Child Bride’s Peaches and Plums Are All Over the World

Chapter 400: 30% off

Chongxi's grievance lies in the risk. The most fearful thing is that it will not work. At that time, everyone will call the bride a voice star, but once the effect is achieved, the bride who enters the door will have credit in her husband's family, and she is also a blessed person in the eyes of outsiders. .

   Mrs. Zhao is not seriously ill, they all know with their eyes closed that this joy will definitely be successful. Yuan Niang has this credit and will be more confident in the Zhao family in the future.

   Mrs. Yan and Mr. Zhao looked at each other secretly, and they hit it off.

   Sure enough, on the day the bride entered the house, Mrs. Zhao could get out of bed and wait for the bride to worship, and the next day, she could drink a whole bowl of meat porridge...

Yuan Niang has only been in the door for two months, and the meat on Mrs. Zhao's face is rubbing out. The lower back is not sore, and the waist is not sore. The pale sickness on the face has disappeared, and each meal can eat a bowl. Rice with a bowl of porridge.

  This effect is too obvious. Now not only the Zhao family, but also those who have seen Mrs. Zhao's sick face in several nearby villages also feel that Yuanniang is blessed, and she is a prosperous family.

   Mrs. Zhao, who has always been indifferent, is also much better to Yuan Niang.

   But he didn't die, so Mr. Zhao was overwhelmed with pride. Zhao Qing, who slipped into Zhao's house and was lazy, heard that Mr. Zhao was feigning illness before.

   Mr. Zhao's illness during the Chinese New Year was a real illness, and he fought against the **** of death several times, but it was because he couldn't rest assured that his grandson did not die.

   He was sick for two months, and after taking the medicine for so long, the whole human figure was bone-shattered, and his face was pale.

It was precisely because he got better that he thought of Chongxi. Master Zhao has been in charge of communicating with the doctor. He was the third person to know that his father was ill, but he was really annoyed by his son's marriage. After knowing his father's intentions, he It went along with the flow.

   Not many people know about this, except for the Yan family and the Zhao family, only the doctor knows a little.

   But now he has been overheard by Zhao Qing's most unreliable boy, not only Master Zhao, but also Master Zhao can predict the chaos of the Zhao family.

Now that everything has been said, Zhao Qing doesn't mind explaining it all. The key is that he doesn't think he can hide Zhao Ning, so he obediently said: "Little great-grandfather and third uncle asked me to keep a secret, I also think, after all, I I’m not a talkative person, but it’s so uncomfortable to have a secret in my heart. Every time I see my uncle and grandmother, I feel guilty, so I don’t dare to go to the door. When I see my great-grandfather, he talks about letting the little great-grandfather move around and exercise more every day. , I couldn't help showing something strange, so for three days, the little great-grandfather and the third uncle were fine, but I almost suffocated to death."

   Zhao Qing sighed and said, "The third uncle still loves me. Seeing that I lost weight in two or three days, he wanted me to come out and hide."

He winked at Zhao Ning and said, "Your daughter-in-law has been married for three months, but you don't even know it, the little great-grandfather is guilty, and secondly, he also wants to hug his great-grandson earlier, and he hits it off with the third-uncle, and let me rush to your birthday. The former **** the third aunt into Beijing, so that you can be reunited, and the husband and wife love..."

   Zhao Ning kicked him, "That means my grandfather's illness will be cured in three months?"

   "No, the one behind is pretending to be sick, and it's hard for the little great-grandfather. They all lay in bed for three months. For you and the third aunt, he just lay down for two more months, but he was suffocated."

   Zhao Ning was a little relieved, knowing that his grandfather was fine, he sighed and said, "I have wronged Yuanniang."

   "No grievances, no grievances," Zhao Qing said with a smile: "As long as you are good to the third aunt, all grievances are not a problem?"

   "Where did you learn the weird accent?"

"The girl next to the third aunt Honghua said that she talked to me a lot along the way, saying that as long as your old man treats her lady well, her lady would be willing to die immediately... oh, third uncle, you beat me again I was beaten by you when I was young!"

   "You hit me when you were young, right?"

   "You are an elder and older than me, am I older than you?"

  Zhao Ning snorted coldly, clenched his fists and said, "Don't think I've forgotten about it for many years. When I was a child, I went to school and was thin and weak. You son of a **** brought me to the fields a lot."

   Zhao Qing grinned, jumped up and ran out, "Third uncle, you are also tired, nephew will not disturb you, I will go to the kitchen to find something to eat!"

   He was alone in the room, and Zhao Ning immediately had an unreal feeling that he had become a "family" person in just a long time.

   He hesitated, not knowing how to face Mother Yuan, so he couldn't just live together, right?

   is not impossible, after all, there is already a marriage certificate, and they are already husband and wife legally.

   However, Zhao Ning always has a strange feeling.

  Because of this feeling, Zhao Ning decided to wait for a while, and follow the instructions of his mother and move to the younger brother's house.

   At this time, Li Baolu was opening the cabinet to find a box and counted the money in her.

  Because they just finished repairing the house, they now have less than three hundred taels of money left.

  Three hundred taels is very little, but it is a lot. At least a dozen tables can be set up for a good banquet.

  Li Baolu counted the cost of making up a wedding for Zhao Ning in her heart, and sadly found that 300 taels seemed to be a bit small.

The banquet is only a part of the expenses. Since the wedding is to be made up, it is natural to have everything. All kinds of wedding supplies must be prepared. If you want to do better, you have to prepare some dowry. After all, it is a direct disciple. They have to express themselves as gentlemen.

   So it costs a lot.

  Li Baolu bit her lip and was tangled. The income of the farm would not be credited until after the winter, but in fact, all kinds of agricultural and sideline products have been collected and put into storage.

   Until Gu Jingyun came back, Li Baolu was still listing the items needed for marriage and the place where he planned to embezzle the funds.

   Gu Jingyun glanced at the box she was keeping at hand, and handed her the small box in his hand.

   "What is this?" Li Baolu dropped the pen and turned to take it, and opened the box without waiting for him to answer.

   Seeing the neatly placed banknotes inside, Li Baolu narrowed her eyes slightly and asked, "Where did you get so much money?"

"It was just delivered from Qiongzhou and Guangzhou," Gu Jingyun sat cross-legged across from her, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. Seeing her shocked expression, he couldn't help but smile: "You forgot that we also have a share of the cloth business in Qiongzhou. portion?"

"It's impossible to earn so much," Li Baolu closed the box and looked at him without blinking: "That's linen, and if you measure more for a year, you will earn a thousand taels at most, and then share a point with Zhang Yiyan and the others. It’s not bad to have six or seven hundred taels a year, but your box must have fifty thousand taels.”

   "Yes," Gu Jingyun nodded and said with a smile, "The rest were sent by the He family of the Bora company in Guangzhou."

  Li Baolu looked at him and said nothing.

Gu Jingyun raised his mouth slightly and said, "Silly girl, the first time we went out of Qiongzhou, we were on the merchant ship of the Bora. Although there was no special contact after that, we had contacts, especially after I raised it, the Bora even more. I take it as someone who should work hard. Before, I had no capital, and my uncle has never been rehabilitated. You and I are like duckweeds in the water, so I naturally won't make excuses for the He family, so as not to drag them into the water."

  Although he knew that the Bora showed goodwill to them because he had potential and value to use, but the other party made him feel like a spring breeze, he naturally wouldn't drag them into the troubled waters.

   But after his uncle was rehabilitated, he would naturally have no need to worry about it. Both sides cooperated on an equal footing and made use of each other.

   He is powerful and powerful, and can guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of the Bora, so that they will not compete with malicious intent, and the Bora is responsible for making money for him with his money.

  Gu Jingyun was never a pedantic person, so after his uncle was rehabilitated, facing the Bora number that came to the door immediately, Gu Jingyun reached a consensus with the other party without thinking much.

He didn't use the family's money, but handed over the unused and unmarked things that the emperor, crown prince and grandson rewarded him at that time to the Bora, who would sell the things and use the money as the capital, and then divide them up. Two, one goes to sea and one goes to Burra's cloth business.

   However, Gu Jingyun's capital was too small. After a year and a half of capital flow, the merchant ships had gone to sea twice, and the money he made was only so little.

Gu Jingyun never mentions any money. When he earns money, he will use it to operate the Bora account with profit. There are losses and gains. Bora is not annoyed when he sees that Gu Jingyun loses, nor is he happy if he earns, as long as the accounts are clear, he can do it. I understand, and instantly feel that he is a good collaborator.

   So at the beginning of this year, he wrote a letter proposing that Gu Jingyun put all his money into shipping, because the new emperor had just ascended the throne, and Da Chu would need a lot of luxuries. At this time, he went to sea to change some spices, and the gems would be guaranteed to make money back.

  Gu Jingyun didn't listen to him, and still insisted that he divide the money into two parts, one for shipping, and the other for the cloth business in Dachu, but the funds were tilted toward shipping and gave more.

   Now that the merchant ship that went to sea has returned and sold all the goods, Gu Jingyun took advantage of this to make a fortune.

   If he was willing to put all his money into it, he would only make more. However, Gu Jingyun didn't regret it, and his mood didn't even fluctuate.

   He knows what he wants. He doesn't like Baolu's love for money. In his opinion, as long as it is enough, it can support him and Baolu's life.

   But Baolu liked it, so he separated his mind to provide a support for the Bora.

   Investing in shipping will indeed make a lot of money, but the risks will also be great. If something happens, he will lose everything. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if Baolu needs money urgently, what should he do?

   So he prefers to leave behind.

   After the house was repaired, there was not much money at home, and now the silver taels in the box are still the interest that Master gave Baolu after earning it back.

   Baolu's occasional worry Gu Jingyun sees in his eyes, he doesn't say it, but remembers it in his heart.

It seems that since he became an official, apart from his monthly salary, he never took any large amount of money from his family. Thinking that the New Year would be a few months away, he would definitely spend a lot by then, so Gu Jingyun sent a letter to the Bora account and asked him to pay this time. The proceeds are sent to the capital.

   Gu Jingyun proudly said to Li Baolu: "You take the money first. I still have money in the Bora account. If it's not enough, I'll take out the principal. You don't need to save it."