continue to be used in such a world? !

"Also..." Sui Yu shrugged and whispered: "It's been less than half a year since I opened the service. Presumably many people still stay in reality?"

"It's a pity..." Sui Yu looked at the distant men and women who cried and ran away The melancholy in his eyes flickered: "My three views have been broken and recasted a long time ago! "

"But..." Sui Yu looked at the mountains to the west, and according to the information heard along the way, Tianyingya should be there not far away: "Should I be forced to mobilize the masses to die to stop me? So say , The current defense of Tianyingya must be very empty, right?"

"So... exactly!"

Red light flashed in Sui Yu's eyes, and he subconsciously licked the corner of his mouth: "The game! Since it is open, then take this opportunity to make yourself a little more difficult to play!"

"Looks like it! It's a lot more interesting to destroy the Skyhawks than to hold the Skyhawks' main force and make it impossible to attack Butterfly Valley!"

Well, just like when Sui Yu played cheating in the past, he likes to challenge the highest difficulty of the game.

Now that the success has been successfully opened in "Quan Xia Scrolls", why not look for something interesting and difficult to challenge? !
