Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 306: Dad's daughter

"The propaganda methods of the "Sixth Sense" crew are too despicable!"

Kenneth Turan still had this idea in his mind until he stepped into the theater and was about to watch the premiere of "Sixth Sense".

It's not that the movie "Sixth Sense" caused him any bad feelings, but purely from the perspective of film critics, being restricted from speaking and uncomfortable.

Who told Charlotte to play the big trick of charity before the release of "Sixth Sense"?

If the film is made well, it doesn't matter. It is the normal job of film critics to praise a good film.

It’s nothing if the film is too bad. After all, it’s the quality of the film that determines the reputation of the film. If it's a big bad movie, the name of charity can't stop the big and small sprays all over the United States. No, it's film critics.

The most fearful thing is whether the quality of the film is not bad or not. In fact, this is the most common situation. Under normal circumstances, it is also the time when film critics can perform best.

After all, it makes sense to say good or bad!

However, now because of the name of charity, film critics may have to sing praises to "Sixth Sense".

Who wants to put on a name that does not support charity?

From Kenneth's point of view, this has a bit of moral kidnapping. Although he has always been very fond of Charlotte Booth's movies, this time, he still feels a little awkward.

However, Kenneth Turan didn’t know that this was actually just the beginning--

In the 21st century, all kinds of films with the title of political correctness have emerged in Hollywood, even in comic commercial films.

The most typical is Marvel's "Black Panther". Although the quality of this movie is not bad, it is not normal enough to say that it can make the whole United States sing hymns together.

No way, American film critics are too silly, even the "Titanic" of that year was sprayed by countless sprays.

When "Star Wars" was released, George Lucas was sprayed and almost unable to take care of himself.

If it hadn’t been for the “Force” to be too great, there might have been no George Lucas in Hollywood...

But "Black Panther" gave itself the title of "black superhero movie", but it easily completed this epic-level task.

No way, with the invincible shield of "racial equality", who would dare to spray this movie?

Whoever squirts will immediately get the title of "racist"!

As a result, the quality of "Black Panther", which could only be considered good, was touted as a magical film in North America.

It wasn't until after going to sea that some areas where racial issues were not so up-and-coming did the voices of criticism gradually appear...

Of course, even Charlotte would not know the example of "Black Panther", after all, when this movie was released, he had already passed through.

For Charlotte, he would use the title of charity to promote the "Sixth Sense", but it just happened to happen.

As for the problem of causing disgust from some more sensitive film critics like Kenneth Turan, he really didn't think about it.

However, even if he considers it, he probably won't care about it.

As a commercial film director, Charlotte cares more about the feelings of ordinary movie viewers.

After all, they will contribute movie tickets to Charlotte's movies, and later buy various peripherals because of their love...

Just like Andrew Spark.

This Emily math teacher did not watch the movie with her students this time. Instead, he was accompanied by a policewoman.

"Unexpectedly, I would love women in uniforms just like Emily's unreliable dad."

Andrew complained about himself in his heart.

"Diana, do you think this movie will look good?"

Taking advantage of the gap before the screening, Andrew questioned his female companion.

"It should be good!"

Diana nodded.

She and Andrew met after the previous premiere of "Dropped Head".

Because Kate, who accompanied Diana to the premiere, was suddenly called away by her boss, Diana had to leave alone. As a result, I ran into the gate of the cinema and failed to catch up with the premiere. I could only watch Andrew Spark in the second scene.

At that time, Andrew was holding a big bucket of popcorn and Coke. He was hit by Diana, and he was naturally reimbursed.

Because of this oolong, Diana had to compensate the other party for the loss, and then watched a movie with the other party in a daze, and when the other party invited her for a cup of coffee, she did not refuse...

"Andrew is a good man. It's okay to try to develop with him, right?"

Unlike her good friend Kate, Diana has no plans to marry a job. Besides, what Kate said "married to work", but it is not that there are suitors chasing from the east coast...

Anyway, Diana, who was stimulated by her friends, felt that it was time to develop a romantic relationship.

Therefore, this time Andrew invited her to watch the premiere of "Sixth Sense", but she did not refuse.

Of course, good friend Kate is still busy investigating the case and cannot accompany her, which is also an important reason.

"Why did Kate still hold onto the director Charlotte Booth? He also deliberately investigated several orphanages where the other party showed free movies..."

Diana felt that her friend was too persistent, but she was helpless.


Emily is also helpless.

It was her father who made her helpless--

Although when Emily was young, it was this weird man who took her to watch horror video tapes, but he never took Emily to the cinema to watch a movie.

Emily doesn't know why, but after so many years, the little girl has become used to it.

However, today, Emily's father didn't know what he had eaten wrong, so he had to watch a movie for his He chose "Sixth Sense".

Emily wanted to watch this movie too.

After the three films "Deadly Bend", "Happy Death Day" and "Dropped End", this little girl who likes to see the director to choose movies to watch, has added Charlotte Booth to her favorite The ranks of directors.

So, she originally planned to watch "Sixth Sense"-but not with her father.

Emily originally made an appointment with the four of Shelton and was going to watch this new Charlotte Booth film together, but seeing her father holding two movie tickets excitedly, the little girl couldn’t tell. What if I refuse.


"Just refuse it soon!"

Addison Young mumbled gloomily.

As the behind-the-scenes worker of the movie, it is said that there should be nothing wrong with him when the movie is released.

However, after listening to Charlotte's weird story, he was completely on the thief ship of Mr. Director.

Just like now, he was sent to Malcolm Nursing Home to screen "Sixth Sense" for the patients here.

——Sync with the premiere.

In fact, many behind-the-scenes personnel affiliated with the Ghost Party Studio have received similar tasks.

They are not responsible for normal film screenings. They are sent to more than a dozen orphanages, nursing homes and mental hospitals selected from the top and bottom of the Los Angeles area to represent the attitude of the "Sixth Sense" crew.

"But is it really appropriate to screen a horrible film like "The Sixth Sense" in an orphanage?"

While Addison Yang grumbled, the screening of "Sixth Sense" began——

PS1: "Dad's Daughter" is an American movie released in 2007. It is basically a movie starring black people, just like "Black Panther".