Cheeky Sword God (A Cheeky Kendo God)

Chapter 1321: Betrayed (2)


In an instant, Gu Qingcheng, who was already seriously injured, was directly blasted off the altar before he could react.

In this scene, almost everyone looked stupid. It was impossible to turn the corner for a while. Of course, in fact, there was no time to think about it. Before Luohou drew the power of the entire sky, now everyone is at the same time Being attacked, just coping with a large array of attacks already makes people a little overwhelmed.

Above the altar, Yan Beichen didn't even care about other people's thoughts.

While punching Gu Qingcheng down the altar, Yan Beichen grabbed it with one hand, and easily grabbed Luo Mou's throat and lifted it up.

Compared to Gu Qingcheng, Luo's throat was more severely injured, and Gu Qingcheng's sword was even stuck in his chest, so it could be said that there was only one breath left.

At this moment, Luo Hou can be said to be desperate, but Luo Hou suddenly laughed, "Human, what if you catch me? The twelve capital gods and demons have awakened, and you can't change the ending. ."


Yan Beichen spit out these two words from his mouth coldly, but Yan Beichen didn't even hesitate, and directly crushed Luo Hou's throat. The terrifying magic flame instantly burned along Luo Hou's corpse, and easily completely destroyed Luo. The world in the throat and the last bit of life and soul.

After planning for millions of years, it is only the last step to success, but at this last moment, it was so easy to be killed by a human who had just stepped into the realm of the lord. The kind of aggrievedness is beyond words. To describe.

What is even more hateful is that even if he died, Yan Beichen did not even give him a chance to regret it.

It seemed that he was not the famous Limo Dao Luohuo at all, but just an unknown soldier, killing cleanly.


There was a terrible roar from the horizon, and several gods and demons pierced the sky, and it only took a few breaths at most to get to the altar.

Before you know it, a hundred breaths have passed, and the twelve gods and demons are here!

"Yan Beichen, destroy the altar soon, maybe there will be a glimmer of life!"

In the crowd, I don't know who shouted first. In desperation, everyone subconsciously cast their eyes on Yan Beichen again.

However, Yan Beichen didn't seem to hear these words at all, and he didn't even mean to ruin the altar at all. Instead, he stepped into the position where Luo Maw was just now, and poured his body's power into the altar madly!


In an instant, there was a crackling sound, and the entire altar suddenly cracked at this moment.

However, this kind of crack was definitely not destroyed by Yan Beichen, but the altar completed the sacrifice, which caused the twelve capital gods and demons to naturally shatter after they woke up.

Yes, at this last moment, what Yan Beichen chose was not to destroy the altar to see if he could turn the tide, but to inject the strength of his body into the altar, finishing the last step that Luo Hou had just not done!

In an instant, the situation changed!

The whole sky was suddenly boiling, and the terrifying aura seemed to completely destroy everything.

This naturally also includes Gu Qingcheng who fell off the altar, as well as the powerful human beings and the demon masters like Lord Luo.

All day inheritance!

From the moment of shooting, Yan Beichen never thought of interrupting this process, but to kill Luo Mou, instead, with the help of the altar to obtain a complete inheritance of the sky.

Even if this will cause the twelve capital gods and demons to revive, the lives will be burned!

Even this will cause all the people in the Great Array to fall!

Even if many of these are old friends of Yan Beichen, he can be regarded as his master's innocent demon master if he has instructed Yan Beichen to practice.

"Hahaha, kill! Kill! Kill!"

Countless Dao origins poured into Yan Beichen’s sea of ​​consciousness through the altar. The resurrected Twelve Capital Gods and Demons simply dismissed this, and instead began to wantonly urge the large array to kill everyone in the large array. As a sacrifice for their awakening.


Except for Yan Beichen on the altar, everyone is already in desperation at this moment.

The twelve capital gods and demons awakened and restarted the great formation. No one could escape from it. At most, within a few breaths, everyone would die here.

Yan Beichen was basically using everyone's lives in exchange for his great road.

At this moment, even a dull person understood Yan Beichen's intentions.

Two dogs fight, play off!

But, who can think that the person who will benefit in the end will turn out to be Yan Beichen who hasn't seen anyone in his eyes? !


Qinglian Sword World!

A brilliant sword light suddenly exploded from the long river of time, and the terrifying sword intent accurately found the body of Zhu Jiuyin along the long river of time, madly invaded Zhu Jiuyin's body, and destroyed all the vitality in Zhu Jiuyin!


Feeling the erosion of that terrifying sword intent, Zhu Jiuyin roared angrily.

Just now, he even thought he had the chance to win, he had clearly grasped the human life in front of him, and made the opponent feel that what he said was true!

He even felt the struggle and shake of the human beings in front of him!

Obviously everything is moving in a good direction, why, why at this moment when the winner is clearly already in hand, the other party will make a bold move, directly destroying all his previous efforts.

As he expected, in the process of fighting with him, Wu Chi used Tai Hao Jing to already control a part of the time avenue, found his place in the long river of time, and made a bold move with the power of the Qinglian Sword World. Crazy to destroy the vitality in his body.

"No, I said...I'm here, my only purpose is to kill you!"

Looking at Zhu Jiuyin, Wu Chi's eyes revealed a touch of coldness and calmness.

If you look carefully, you can even see a touch of pain that cannot be concealed from the depths of Wu Chi's eyes. However, no matter how painful he is in his heart, Wu Chi still cut off this sword after all.

Wu Chi knew clearly that before Zhu Jiu Yin was telling the truth, in this world, perhaps only Zhu Jiu Yin could bring Zhou Boyan back to life.

This sword cut not only the life of Zhu Jiuyin, but also the hope of resurrecting Zhou Boyan.

For Wu Chi, this is also a betrayal of Zhou Boyan's promise!

That kind of pain can't be described in words.

But no matter how painful, Wu Chi still cut out the sword in the end, not because of his unfeeling, but because he carried too much responsibility.

He didn't know what happened outside, or whether Gu Qingcheng and the others could prevent the Twelve Capital Gods and Demons from completely recovering.

But he knew that everyone was working hard for it, even at the cost of their lives.

Everyone has their own responsibility, there is no excuse!

The responsibility should not be passed on to anyone!

From the moment he came back, his only mission was to kill Zhu Jiu Yin and prevent the Twelve Capital Gods and Demons from recovering completely.

He carries everyone's hope, which is more important than his life and his persistence.

Although the iron sword is small, the sword bones still exist!

No matter when it came, no matter what he had experienced, Wu Chi was still the disciple of the Iron Sword Sect, and he had never changed.

He can be tired, shameless, and spurned by others.

But after all, he couldn't give up the bottom line in his heart.

It is not that he has not hesitated, nor has he never struggled, and thought about giving up!!

As long as he closes his eyes, there seems to be a pair of expectant eyes looking at him, he will never forget that it is the gaze of Master's expectations!

That's what the old man used his life to tell him the truth!

Although the iron sword is small, the sword bones still exist!

The disciples of the Iron Sword Gate can be weak, stupid, or rascal, but... they can't forget the bottom line of a sword repairer, and can't ignore the bottom line of good and evil.

Why hold the sword?

The old man's voice seemed to be in his ears.

From the moment he picked up the sword on the first day, he was Jian Xiu, and he had been thinking about this issue.

Hold the sword to uphold the heart!

The heart is the last perseverance and belief in the bottom of my heart!

At this moment, there are many close friends who believe in him and are willing to step into a forbidden place regardless of life and death. There are many powerful people who have given up their lives for the rise of the human race. Princess Changning loves him so deeply and does not hesitate to die for him. Lover!

Outside the Forbidden Land, there are countless human races who are working hard for the rise of the human race.

Too many people, too many expectations, too many responsibilities.

"Sorry... Zhou Xiaoniu, if I really can't do it, I will die with you! But now...I must complete my mission first!"

There was a tear mark in the corner of his eye silently, but Wu Chi cut off this sword after all.


As the vitality within Zhu Jiu Yin dissipated, the long river of time in the Qinglian Sword Realm finally collapsed!

"Human, you can't kill me. I am waiting for you in the long river of time. One day, you will revive me with your own hands. No one can help you except me! I am waiting for you!"

Staring at Wu Chi, Zhu Jiuyin said this sentence in hatred, his body suddenly shattered and disappeared over time.

As he said to Wu Chi before, in control of the origin of time, Zhu Jiu Yin itself is the most special one among the twelve capital gods and demons. No one can completely kill him, or at least no one can kill him now. Really kill him!

Wu Chi was able to slay his body, but could not completely destroy him in the long river of Naturally, it was impossible to plunder the inheritance from him.



A loud noise suddenly sounded, and the entire sky formation suddenly collapsed at this moment!

The power of the large array that was about to completely destroy everyone suddenly dissipated at this moment.

The foundation of the Metropolis Array itself lies in the Twelve Metropolis Gods and Demons, and one is indispensable.

Zhu Jiuyin died and returned to the long river of time, and the sky was naturally broken.


In an instant, the remaining eleven gods and demons uttered an angry roar at the same time, staring at the place where Zhu Jiuyin was sleeping before, with unbelievable anger in their eyes.

died? At the moment when the Twelve Capital Gods and Demons were about to fully recover and restart the Capital Formation, Zhu Jiu Yin died. How could this be possible?