Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 733: successor

? "Charlotte, it's not easy to invite you to a premiere!"

At the premiere of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," Warner producer David Hyman complained to Charlotte,

"After all, you are also one of the producers of the "Harry Potter" series, so you should care more about the little wizards!"

"If I don't care, do you think the special effects of "The Chamber of Secrets" and "Prisoner of Azkaban" can reach the current level? And—"

Charlotte shrugged.

"If I really care too much, should you worry again?"

"how could be?"

David Hyman waved his hand with a dry smile, but he didn't continue his complaint.

Because the facts are indeed as Charlotte said--

As a Hollywood super first-line director who has never failed at the box office, it’s okay for Charlotte not to express any opinions during the production of the "Harry Potter" series. If he says anything, even David Hyman As the chief producer, you can't ignore it.

Even the top leaders of Warner Corporation behind David Hyman may be more willing to listen to Charlotte.

After all, in Hollywood, winners have authority.

And a person like Charlotte who continues to succeed and never fails is an authority that will be superstitious by everyone.

Therefore, if Charlotte really expressed too many opinions during the production of the "Harry Potter" series, then the position of the chief producer of David Hyman would become very embarrassing.

——It's like in the NBA or the Premier League, the retired legend or the outgoing legendary coach, if they point fingers at the status quo of the team they used to play, the current coach will definitely have a very headache.

Of course, Charlotte didn't do this. On the one hand, he really didn't want to do this kind of disgusting things like standing and talking, and on the other hand, he really didn't have time.

——If he had that time, he might as well take over the work of chief producer and even director of the "Harry Potter" series when he was negotiating directly with Warner!

That way he can get more benefits from this series, and at the same time Warner can't ask for it.

——Now that you have pushed these things away, but you are gesticulating, isn't that making trouble for yourself?

Anyway, Charlotte didn't intend to do such a stupid thing.

However, this does not mean that he will completely let go of "Harry Potter".

After all, not to mention that in this world, the first "Sorcerer's Stone" of the "Harry Potter" series was shot by him, and his interest in this series alone prevented him from completely letting go.

And precisely, this time David Heyman invited him to participate in the premiere of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban". An important purpose is to ask him to help——

"Charlotte, Chris doesn't plan to continue directing this series!"

Seeing that no one else was eavesdropping nearby, David Hyman whispered to Charlotte.

"He feels that since "The Prisoner of Azkaban", the story of "Harry Potter" has become darker and more adult, which does not fit his style!"

"This is true!"

Charlotte characteristically nodded--

The director Chris Columbus is really not suitable for too serious and dark movies.

In fact, before taking charge of the "Harry Potter" series of guides, Chris Columbus's most famous works were "Home Alone 1" and "Home Alone 2".

——Hollywood’s unanimous view, Chris Columbus’s movies are always full of childishness.

In Charlotte's original time and space, the director directed the first two parts of the "Harry Potter" series, making a good start for this series.

After that, he also quit his job as a director due to the inconsistency of his style.

And in this time and space, because of Charlotte, it is not Chris Columbus's turn to work for the beginning of the "Harry Potter" series.

But even so, after directing two consecutive films "The Chamber of Secrets" and "The Prisoner of Azkaban", he still submitted his resignation——

"It seems that Chris Columbus really doesn't fit the style of the story behind The Prisoner of Azkaban!"

Charlotte sighed in her heart,

He couldn't say anything about this.

After all, dissatisfaction with style is like shoes that don’t fit.

"So, David, do you need to re-select the director?"

Charlotte looked at David Hyman,

"Is there anything I can help?"

"I need your opinion!"

David Hyman said solemnly,

"Currently, I have three candidates to succeed as directors. I need you to comment on it for me-of course, if you are willing to succeed, that is the best!"

"Don't think about that, David!"

Charlotte shook her head.

"I'll help you refer to the question of successor candidates!"

"All right!"

David Hyman shrugged.

He also knew that the probability of Charlotte agreeing to take over was very low-after all, this guy had refused it several times before.

Even Warner did not let him be swayed by tempting him by increasing the proportion of global revenue sharing.

David Heyman didn't think he was more attractive than Mr. Franklin.

However, he couldn't help but try.

After all, people always have to have dreams, what if they succeed?

Of course, nowadays, it seems that dreams are called dreams for a reason.

But David Hyman was not disappointed.

He naturally introduced Charlotte to the candidate to succeed the director.

"The first is Mike Neville, a British director. The most famous work in the UK is "Four Weddings and a Funeral."

"Hugh Grant and Andy McDowell?"


David Hyman nodded.

"Why, have you seen this movie?"

"Of course. The movie "Four Weddings and a Funeral" is a model of British humor and romantic comedy, I have naturally watched it!"

Charlotte smiled.

In fact, when he and Charlize were dating, they watched the movie together three times.

This aspect is because this love movie is really which is very in line with the appetite of the two.

On the other hand, it was because of the marital phobia of the hero in the movie, which to some extent caused the resonance of Charlize, who had not solved his psychological problems at the time, and still wanted to be in bed and not marry Charlotte.

——Of course, when two people are almost two years old now even their daughters, this resonance is meaningless.

But thanks to this, Charlotte has a clearer view of Mike Newell's directing style.

Especially, he has an acquaintance who once worked under Mike Newell's ——

"When I filmed "The Mummy", John Hanna, who played the heroine Evelyn's brother Jonathan, played an important supporting role in Mike Newell's "Four Weddings and a Funeral"!"

Charlotte explained to David Hyman,

"He said that Mike Neville is a director with a very delicate style and good at digging into the performance of actors. His level is very good-and this is in line with the judgment I got from "Four Weddings and a Funeral."