Cheeky Sword God (A Cheeky Kendo God)

Chapter 1156: Refining willingness



Of course, in fact, not everyone is affected by willingness.

At least, Princess Changning is totally unaffected.

With the status of Princess Changning, she has naturally come into contact with the power of aspiration, and perhaps even the power of aspiration in her body is much stronger than that of others. But the problem is that Princess Changning herself is practicing the power of the heavens, if not for the emergence of Emperor Donghua , Perhaps Princess Changning would be the one chosen by Dao Ancestor. In this way, Princess Changning, who had cultivated the power of heaven, was naturally not affected by the power of wish.

However, this is only limited to her, at least she can't dissolve the constraints of other people's willingness.

There was a stern look in her eyes, Princess Changning did not speak, but flipped her wrist again, and the ruling blade made of silver light pointed towards Emperor Donghua again.

Princess Changning's meaning is also obvious, no matter what other people are, as long as she is not affected, the battle will still not end.

As long as Emperor Donghua dared to act on other people, Princess Changning would immediately usher in the fiercest attack.

"Princess Changning, you can't stop it...Under the general situation, if you insist on blocking, you can only take your own life! You are different from others, and I really don't want to do it with you."

Looking at Princess Changning, Emperor Donghua spoke softly.

Before in the Lower Realm, Princess Changning had a battle with the Emperor Donghua. It was difficult for the Emperor Donghua to truly win, but now it is different. Returning to the upper realm, with the help of the power of heaven, the Emperor Donghua is 100% sure to defeat or even cut. Kill Princess Changning.

"It's just death. Changning itself is the one who died once. The emperor thought, would I still be afraid of death?"

She raised her brows slightly, and Princess Changning replied calmly.

The tone was very light, but the resolute meaning in the words made no one doubt Princess Changning's determination.

The emperor gave death, if it weren't for Wu Chi's arrival, Princess Changning would indeed have died. The claim that she died once is not a lie.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Princess Changning to temporarily stop the Emperor of Donghua, Wu Chi is also constantly trying to derive a method to resolve his aspirations.

Moreover, it has to be said that the result of Princess Changning's safety has also given Wu Chi great inspiration.

What is willingness?

According to Emperor Donghua, the power of aspiration was derived from the power of heaven. Princess Changning was not affected by the power of aspiration, which seemed to confirm this, but Wu Chi had noticed something different from it.

Before the Emperor Donghua said that the force of wishing is the entanglement of cause and effect!

But what is cause and effect?

Wu Chi has not really practiced aspiration power. His aspiration power comes entirely from the darkness of the prison world, and his experience in Infernal Purgatory originates from the judge's red robe.

According to rumors, the Dark Prison Realm was created by the Dark Star Lord.

But in Wu Chi's current realm, it is easy to feel that the Dark Star Lord still can't make a place like Infernal Purgatory, let alone make something like the judge's red robe.

These may originate from the great power of Taikoo.

There may be part of the dark prison world that is the handwriting of the dark star master, but there must be many places, which are the inheritance of the ancient power.

If... Infernal Purgatory and the judge's red robe are both inherited from the great power of the ancient times, does it mean that the aspiration force is not simply created by the ancestors of the Tao, but has existed since the ancient times?

Wu Chi's thoughts seemed to have returned to the situation in Infernal Purgatory in an instant!

At the beginning, he reopened the gate of life and death with the help of the judge's red robe in Infernal Purgatory, so that the dead souls in Infernal Purgatory had a way to life.

Looking back now, maybe this is the source of my aspiration.

If it is derived from this perspective, then perhaps the force of will is the power of cause and effect of all beings!

The land of chaos is also called the land of seals!

At the beginning, the Primordial Powers joined forces to seal the Heavenly Dao Stone and seal the upper realm to form the power of the Heavenly Dao, and then the Heavenly Dao has been under the control of the Dao Ancestor.

Under the realm of heaven, all the entanglement of cause and effect cannot escape from the realm of heaven.

Therefore, to a certain extent, if you control the power of heaven, you can see through all cause and effect in this upper realm, and it naturally includes the power of will that is transformed by the power of controlling cause and effect!

Emperor Donghua said that the power of aspiration is derived from the power of heaven. This is not wrong, but it may not be the whole truth.

Nowadays, relying on the Qinglian Sword Realm to forcefully expel aspiration force, and to fight against it, it was naturally the most stupid way.

The best way to solve the aspiration force is still to perceive the aspiration force, and then find a way to refine it.

This kind of thinking may be unrealistic for others, but it may not be for Wu Chi.

He himself has the strength of Primordial Power, and the Qinglian Sword Realm has also turned into the real world. It is only because of the suppression of the power of Heaven that he cannot fully display his strength.

But no matter what, at least the realm is enough.

For the existence of the Star Master Realm, Wish Power may be insoluble, but for the Primordial Power, it may not be impossible to refine.

For Wu Chi's existence, the most feared thing is that he can't find a direction!

Once you find the right direction and deduced it, the speed will be much faster.

After thinking about this, when Wu Chi once again felt the power, his heart became clear again.

Even the judge's red robe is actually a manifestation of cause and effect.

And cause and effect itself is a direction of the avenue.

At this point, Wu Chi simply stopped crushing the aspiration power with the sword intent, but tried to introduce the aspiration power into the Qinglian sword world to analyze and refine this power.

Facts have proved that Wu Chi's talent can really only be described as a monster.

Once the right method was found, within a few moments, Yuanli began to merge into the Qinglian Sword Realm under Wu Chi's control. Although this process was not fast, for Wu Chi, it was an essential difference!

The most important thing is...Wu Chi is also slowly comprehending the power of heaven in the process of refining the aspiration power!

As Emperor Donghua said, the power of aspiration was originally derived from the power of the Dao of Heaven. Now, through the cause and effect of the power of aspiration, Wu Chi's process of refining the power of the aspiration is actually a process of trying to refine the power of the Dao of Heaven.

When he was in the Demon Realm before, the ancestor of the Demon Dao had asked Wu Chi to enter into the Primordial Covenant with him, never refining the power of the Heavenly Dao Stone!

But this in itself means that Wu Chi has the ability to refine Heavenly Dao Stone.

Now it is naturally impossible for Wu Chi to break into the Temple of Heaven to refine the Stone of Heaven, but if he can perceive some of the power of Heaven, it is equally significant to Wu Chi!

After the upper realm was sealed, it almost became a world of its own. Feeling the power of this kind of heaven would undoubtedly help Wu Chi to perfect the Qinglian sword world!

What's more, besides that, what's more important is that once he can realize his success, perhaps, Wu Chi can no longer be suppressed by the power of heaven!

For the current situation, this is the most critical thing!


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