Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 258: Monsters, Inc

In fact, although he is interested in spells and ghosts, Charlotte does not intend to be an exorcist who "serves the people".

——Even the old ghost who taught him spells didn't mean that.

The cause of everything is just interest.

And through this era, to be able to really use the magic surgery, Charlotte will receive some compensation every time he helps people to exorcise the demon.

On the one hand, this is to win people's trust, on the other hand, it is also because he really didn't intend to do it for nothing.

Of course, many times, because he is very interested in the ghosts he encounters, the rewards he receives are all symbolic——

It was like Charlize's first time, or later Judy Foster's time.

——But in the final analysis, men, when facing beautiful women, their brains always go up unconsciously.

This was not the case for Keanu Reeves this time.

No matter how handsome this gentleman is, there is no extra attraction for Charlotte, who tends to be normal.

Moreover, after almost two years of experience after crossing, Charlotte no longer has the earliest eager mentality when facing ghosts.

On the contrary, now he is gradually realizing that there are too many ghosts in Hollywood.

Although, according to his theory that "ghosts are born on the dark side of the human heart", this situation is not unexplainable, but Charlotte still doubts whether there will be anything behind this that he does not know.

Especially, the mysterious consciousness in the gate of **** gave him a sense of crisis.

Although on the surface, facing Charlize's worry, he showed full confidence, but deep down, he was still a little worried.

This worry made Charlotte a little more cautious when facing ghosts.

——Even if he eliminates the ghosts, if there are behind the ghosts behind the scenes, does that mean he will be exposed to those behind the scenes?

For all these reasons, Charlotte didn't intend to immediately help Keanu Reeves deal with the curse on him.

In fact, although this curse doesn't seem right, if Charlotte didn't estimate it wrong, there would be no real harm in a few years.

Charlotte feels that taking advantage of this time, it is the right thing to deal with the series of things at hand first-

First of all, it was the "dragon" he discovered some time ago with the help of Alexis and Rui Fan.

Although it is true that the dragon will not be dangerous if it is not provoked, but considering the special circumstances of Charlize's mother, it is not impossible to be forced to have a game with the dragon.

Besides, Charlotte is still thinking about the plan of "How to train the dragon"...

Secondly, the evil spirits that disappeared from Gwyneth Paltrow.

As a person who has studied spells for a long time, Charlotte doesn't believe that things like ghosts and monsters will disappear for no reason.

——It will disappear, and the more likely it will be transferred to other people.

"If the seven evil spirits that represent the seven original sins are transferred to one person, it will definitely be a lot of trouble!"

Charlotte inferred secretly.

He always felt that if evil spirits were transferring, the way of transferring would definitely not be peaceful.

This reminded him of evil methods like raising Gu...

Finally, it is the mysterious consciousness in the gate of hell.

Not to mention whether there is a way to deal with it, Charlotte felt that first of all, we must find a way to understand the other party's intentions.

After all, the gate of **** itself is in the spell, which means death. The consciousness that can be hidden in it is definitely not easy...

——Compared to these troublesome things, although the curse on Keanu Reeves is also clueless, it is not harmful for the time being.

Therefore, he wants to consider this matter in the future.

But Ruifan’s worry about his friend made him think of another way——

Can you use the curse on Keanu Reeves to have a temptation to fight poison with poison?

However, this kind of thing requires the subjective cooperation of the parties concerned.

——This is why he needs Rui Fan to convince the other party.

Of course, the plan he said is not entirely fictitious—

After researching the spell rendering technology, Charlotte discovered that spells do have many applications in filming.

So, how about using ghosts as actors?

Currently, the only ghost actor Charlotte has actually used is Alexis.

As for Rui Fan, although he has experienced a lot of drama addiction in "Drop Head", in essence, he is still attached to other actors.

He will not really appear in the movie.

However, the previous experience still makes Charlotte feel that this is a feasible solution.

At least, in some fantasy movies where ghosts and ghosts are rampant, the use of ghost actors is definitely a good choice.

——It is both realistic and cost-saving. The ghosts can also collect some of the audience's fear as their energy through the big screen.

It can be said to be a win-win situation.

It's just that how to form a crew or even a production company where people and ghosts can get along harmoniously and work together is really a big trouble.

At least, after a few movies were filmed, Charlotte didn't think she could keep those living people in the crew.

At the very least, completely hiding the protagonist and photographer is an impossible task.

Charlotte, as a master of deception, is very clear--

He can deceive a certain number of people within a certain period of time. But it is impossible to deceive everyone in a long time.

The reason why a scam is called a scam is because it will be exposed.

Charlotte didn't want the company she formed to end up being cracked like a common scam.

Therefore, he needs to find some like-minded people and actors behind the scenes who are willing to work with ghosts.

The people behind the scenes, he wanted to start with the members of the Ghost Party Studio.

After all, Lao Qiang is even more affectionate. And photographer Addison Young, after several collaborations, Charlotte also thinks he is more reliable.

As for the actors, except for Charlize, who already knew everything, Charlotte chose Keanu Lee Weiss and Johnny Depp.

On the one hand, these two people will become first-line or even superstars in the future, and cooperation with them will not lose.

On the other hand, with the help of Rui Fan, their good brother, Charlotte was more confident to convince them.

"But what if they don't believe what I said and think my appearance is an illusion?"

After listening to Charlotte's explanation, Revan Phoenix understood his intentions.

It should be said that Rui Fan is also very interested in letting his friends know about his existence, but he is still a little worried that the other party will not believe it.

——After all, a good brother turned into a ghost after he died, and then came back to make a movie by himself, even in the script library piled up by the seven major Hollywood studios, it seems to have never happened.

Rui Fan felt that the worldview of his two friends would be smashed by Charlotte.

But after smashing it, it is still a question whether it can accept the world of ghosts and monsters that have changed suddenly...

Charlotte didn't worry much about it.

"I always persuade people with reasoning and act in accordance with the law. I believe they will understand."


Regarding the words of the director, Rui Fan wisely reserved his opinion.

Also, "reason" and "physics" are both "reason", as for "abiding by the law"——

"The "law" you said is a spell, right?"


Charlotte confessed to bluntly and stated her plan.

"After the preparation work is completed, I will help you entrust your dream to them. With the help of Nightmare, it is much easier for me to pull people into dreams. You can persuade them in the dream."

"Then what if I can't persuade?"

Rui Fan asked quietly.

"Then delete the memories in their dreams-I can still do this-then re-enable the dream and persuade! I believe you will succeed sooner or later!"

Charlotte's answer was domineering.


Rui Fan decided that it would be better not to rush to find Keanu and Depp before he is ready.

——After all, Charlotte also said that the curse on Keanu will not be harmful for a while!