Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 844: Conceited

In fact, Captain Barbosa who died in the first part of "Pirates of the Caribbean" can be resurrected with the help of the currently sealed sea goddess.

And the other party is willing to help him resurrect, naturally it is not free——

He must help resurrect the sea goddess!

——Otherwise, the other party can bring him back to life, and can also turn him into a pile of dead bones at any time.

With this agreement, Barbosa had to make a proposal to release the goddess of the sea. However, the pirates quarreled suddenly.

No way, who made the sea goddess seal the pirates in the first place——

It turned out that before turning into an octopus head, David Jones, like other pirate kings, was one of the nine pirate kings.

However, he fell in love with the alien sea goddess.

The goddess of the sea also has some theocracy about death. She hopes that David Jones can drive the "Flying Dutchman" to guide her dead souls to Hades on the sea.

During this period, the "Flying Dutchman" could not dock.

And every ten years, David Jones can go ashore to meet the goddess of the sea.

At that time, David Jones, who was in love, agreed to this request, signed a magical agreement, and only smiled for the Pomeranian.

However, ten years later, when he landed to meet the sea goddess, the other party did not wait for him.

This made David Jones very sad and angry. He dug out his own heart and swore to retaliate against the other party——

After that, he took the other pirate kings and sealed them into the bodies of mortals by taking advantage of the weaknesses he had learned about each other when he got along with the sea goddess.

——That is, Calypso, the witch who appeared in "Pirates of the Caribbean 2."

After that, David Jones stopped guiding the undead at sea to the Hades.

This violation of the agreement caused him and the crew on the Flying Dutchman to be cursed, so they lost their human form and turned into monsters with characteristics of marine life.

And David Jones turned into an octopus head.

"It seems that this David Jones is also a poor man!"

Seeing the scene when David Jones and the Goddess of the Sea met in the movie, Laila couldn't help but sigh.

In particular, when David Jones temporarily removed his octopus head and restored his human form under the magic of the sea goddess, Laila realized that this man seemed to be the director of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, Charlotte Booth.

"I heard that Director Charlotte made a cameo by David Jones, but because of the shape of the octopus head, I haven't paid much attention to it. Now it seems to be true!"

Although not a fan of Charlotte, Layla is also the kind of girl who cares more about entertainment news. In addition, in recent years, Charlotte is the hottest director in Hollywood, so he still recognizes her appearance. .


"Speaking of which, the actor of the Goddess of the Sea is Charlize Theron-these two are also husband and wife in reality!"

Laila suddenly felt that in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, there seemed to be many stalks waiting for her to discover.

Of course, I think like Laila, after all, it is only a minority, most of the audience, at this time, the mind is still in the plot——

"Counting this way, the members on the pirate side can be said to have their own ghosts!"

Kenneth Turan said to himself in the North American movie theaters.

Seeing now, this famous film critic, who has long become a Charlotte fan, discovered that Charlotte seems to have made another **** commercial blockbuster——

You know, general commercial blockbusters do not pursue overly complicated plots.

Who makes a movie have a limited duration after all? If more time is invested in the performance effects and scenes that commercial films pay more attention to, then the time used to narrate the plot will naturally be reduced?

Even if the duration of today's commercial blockbusters has a tendency to extend, the time that can be extended is ultimately limited.

——Not to mention the profound lesson of David Griffith’s "Party Facing Differences", the audience’s bladder, after all, has a limit to withstand.

Therefore, it is quite normal for commercial blockbusters to have simple plots and routines.

——Even a super director, it’s hard to use one minute as two minutes, isn’t it?

However, Charlotte did this in "Pirates of the Caribbean 3"—

On the premise of not affecting the scene effect of the movie, he used narrative techniques and lens language simply out of fancy.

This allows the chaotic and complicated character relationships in "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" to be easily understood by the audience.

Take Kenneth Turan as an example. He easily understood the minds of everyone on the pirate side--

Barbossa was threatened by the sea goddess and had to try to rescue Jack and the Black Pearl.

——Because Jack was one of the nine pirate kings who participated in sealing the goddess of the ocean, the goddess of the ocean needs his token to unlock his seal;

Will Turner hopes to get the Black Pearl in exchange for the freedom of his father, the old Turner who served on the "Flying Dutchman";

——So, after he rescued Jack, he will conspire with Beckett and the pirate queen named "Mingkong" to be a spy;

As for Mingkong, the cunning pirate queen helped to rescue Jack, obviously to give him to Lord Beckett or the East India Company for self-protection.

——It's just that because of the empathy effect of the dead daughter, she took Elizabeth away, but died by accident and had to pass her position to Elizabeth;

In contrast, the behavior of the heroine Elizabeth does not have so many profit factors, but is more emotionally driven.

However, after rescuing Jack, she found out that her father had been killed by Lord Beckett, which instead made her firm her idea of ​​revenge.

——From this point of view, Elizabeth is the one who hates Lord Beckett and the East India Company the most and has the most determined mind among the pirates.

"So, only if she is selected as the leader of the pirate kings, can the pirates truly declare war on the East India Company headed by Lord Beckett!"

Jaina, who has watched the first two parts of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, quickly understood the plot of the movie this time. This time, she didn't even need Emily to help her explain.

This made her think that she had watched more movies and had a stronger understanding of movie language.

However, in the eyes of Kenneth Turan and other old youtiao movies, this is because of the superb narrative techniques used by the director in "Pirates of the Caribbean 3."

"Unlike the multi-line narrative in "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", the narrative defenses of this movie are more diverse, lacking and moisturizing and silent-while telling the audience the story, there is no The feeling of being overwhelmed-Charlotte Booth, the director, has improved again!"

In the cinema on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, originally only came to see the lively Gong Chang Guoshi, but at this time he has already taken on the attitude of research——

He knows very well that although he is well-known on the Pacific Ocean and the number one in the international film world, what he is best at is, after all, the control of the lens and the color, as for the narrative ability...

Oh, don't mention it!