Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 754: Tradition

?Of course, although not optimistic about the prospects of "Polar Express", Charlotte still let IMAX and the Ghost Party studio support Robert Zemigis' work as much as possible.

After all, the money is collected!

Moreover, for technology companies, the success or failure of such outsourcing projects is actually not important. The most important thing is to be able to take other people's money and improve the technical level of one's own company.

In fact, George Lucas’s Industrial Light and Magic was the only one in the field of special effects in the film, and it was also related to their participation in a large number of film projects and long training.

As for Charlotte herself, she didn’t plan to rush forward so violently—

"It's easy to get rid of the eggs if you step too far!"

Charlotte complained.

Because of his experience in the original time and space, he always felt that it was a bit early to start shooting 3D movies in 2002.

——Even in this time and space, because of his reasons, the speed of development and promotion of certain film technology has been faster by his original time and space.

But his thoughts remained the same.

"Even if you don't need to wait until 2009 like the original time-space "Avatar", at least you will get 2005 or 2006..."

Charlotte estimates based on IMAX's current technological progress.

——This is exactly one of the biggest benefits he got after mastering the IMAX company.

"I will use the relatively mature IMAX technology in Inception first!"

Charlotte decided to set a small goal for herself first.

Anyway, even in his original time and space, when "Inception" was released in 2010, he did not use 3D technology.

This is actually very anti-trend in the era when the 3D movie boom caused by "Avatar" came surging.

However, with its excellent story and imaginative performance, "Inception" is still a god.

However, Charlotte also knew that this would happen, to a large extent, just because it was too late--

After all, when "Avatar" was released, it was the end of 2009, and "Inception" was released in 2010.

——In less than a year, even a director with various cheating methods like Charlotte would have a hard time making a movie.

For normal directors who can't cheat, it's impossible.

——The time it takes for a general director to make a movie is generally between 2 to 3 years.

In other words, "Inception" was actually filmed before "Avatar" was released, or even completed.

In the next year or so, it was actually used more in post-production and publicity preparation.

——After all, big scenes like "Rewinding Paris" cannot be perfectly realized without relying on digital technology to make and correct them in the post.

——At least, in the absence of Charlotte's spell cheating, it is true.

In this case, "Inception" also lost the opportunity to be made into a real 3D movie.

Of course, "Inception" can also be converted into a 3D movie or a "pseudo 3D movie" by means of later conversion.

——This is the late 3D conversion technology mentioned by Charlotte and IMAX CEO Jelock.

In fact, Charlotte's original time and space, most of the 3D movies released in 2010 were such "pseudo 3D movies."

——Similar to the situation encountered in "Inception", most of the movies released in 2010, especially those large commercial productions, are often finished by the end of 2009.

They will be transformed into 3D movies through post-production technology, just because movie audiences at the time were hungry for 3D movies precisely because of "Avatar", so they took the opportunity to speculate on concepts, catch up on the craze, and cheat the box office.

In this regard, the most typical is Disney's "Alice in Wonderland"——

The quality of the movie itself is not really good, but just because it completed the 3D conversion in time, it became the second full 3D movie after "Avatar".

——This kind of "pseudo 3D" created the second place, so that "Alice in Wonderland" easily won the box office of more than 900 million US dollars in the world.

Under this circumstance, how many other Hollywood producers will not see the money and open their eyes?

In addition, Christopher Nolan, the director of "Inception", out of his own pride and stubbornness, and there were too many "pseudo 3D movies" that appeared in a swarm at the time, which made the audience somewhat aesthetically tired, so this movie is not 3D. The movie, which has achieved exaggerated success in the era of the arrival of the 3D movie boom.

This kind of success has a lot of market and time factors, even if Charlotte cheats with spells, it is difficult to replicate.

However, from another perspective, "Inception" is a movie very suitable for Charlotte.

——Especially when he moved to this world, ahead of time after 2002 to 2003.

First of all, as mentioned earlier, "Inception" is not a 3D movie due to the influence of time, which allows Charlotte to copy directly in this era when 3D technology is completely immature;

Secondly, because of the insistence of director Christopher Nolan, the use of digital special effects in Inception is very restrained.

——In Charlotte's original propaganda of time and space, it is said that most of the special effects of this movie are done using traditional special effects technology.

In 2010, such a movie can be said to be moving against the trend;

But back in 2002, Charlotte did this is a very realistic approach-

The digital special effects technology in 2002 was not as developed as seven or eight years later.

Taking into account the cost and time, it is a very reasonable approach to use digital special effects to overcome some difficult-to-handle pictures and leave the other parts to traditional special effects technology.

Like the giant Vientiane Ring specially built to shoot fighting scenes in a weightless state before, everyone in the crew was amazed;

In addition, it is planned to be used at the beginning of the movie. The shocking picture of the flood flooding into the Japanese palace is also shot using traditional special effects technology——

When shooting in reality, the special effects team built the interior of the huge palace in Warner's studio, and stored a total of 5,000 gallons of water in 26 water tanks carefully arranged at each window of the scene.

When needed, these water tanks are opened in sequence under the drive of the mechanism, and the scene of "water overflowing with golden mountains" is also produced.

——Compared with the previous weightless fighting, Charlotte did not even use spells to cheat at all in this "water over the golden mountain" scene.

The same situation, and in Fisher’s first dream in the story, the train that exaggeratedly drove on the streets of Los Angeles——

If in a few years digital special effects technology is more developed, Charlotte can indeed use digital special effects to make trains.

However, the world is still in 2002, and the technology is not so advanced. The use of digital special effects means that the performance of other live actors in this scene will be greatly restricted.

So Charlotte simply adopted the method used by the original "Inception" crew-

He really got a train out!

The big guy is internally driven by trucks and several trailers, and the outside is covered with a fiberglass train shell to make it fake.

When filming, everyone really performed by the side of this fake train.

Of course, the digital special effects team is not without work here—

In post-production, they still need to use a computer to replace car tires with train wheels.

However, it is much simpler than creating a train...