Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 234: Crazy animation

In the field of Internet venture capital in China, there is a problem that spreads widely

   "If the field you are working on really develops, what about the Antarctic biological intervention that will involve everything?"

   This is a problem that a lot of entrepreneurs who pull investment hate.

   There is no way. According to the Matthew effect of the strong Hengqiang, such super-large enterprises are inherently difficult to deal with as long as they don’t make mistakes.

   What's more, the other party still has an absolute platform advantage, and it can pull the face down at critical moments.

   And their technical and commercial level is indeed not low.

   However, in order to attract investment, everyone can't directly utter the three-character mantra

   is too awesome,

no way,

   Wait for death!

   Say this, the venture capital will definitely wave goodbye.

   In order to have a meal, the majority of entrepreneurs had no choice but to think and talk nonsense.

  Don’t say it, I really came up with a useful trick

   That is to play fast!

   As long as the market is deeply integrated with itself before the other party intervenes, so that the other party cannot directly use capital and volume advantages to forcefully expel, then it will be easy to talk about later.

   It is a good choice whether to save half of the country, or to directly consider the acquisition of the other party.

   In fact, this trick is also the only way to deal with all powerful capital forces.

   To put it simply, it means trying to gain first-hand advantage.

   After all, capital is profitable.

   As long as your first-hand advantage makes the other party feel that the cost of expelling you directly is not as good as cooperating with you, then you will succeed.

   Charlotte is currently considering this method.

   Therefore, he hopes to put a leg on the road to film and television series before Warner and other capital predators notice.

   As long as his leg is beautiful enough, the capital that flows in from behind will not start anew, and he will have the capital to negotiate.

   However, as I said before, the cost of adapting a movie is too great.

   Even if it is one, it has already exceeded Charlotte's current hand.

   So, he fixed his eyes on the animated version

   Although there are many fans among adults, in the final analysis, the series is still children's literature.

  Especially the first one, it is quite childlike.

   In this case, adapting it into a TV animation is a good plan.

   As long as it is not made into an exquisite animation film, the cost of general TV animation is much lower than that of movies or even general TV shows.

   After all, there are not too many actors in it.

   Besides, Charlotte still has a magical tool for making animation

   The human skin book from Cthulhu.

   Charlotte felt more and more that it seemed a bit too wasteful to use it only as a tool to deduce the rhythm and rationality of the script.

   After receiving the Saturn Award last time, he had an idea to refine and transform the human skin book.

   is like a nightmare turned into a unicorn by him, a tool to communicate the dreams between him and Charlize.

   He intends to refine the human skin book into a special image processor

   A tool that can mix the pictures imagined by Charlotte, the scenes and characters drawn by the artists, and the special effects produced by the technicians, and automatically output them according to the story script.

   "If you really have this tool, you can produce animated movies at ultra-low cost? Can you run Disney to bankruptcy?"

   After listening to Charlotte's thoughts on the Human Paper, Charlize's first reaction was this, and Alexis on the side also nodded in cooperation.

   "How could it be that simple!"

   Charlotte shook his head.

   "According to my estimation, the animation output in this way is much better than that before the human skin book, but at most it reaches the quality level of TV animation."

   "So I can't see it on the big screen!?"

  Charlize was a little disappointed, but immediately got excited again.

   "Even TV anime is good! One TV anime a day, you don't need to be a director soon, you can become the king of anime!"

   "An animation a day!? The king of anime!?"

   Charlotte always finds this setting inexplicably familiar. He shook his head and said with a wry smile,

   "How can it be so powerful? Even if the refining of the human skin book is successful, there is still a lot of work to be done to produce a TV animation."

   said, he broke his hands and began to count.

   "First of all, we need to have a basic story script. This can't be done overnight."

   "Secondly, we must complete the image design of all the characters in the story. If it is purely on my mind, the character images are not good."

   "Then, we have to design a complete scene. The human paper itself can only evolve the story, but cannot export the scene details."

   "Only when all of the above are completed, can we use the human skin book to evolve the spell. Otherwise, the picture that comes out may be no different from the simple animation I used to demonstrate the script before."

   "What's more, to output this kind of animation, it takes mana. I guess there may be CDs in the human leather book itself, no, it is the interval between spells."

   "Actually, I originally wanted to rely more on the improved human leather book to integrate the magic rendering technology of the Ghost Party Studio with real computer rendering technology and scene rendering technology."

  Charlotte finally said her plan,

   "In this way, the Ghost Party Studio can be regarded as a real movie special effects studio."

   "Well, since you said that."

   After a long time dumbfounded, Charlize understood what Charlotte meant.

   "However, in this way, your Ghost Party Studio will have to recruit real computer special effects personnel, right?"


   Talking, Charlotte pointed at Alexis, who was sitting and watching the lively for a long time.

   "Isn't this our technical director?"


  Alexis pointed to his nose awkwardly, but Charlotte nodded.

   "Yes, it's you! Have you forgotten the post-resurrection identity that I prepared for you? Ms. Alexis Rachel Haydn, a female programmer working for a company in Silicon Valley?"


   After recollecting for a long time, Alexis remembered that Charlotte had indeed set himself this "resurrection" character setting, but

   "Before I became a ghost, I was just a little actor who didn't know much about computer skills!!!"

   "Don't worry about this at all!"

   Charlotte has a "I will do it for you" You just need to do as I say! "

"……All right."

   Although I don’t know what the other party intends to do, Alexis knows that since Charlotte dared to say that, he must have his own way, but

   hope his approach will not be too strange!

   Alexis prayed in her heart.

   On the other side, Charlize suddenly realized that they seem to have digressed

   "Regardless of the technical and magic issues, why do you think it is a good choice to adapt Joanna Rowling's story into an animation? Is it just because of the low cost?"

"of course not."

   Charlotte shook his head.

   "Essentially, as long as the script is determined, no matter what animation it is, according to my method of borrowing human skin books, the cost will not be too high."

   "I will choose Rowling's work that only wrote the beginning. More importantly, because it has a very magnificent view of the magical world, it is not only suitable for feature-length animations, but also suitable for future adaptations into live-action movies."

   "If it can be promoted."

   Charlize reminded him.


  Charlotte nodded. He can't tell Charlize the future, he can only continue,

   "The current hypothesis is based on the premise that Rowling's book can be popular. The low-cost TV animation adaptation can be completed first. It can not only grab a wave of profits, but also further promote the work, at the same time."

   Charlotte paused.

   "We can grasp the benefits of peripheral products to a certain extent."