Child Bride’s Peaches and Plums Are All Over the World

Chapter 399: a wave

   Zhao Qing's face was sullen, his eyes wandered left and right, and he asked with a guilty conscience: "What do you want to hear?"

  Zhao Ning stared, slapped the table and shouted, "Everything! Tell me from the beginning!"

   Zhao Qing lowered his head and lowered his head for a while before saying, "You didn't go back to celebrate the New Year last year..."

   Zhao Ning and Yan Yuanniang were engaged when they were young, and the two have a good relationship.

  Yan Yuanniang's grandfather and Mrs. Zhao were classmates. They had similar interests and family backgrounds. The key was that they could still live in each other, and there was a village between them.

  Because Mr. Yan is two years older than Mr. Zhao and is strong, he often protects Mr. Zhao who is short and in poor health in private school, and their friendship is established.

   Mr. Zhao has read books all his life and he has nothing to gain, but Mr. Yan was admitted as a scholar at the age of thirty-two. Although he has not been able to go further, he is much better than Mr. Zhao.

  The wonderful thing is that both Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Yan love to read, but their sons do not like to read. They are all focused on farming. They feel that their father's reading is a waste of food for the family, and he can't even feed his wife and children.

Therefore, the flowers of friendship between the two families also bloomed between Master Zhao and Master Yan. Master Yan was over forty years old, and after taking the township examination three times, he found that he still could not pass the examination, so he was a little disheartened and did not want to take the test again. The family runs a school to teach children from several nearby villages to read and write, which also adds an income to the family.

After all, Master Yan is not as capable as Master Zhao, he can only farm the land. In order to provide for Master Yan to study, the more than 100 acres of land in the Yan family have been reduced to 20 acres, and Master Yan has only one daughter and two sons. stop.

  Whether it was for his son or his granddaughter, Mrs. Yan began to subconsciously save money to buy land, wanted to accumulate more capital, and wanted to find a future son-in-law for his granddaughter,

  Little Zhao Ning, who is smart and lively and cheerful, caught his eye, so he went to find his old friend.

   Mrs. Zhao saw that he was an old friend, and then squinted for a while at Xiao Yuanniang, who had red lips and white teeth.

At that time, although the family background of the Yan family was not as good as that of the Zhao family, Mrs. Yan was a scholar. He was the only one in the nearby village. Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao, who had let their son go to study, were also very satisfied with this marriage. The two officially exchanged tokens, and it was considered that the marriage was settled.

   Later, Xiao Zhao Ning was sent by his grandfather to Yan's house to study. After all, Mrs. Yan was a little better than Mrs. Zhao in reading.

   Mrs. Yan is also very attentive to Xiao Zhao Ning. After all, he is his future grandson-in-law, and Zhao Ning and Yuan Niang are two childhood sweethearts.

   Originally, the two of them decided that Yuanniang and her husband would get married, but unfortunately the old lady of the Yan family went west just after the wedding date was set, and Yuanniang had to observe filial piety for three years.

   When Zhao Ning brought Gu Jingyun and the others back to Huizhou, it happened to be the second year. Yuanniang gave out filial piety in June last year, but there was no news from the Zhao family, and the Yan family couldn’t help but panic.

  The villagers in several nearby villages all said that the Zhao family’s ancestral tomb was emitting green smoke and was about to develop. His son passed the exam at a young age, and now he is going to Beijing to take the exam.

Although they knew when the news came back last year that Zhao Ning was not in the spring, what does it matter? He was still young, and he was awarded the Juren when he reached the crown. It is true that if you fail the jinshi examination all your life, you can also become an official.

   Therefore, those who know that Zhao Ning is not married have a three-point meaning, and the matchmaker has stepped over the threshold of Zhao's family.

   But Zhao Ning is engaged!

   This news is like a bolt from the blue that repels a lot of people, but there are still a few people who don't care.

   A married man can still divorce his wife, not to mention that he has not yet married.

As a result, those whose family background is higher than the Yan family all imply that the Zhao family will retire and make another decision. Among them, two are officials who are officials in the court and value Zhao Ning's potential, and one is a big businessman who lists the dowry. Shan Zi can bury the Zhao family.

Zhao Qing whispered: "The family wanted to wait for you to go home for the New Year to discuss this matter, but who knew that you didn't go home, the three families were pressing hard, and the Yan family also sent people to inquire from time to time, and the little Zengzu was anxious. He fell ill at the end of the year.”

  Zhao Ning's face was sinking like water, he gritted his teeth and said, "Is there anyone in the family who is excited?"

   Zhao Qing cowardly did not dare to speak.

Zhao Ning slapped the table fiercely, and Zhao Qing immediately jumped out like a bean: "Anyway, the little great-grandfather and the third uncle will definitely not agree, and my great-grandfather also said that you can't be ungrateful. People come too often, and they refuse to visit them again and again, and gossip can't help but spread..."

  Education in the southwestern region is inherently backward, and Huizhou is a poor place, especially. Before Zhao Ning did not pass the entrance examination, there were only two talents in their ten villages, one was Mrs. Yan.

   Zhao Ning is the youngest Juren in Huizhou. If he is already engaged, the county magistrate would want to marry him.

   So he is an eye-catching person in his own right. Since he mentioned it, all kinds of speculations have not stopped. Everyone is guessing whether their family will dissolve the marriage contract with the Yan family, and when.

   After the matchmaker began to visit Zhao's house, this discussion reached its peak. Although everyone didn't say it, most of them felt that the Zhao family would definitely regret their marriage.

Zhao Qing glanced at Zhao Ning's face and said in a low voice: "When the discussion started, the little great-grandfather asked his uncle to go to Yan's house to comfort him, and he made it clear that the wedding date would be reconsidered when the Yan family showed filial piety. At that time, the uncle and grandmother should have sincerely liked the third aunt. Yes, only later..."

   Zhao Qing hesitated and did not speak.

   "It's just that the people who came to the door became more and more prominent, so her mother was moved?" Zhao Ning asked blankly.

"Actually, I don't blame my great-uncle, not only my great-grandmother, but also my second great-grandmother and some uncles and aunts..." The Zhao family suddenly entered another class, just like the newly wealthy family, their minds were floating, and they were overwhelmed. Zhao Ning has repeatedly warned them to keep a low profile, but they still couldn't help but eagerly want to break into that class, and win more resources for the family and Zhao Ning.

   At that time, the Zhao family was divided into three factions. One faction felt that it was not a matter of their own, the other party advocated for Zhao Ning to have a more helpful marriage, and the other party insisted on keeping their promises and married the Yan family.

   Among them, the third faction is very powerful, because it includes the parents of the Zhao family who have the right to speak, the three grand masters, and most of the uncles of the same generation as Master Zhao insist on marrying the Yan family.

   So the two opposing factions did not fight at all, because of the huge disparity in strength. It's just that the differences of opinion in the family can't help but make people feel impetuous, and Mrs. Zhao is getting old again, so the family had a hard time during that time.

The Zhao family originally planned to wait for Zhao Ning to mention his marriage when he came home for the Chinese New Year, and let him marry Yuan Niang as soon as possible. Who knew that Zhao Ning followed his husband to Yazhou, which is too far away from Huizhou, and could not go back for years. .

   There is no way, the marriage can only be postponed.

   Mrs. Zhao wanted to wait until the end of the new year to write a letter asking Zhao Ning to come back and marry, but Mrs. Zhao refused. She felt that it was difficult enough for her son to study and take the imperial examinations. How could he let these trivial matters bother him?

How much time does    delay Zhao Ning?

   Mrs. Zhao was already obsessed with the imperial examination, so he was a little hesitant when he heard that. Who knew that while everyone was giving gifts to each other during the Chinese New Year, the three families brought several carts of gifts to the Zhao family.

   At that time, Mrs. Zhao took Mr. Zhao to Yan's house to discuss the marriage of the two families. When he came back, he found out that Mrs. Zhao had accepted the gift, and he was so angry.

  Although those three families often gave gifts to the Zhao family, the Zhao family refused to accept it.

   And this time, the three families sent such a generous gift, and the daughter-in-law accepted them all without asking. Isn't the meaning obvious enough?

   Mrs. Zhao fell ill on the bed after waking up. Holding Mr. Zhao's hand and crying, Mr. Zhao was so angry that Mr. Zhao took the matchmaker to Yan's house the next day to set the wedding date.

   is scheduled for September this year.

   Mrs. Zhao was so angry that she went back to her parents' house, and she has not been at Zhao's house for years.

   But Mr. Zhao didn't get up because of his illness, and he didn't know whether it was because he was depressed or because of the cold. He was so heavy that he couldn't get out of bed after the new year, so everyone was scared to mention Zhao Ning's marriage.

   Mrs. Zhao also honestly ran back by herself. It is one thing to regret the marriage for the sake of her son's future, but it is another thing to be angry with her father-in-law.

  The father-in-law is really going to have an accident, not only her husband, but also her son will not forgive her, so Mrs. Zhao went home with a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eyes.

Mrs. Zhao stayed for two months, and her condition was intermittent. The family was hesitating whether to write a letter to let Zhao Ning come back. Mr. Zhao issued a death order. No one was allowed to write to Zhao Ning. If he wrote a letter, he would go on hunger strike. Cover with a quilt.

  No one doubted the old man's words, and everyone kept the secret from Zhao Ning.

   Then Mrs. Zhao suggested that he could not get better, and he wanted to see his grandson-in-law enter the door, otherwise he would not be able to rest his eyes when he died.

   Mr. Zhao took the hands of his two older brothers and cried in front of everyone in the Zhao family, letting his son fulfill his wish.

   Everyone was silent and asked Zhao Ning to come back. It was you who disagreed, and it was you who made Zhao Ning marry. What are you going to do?

Knowing his father Mo Ruozi, Master Zhao just silently glanced at his father when he heard the words. The next day, he invited two respected old men in the village, and then brought his two uncles to Yan's house, kneeling and begging Mrs. Yan to marry his granddaughter in advance. to his son.

   Mrs. Zhao wanted the family of Yan family, but was reluctant to let Zhao Ning waste her study time to go home, so she could only let Mother Yuan marry in alone.

   This is naturally very aggrieved to Yuan Niang, but Mr. Zhao has done a good job and lowered his posture in front of all the villagers in the ten miles and eight villages.

The Yan family was at a disadvantage in this marriage, and they were afraid of Qi Dafei, but Mr. Zhao lowered his posture and took out a pair of Yan's kindness to the Zhao family. Once Yuanniang entered the door, she saved Mrs. Zhao, and the Zhao family would treat her. The Yan family happily agreed.

  Because other people don't know it, Master Zhao and Master Yan know it. Master Zhao's illness is not serious at all.