Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 251: Mirage

"The proof is difficult, so I said it was a guess!"

Charlotte shrugged.

"However, if there is no reason at all, it is not."

With that, he looked at Alexis.

"Do you remember the time you dealt with the evil **** before?"

"Cthulhu? The Cthulhu that gave Painted Skin the power!?"

Alexis was taken aback and reacted randomly.

"You're not talking about the last time you summoned the evil **** together with the consciousness of everyone in the movie theater?"


Charlotte nodded.

"At that time, I discovered that there may be a connection between people's brains or consciousness. And the nightmare caught later made me further confirm this."

"Although most people may not be aware of this connection, this connection can indeed solve many problems—"

"Don't say anything else, where the gods, including the evil gods, are hiding, if there is a network between this human brain, it can be determined."

"You mean, the gods are hidden in this network?"


Charlotte's voice is a little low,

"Only in this way can we explain the fact that even in an area that does not believe in a certain god, this **** can be summoned-because through this human brain network, we can recruit gods from other places."

"It seems like that."

Alexis nodded.

"So, according to this logic, you say that we ghosts with names and surnames in various myths and legends are also hiding in this network, does it mean--"

"You are closer to the essence of the gods."

Charlotte affirmed Alexis’s opinion,

"The truth is also true. Belief in gods is essentially derived from general legends. Excluding the elements of belief, gods are not much different from other famous ghosts."

Then he explained,

"As ordinary ghosts, your power is only enough for you to borrow the brain of a certain person, and it is easy to be discovered."

"The process of incarnation of ghosts with names and surnames is actually the process of enhancing your power so that you can enter this network of human brains——"

"After entering this network, you no longer need to borrow the brain of a specific person."

"Because what you are borrowing will be the "cloud brain" of more than six billion people around the world——"

"Even if everyone only borrows one ten-thousandth of their brains for this network, it is more than enough for the few ghosts in this world."

"I see."

Revan Phoenix nodded.

"No wonder that after turning into a headless horseman, I can think without being attached to other people-so, I borrowed the brains of everyone in the world?"

"I think this is the case, but it is still more difficult to fully prove it."

Charlotte shook her head.

"However, the special circumstances of the Malcolm Nursing Home can also be said to prove to a certain extent—"

"First of all, I want to explain that when I went there with Sally before, I had a preliminary test-there is no problem with normal people getting in and out, and the fog that Alexis saw from a distance will not appear."

"In other words, those situations are just for us ghosts?"

Alexis asked.

"You can say that, but for you, it's just the end, not the purpose-because that place is actually "disconnected"!"


Rui Fan didn't understand Charlotte's words at all.

But on the other hand, because of recently impersonating the technical director of the special effects department of the Ghost Party studio, Alexis has learned a lot about computers. Combining Charlotte’s words just now, she reacted.

"Because of the power in the area of ​​the Malcolm Nursing Home that cuts off the network between the human brains, we who are among the "networks" of ghosts with names and surnames cannot enter that area?"


Charlotte nodded.

"I think that's the case-because the network is cut off, your thinking ability will be interrupted when you reach the border, and the soul will instinctively be driven out by the power in that area."

"That's why I will reappear next to you every time."

Alexis also understood a little.

"Because you are the closest living person and a fulcrum of the "network"?"

"That sounds reasonable."

Revan Phoenix pondered for a while.

"After all, what is going on in the area around the Malcolm Nursing Home? Mr. Director, you should have guessed too?"

"Of course there are guesses, but—"

Charlotte paused, and he looked at Alexis seriously.

"This time, you must ensure that Sally is kept secret, so I can tell you my guess!"

"……All right."

Under Charlotte's gaze, Alexis was a little uncomfortable.

"Anyway, you wouldn't do anything against Sally, would you?"

"That's natural."

Charlotte nodded.

"The matter this time is essentially related to Sally's mother-although it is indeed not dangerous for her to live there."

"In fact, when Sam Phil, who can see ghosts, said that he would see a large number of ghosts gathering around Malcolm Nursing Home every once in a while, I knew what we were encountering."

"Ghost... city?"

Alexis asked curiously.

"I heard you say that just now."

"Yes, but this is just a performance. The ghost city, or the mountain city—"

Charlotte explained in detail to the two ghosts,

"There have been many records of this kind of thing in ancient China. To put it simply, it is a large number of buildings and people that appeared out of thin air and disappeared without a trace shortly thereafter."

"Are those all ghosts?"

"Maybe! But I can't be very sure."

Charlotte shook her head helplessly.

"Later, many people attributed the cause of the ghost market to the mirage. In fact, the mirage does produce a similar scene."

"It seems so."

Both Alexis and Rui Fan nodded-although they are not serious school types, they still know some basic common sense.

"It is true that a mirage will produce a scene similar to the ghost market you mentioned."

"So, most of the recorded ghost markets may be mirages."

Charlotte shrugged.

"However, the real ghost market also The real ghost market?"

"Yes. In the legend, there is a dragon species named Flood Dragon, which sometimes spit out a "mirage." In this mirage, the ghosts serving the flood dragon survive, and a prosperous "ghost market" will be formed."


Both Alexis and Rui Fan were surprised.

"Are you talking about that kind of giant winged, terrifying monster? Is there such a thing under the Malcolm Nursing Home!!!?"

"In Eastern legends, the dragon is not a terrifying monster, but a sacred existence."

Charlotte corrected the two's point of view,

"However, it is true that there is a dragon under the Malcolm Nursing Home—"

"Although that is not a "dragon" in the general sense!"