Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 833: King's return

After all, although the box office of a movie is the most important indicator of the success of a movie, the factors that affect it are far more than the quality of the movie.

Publicity, inflation, fares...

A lot of off-disk factors can affect the box office of a movie. And the box office of a movie does not absolutely indicate its ability to make money——

Not to mention things like peripheral development, just the change in the purchasing power of the currency, or inflation, has to be considered.

For this reason, in the world that Charlotte currently lives in, although the highest-grossing movie in movie history is still "Titanic", after calculating the purchasing power of the currency, it actually earned the most value through theater screenings. Yes, but it's an old movie——

"Gone with the Wind".

——The movie starring Vivien Leigh, originally known as "Gone with the Wind", has considerable influence among American folk.

At least, when it comes to the name Scarlett, many people will think of Scarlett O'Hara—that is, the name of the heroine in "Gone with the Wind" (the old Chinese translation of Scarlett Hao)—not the blonde meat Play Scarlett Johansson.

Of course, after the Marvel Universe begins to descend into this world, it's hard to say...


However, even so, Charlotte's "Inception" at the box office can be regarded as one of the top in movie history.

This kind of movie has a huge influence, which is unmatched by ordinary commercial movies——

Just like "The Matrix 2: Reloaded", if not compared with "Inception", the box office results of this movie are already pretty good.

However, in front of the global box office of Inception, which has exceeded 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, it seems ordinary again.

"It is estimated that this year's "common" commercial blockbuster will not only have one "The Matrix 2"—"

The famous film critic Kenneth Turan once again incarnates as Charlotte Blow in the newspaper, and also serves as a big predictor,

"The Matrix 3: The Matrix Revolution, The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King, and the Harry Potter series-it is foreseeable that these blockbuster films that will be released at the end of this year originally had the chance to win the annual box office championship. However, under the super-phenomenological performance of "Inception", they can only helplessly stay behind..."

And this prophecy was soon fulfilled-

Because of the shooting together with "The Matrix 2", the post-production of "The Matrix 3" was completed very quickly. Warner, as the distributor, is also rare without delay. The end of this trilogy was released in October 2003.

As a result, not to mention that it surpassed Inception, even the box office of The Matrix 2: Reloaded.

——Although to be fair, this is still a masterpiece, but because of the increasingly obvious philosophical-or non-human-tendencies of the Wachowski brothers, the audience has struggled to understand it.

In this case, the box office was slightly lower than the second one, which actually became a normal ending.

In contrast, the performance of "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King" is better-

First of all, although it is a fantasy film, this movie is after all adapted from Tolkien's famous work, and the initial force is different;

Secondly, as a director, Peter Jackson has a very deep understanding of Tolkien's work. When adapting it, he almost used his abilities 300%;

Finally, this is also a work of the Ghost Party Studio——

At present, because of Charlotte's advance layout and spells, after several consecutive commercial special effects blockbusters, the special effects level of the Ghost Party Studio is already among the top in Hollywood.

——Even the Industrial Light and Magic, who has always been the industry leader, can only bow down to Charlotte's special effects that incorporate spell cheating.

This allows all the movies produced by the Ghost Party Studios to have the highest level of special effects in Hollywood.

And Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" series also got this bonus.

Coupled with Charlotte helping him to optimize the rhythm of the movie, it can be said that the "Lord of the Rings" series in this world is more beautiful than Charlotte's original world.

Of course, this kind of good-looking is not enough to make it counterattack "Inception", but as an adaptation of the famous book, "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King" is the finale of the series, which makes it unique on the Oscars. Have advantages.

"At next year's Oscar, you have a big advantage!"

"The Return of the King" was released in North America for a week of celebrations, Charlotte gave Peter Jackson this analysis, but this made the latter a little excited.

——After all, that is Oscar!

"But, your "Inception" is also this year's phenomenon-level work, right?"

Peter Jackson was a little worried about being authentic.

——No way, although "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King" and "Inception" are the works of the Phantom Party studio, but the latter is Charlotte's "pro son" and almost equals the "Titanic" "No."’s global box office record, if Charlotte let the Ghost Party more support the latter at the Oscars, Peter Jackson would have nothing to do.

In response, Charlotte shook her head.

"Inception can indeed be said to be this year's movie of the year, but the commercial elements of this movie are relatively high after all. If the old guys at the Academy of Film Science and Art have other choices, they will not be like it easily. Commercial films are compromised."

"And "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King" is "other options"?"

Peter Jackson somewhat understood the hidden meaning in Charlotte's words.

Charlotte nodded.

""Inception" occupied the summer box office, "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King" guarded the Christmas file and pointed at Oscar, and "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: The End of the World" was moved to next May by me. The arrangement can maximize the advantages of several works."

"I see!"

Peter Jackson understood thoroughly--

It is true that almost equals "Titanic" at the box office, and is basically under the global downgrade, even if "Inception" wins the Oscar statuette, it can't squeeze out more benefits. .

The "Lord of the Rings" series is different. Oscar's influence can still help it make more money.

—— Sherlock's reason for supporting the "Lord of the Rings" series is more from the perspective of commercial interests.

"Since this is the case, then I will go all out at Oscars later!"

Peter Jackson expressed his determination and confidence to Charlotte.

——Who makes the other party his boss?

And this 2003, when a lot of things happened, ended unknowingly in the hot screening of "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King"...