Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 8: Poltergeist

Charlotte will take the initiative to stimulate Charlize, not for fun, not to be a life mentor, to pour some life chicken soup, everything he does is actually to fulfill his promise to the blonde girl-to catch ghosts for her, Get rid of that "Alexis".

   As the saying goes, suspicion gives rise to dark ghosts. People will be entangled by ghosts and evil things, mostly because of the influence of the dark side of their hearts. The magic stick said that there is no way to blessings and evils, and people incur themselves. Like Charlize, the reason why she was entangled by "Alexis", as they analyzed, is because after Charlize was frustrated, her inner depression and feelings of loss caused Alexis. The vibes of, this was possessed, triggering a series of events later. Therefore, to get rid of Alexis, the most important thing is to get rid of the negative emotions in Charlize first. It is better to draw salaries from the bottom of the tank. Without the support of negative emotions, ghosts of this level will lose most of their power and become much easier to deal with.

   Actually, if you do it like this, even if you leave it alone, maybe Charlize will not have any problems. After all, Alexis is not a vicious ghost. When the girl has overcome her own negative emotions, she should not be able to get up easily. After a long time, it will naturally slowly dissipate.

   However, Charlotte didn't want to go so easily. On the one hand, he felt that the gloom deep in Charlize's heart, which could attract ghosts to the upper body, might not only show it a little bit, but he couldn't go deeper if he spoke shallowly. Therefore, just in case, it is safer to do an expulsion altogether. On the other hand, although he has rich theoretical experience, he has never practiced it once. Now that such a good opportunity is in front of him, how can he let it go!

   "Always feel like you are very excited?"

   Charlize looked at Charlotte, who was busy, and suddenly felt a little puzzled.

   It was already night at this time.

   After that, they went to the nearby police station again to further confirm the matter about Alexis. Although it is impossible to say that it is to exorcise ghosts-that would definitely be driven out as a troublesome snake spirit-but for Charlotte, who was once a "master", lying and deceiving people are really not a problem, they Easily got the information about Alexis from there, although it is not detailed, but it does prove Charlotte's series of speculations. So, after making a series of preparations separately, they returned to Charlize's home again.

   "What are you doing?"

In Charlize’s bedroom, Charlotte first sprinkled some newly bought salt around—in view of Charlize’s financial situation, the purchase of similar props were all Charlotte’s pockets—and then he asked Charlize to stand. At the bedside, she drew a circle with pure white salt.

   "In many legends in the East and the West, salt is a holy thing that can be used to exorcise evil spirits. In fact, it may not be without cause. Salt can indeed be used to exorcise evil, although it is of little use."

   While explaining, Charlotte continued to sprinkle salt,

"Salt's exorcism power is very small, and it can almost affect the newly born weak evil creatures. Even a ghost like Alexis, which is not powerful by calculation, is actually not afraid of it. However, although it is effective It is small, but salt is a very suitable indicator, just like litmus turns blue when it encounters alkali. As long as there are evil things nearby, then the salt sprinkled with a special method will immediately react."

   "What's the reaction?"

  Although she was still afraid and suspicious, Charlotte's words revealed a new world in front of Charlize, and she couldn't help but be a little curious.

"It will become messy. Simply put, I slowly retreat while sprinkling salt. According to common sense, the falling salt should form a line that is close to a straight line, but once there are ghosts and evil things nearby, the salt will not be completely spilled. Following the action of gravity and air resistance, a large-scale deviation will occur, and the formed lines will be very messy, just like now!"

   said, he pointed to the ground. Charlize took a look with his fingers and couldn't help taking a breath—

The refined salt that Charlotte sprinkled around Charlize, according to his course of action and actions, should have formed an irregular circle, but now it seems that Charlize’s feet are radiating light. The pattern of the sun-many small salt grains did not fall with gravity, but as if they were thrown far away under the action of an invisible force, forming one after another on the periphery of the circle Rays.

"Why is this so?"

   Although this strange sight made Charlize more and more scared, she was a little fascinated by the strange psychology of women, and her curiosity became more and more vigorous.

   "Have you ever been bitten by a mosquito? Mosquitoes are annoying, right?"

   Charlotte was a little bit unreasonable.

"Of course!"

"A ghost feels about salt the same way you feel about mosquitoes—although it doesn’t make a big impact, but it’s very annoying and annoying—then, when you are harassed and bitten by nasty mosquitoes, what will you have subconsciously? What about the reaction?"

   "Slap or wave away!"


  Charlotte nodded,

"Similarly, when ghosts face the tiny salt grains they hate and are bored like mosquitoes, even if they do not respond intentionally, they will naturally react instinctively, which is the so-called poltergeist. The weight of the salt grain is very light. Even if the poltergeist is only slightly disturbed, its falling trajectory will be greatly deviated, so there is the current picture."

"I see."

   Charlize nodded and suddenly realized a problem,

   "Wait! Now based on the falling trajectory of the salt grains, can it be explained that all your so-called poltergeists are centered on me? That doesn't mean—"

   "That's right!"

  Charlotte nodded,

   "This means that'Alexis' has always been attached to you!"

   "But if that's the case, why don't I feel it at all?"

   "Because as I said before,'Alexis' is not a powerful ghost."

   Charlotte took out the broom and began to clean the salt he sprinkled on the floor.

"It doesn't even have a sober consciousness all the time. Most of the time, it is just a chaotic mental body, only possessing instincts like a poltergeist. Only when you have enough negative emotions will it be activated when you are attached to you. , Become a conscious'her'; and only when you are basically unconscious and unable to effectively control your body, the conscious'her' can partly affect your behavior."

"That is not bad."

   Charlize patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did he notice Charlotte’s behavior.

   "Why are you sweeping away the salt that you have sorely sprinkled with?"

   "Of course I must sweep away."

   Charlotte looked at Charlize inexplicably, seeming to be surprised that she still has such nosy curiosity at this time.

"My purpose of spreading salt is to confirm whether'Alexis' is always by your side-if it is not always attached to your body or by your side, but in other situations, then the solution is A lot of changes need to be made-now that it is confirmed, then naturally we have to clean up these fine salts that can stimulate ghosts. Otherwise, if this stuff keeps stimulating ghosts, I won't be able to lure'Alexis' into it. I have set up the game."

   "Set up a bureau?"

  Charlize frowned and frowned.

   "Why do I always think your actions are like a liar?"

   "I was a liar!"

   Charlotte took this as a compliment,

"Humans have to deal with ghosts and evil things, they have to be deceived and deceived. If they rely on their own strength to deal with ghosts, it is very difficult. It is just like trying to sprint with a cheetah or swimming with a dolphin. , More often, I have to rely on this—"

   He knocked his forehead,

   "Forget it, you can clean up the rest yourself! Anyway, it's just cleaning, I'm going to make other preparations."

  Speaking, Charlotte handed the broom to Charlize, but looked impatient.

Charlize took his broomstick with a pouting mouth, but found that the salt grains on the floor that had been swept together by Eberham were mixed with these curly golden hairs, which made the blonde girl's face a little unnatural-she Her clothes have not been washed and littered for a long time, and the level of sloppyness is comparable to that of her friend Petunia. Naturally, it is impossible to clean the bedroom And as a young girl who is less than twenty years old, her new metabolism It's actually very vigorous...

   "Hey, what are you doing!?"

   Adjusted from the embarrassment and swept away the salt grains on the floor. Charlize looked up and found that Charlotte was uncovering the poster on the wall.

   "Don't mess around! That's the poster issued at the premiere of "First Blood 3", with Sylvester's autograph on it! It's hard to get—"


Before Charlize could finish, the poster with Rambo had been taken down by Charlotte. Fortunately, because it took a long time to post it, it was not difficult to take it off. The poster was not damaged except that the corners were damaged. To what serious damage.

   "You bastard, this is the only poster I have autographed by Mr. Stallone. If it breaks, what will you pay for me!?"

  Charlize’s angry accusation had no effect on Charlotte. He didn't even look at the blond girl who was flaring his teeth and claws. He turned around and picked up a piece of white paper with the ink not yet dried, and pasted it on the place of the previous Rambo poster. The handwriting on the white paper was very scribble. Charlize couldn't understand what was written on it at all. He only felt that it was the same as the signature on the doctor's prescription when he went to the hospital to see a doctor. And before she could carefully identify the ghost-like handwriting, Charlotte put a second piece of white paper on the white paper just pasted...

   "Are these in Japanese?"

   Charlotte was in the same position and repeatedly pasted three white papers with strange writing on it. Charlize finally recognized that the font was a strange square character. When she was a model before, she spent some time in RB on the other side of the Pacific and saw similar words.

   However, Charlotte's response was a contemptuous glance.

   "No, this is Chinese!"