Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 822: Wake up from a dream

"I didn't expect it to be so troublesome!"

After the image of the old ghost disappeared from her eyes, Charlotte sighed.

——According to his original plan, he planned to take the opportunity to figure out the situation when he was crossing.

However, according to the news given by the old ghost's afterimage, it seems a bit dangerous to do so.

"There are too many layers deep in the dream, and it is easy to get lost in the abyss of consciousness!"

Charlotte had no doubts about this statement.

This is not only out of trust in the old ghost who taught him spells, but also because Charlotte has seen too many ghosts in this world.

——Even, he personally created many ghosts including Valkyrie and Headless Horseman.

This made him vaguely aware of the existence of the abyss of consciousness.

——Alexis, as the Valkyrie in Norse mythology, is a ghost with a name and a surname.

In essence, she also doesn't have a brain, but she can think completely like a normal person without explicitly borrowing a certain individual's brain. Doesn't she rely on the collective consciousness of all human beings?

Charlotte actually knew this before, but lacked enough understanding of this overly mysterious community of human consciousness.

According to what the old ghost says today, isn't that the abyss of consciousness?

After borrowing the new abilities from "Inception" to gradually deepen the deep exploration of dreams, Charlotte will finally come into direct contact with the abyss of consciousness.

"It is precisely because of this that the image that the old ghost left in his subconscious a long time ago suddenly appeared, and stopped me through the dream of my own fear, right?"

Charlotte had fully understood the old ghost's worries.

Although he would not give up just as the old ghost guessed, he also realized that his preparations might not be as abundant as he had imagined.

"Especially, there may be the Lord of the Abyss in it!"

Of course, this is just a guess of Charlotte.

After all, he has been looking for the trail of the Lord of the Abyss for some time because of that oath.

But even in the depths of the Bermuda Triangle that he most suspected before, there weren't many discoveries.

——Although the aura of the submarine pyramid is magical, after studying for a period of time, Charlotte did not find anything else.

This made him wonder if his previous guess that the Lord of the Abyss was hiding in the deep sea was wrong.

And now, after receiving the old ghost's news about the abyss of consciousness, Charlotte suddenly wondered whether the "Abyss" of the Lord of the Abyss was actually the "Abyss" of the Abyss of Consciousness...

"This possibility cannot be said to be impossible, but to be sure, the evidence needed is still too little!"

Charlotte sighed in her heart, but she couldn't help it.

After all, even in the dream of the bat demon before, Charlotte did not find much information about the Lord of the Abyss.

What does this show?

This shows that even for such ancient existences as monsters and ghosts, the Lord of the Abyss is also an unpredictable existence.

"Even the same mysterious existence of the Lord of Hell doesn't seem to know much about the Lord of the Abyss..."

If you think about it this way, it's pretty good that Charlotte can find so many clues now.

"Just thinking about it, the old ghost's warning is really important-it seems that I have to make more preparations before I can explore the deeper layers of the dream..."

With such a sigh, Charlotte began to gradually return to a higher level of dream...


Charlize did not know Charlotte's bizarre experience.

She was just sitting in the cinema, ready to wake Charlotte at the necessary moment.

However, as time passed, the plot of "Inception" gradually approached the end, and when Charlotte showed no signs of waking up, she was a little panicked——

"Isn't something accident happened?"

Charlize, who knows a lot about spells, felt wrong instinctively.

Seeing that Cobb played by Charlotte on the big screen has returned to his home in North America, he couldn't help turning the spinning top as a totem because he was worried, but he subconsciously forgot to check the result because he missed the child. , Charlize, who had watched the preview version in advance, knew that the end had arrived.

She finally made up her mind, leaned over and kissed Charlotte's lips, who hadn't actually woken up yet—

"Don't talk about one hot kiss and two hot kisses, as long as you wake up, I can do it on the spot!"

The South African girl said cruelly in her heart.


Perhaps it was because Charlize's mentality was too decisive. Charlotte really, as she expected, finally woke up at the moment the lights came on in the projection hall.

——After all, through Charlize’s beautiful lips, the rough tip of the tongue that comes in is beyond the control of the sleeping person.

Charlize originally wanted to end this kiss in the public, but when Charlotte woke up, she took advantage of her waist, and the tongue that came in became more and more unscrupulous...


Although Charlize wanted to resist a little bit, the familiar heat made her give up quickly and turned to cater instead.

——After all, as an Oscar queen, she still has the ability to kiss like no one under the crowd.


"The pair of beloved dogs are showing their affection again!"

Just after watching "Inception", while still reminiscing about the story and the wonderful pictures in her mind, Mary suddenly heard Parker Spade next to her mouth a bit sour and authentic.

She looked up, but saw that in the front row of the theater, the director and actor of "Inception" was just over, kissing his heroine and his wife like no one else.

The hot energy made Mary suddenly feel a little uncomfortable.

"They should really open a room!"

Parker next to him continued to be sour and authentic.

Mary also agrees with this sentence.

However, she also finds it very interesting for Parker, who is sour when she sees the lovers kissing.

"Although the person next to you is not your girlfriend, we have done everything a boyfriend and girlfriend can do!"

Mary laughed and teased Parker.

"So, don't be jealous of them, so can we!" Mary kissed Parker’s lips all at once...

After a long time, their lips slowly separated. Even so, a thin line of crystal saliva is still connected between the two of them——

"Let's go open the room!"

Parker said.

Mary nodded generously.

However, immediately she remembered another question-

"Are you going to watch this movie a second time? Should we wait after we finish watching—"

"We can wait and see again!"

Parker interrupted Mary eagerly, like a big boy who had successfully made an appointment with the prom queen at the high school prom.

This made Marie laughed "greatly"...