Child Bride’s Peaches and Plums Are All Over the World

Chapter 432: Wedding (Part 1)

   Everyone was stunned!

It took a while for the eldest princess to regain her senses. She looked at Li Baolu and He Zipei, before shaking her head and laughing, "You guys... well, I've never been a Quanfu person, this time. Just try it."

   Now Madam Wei couldn't help but look at Li Baolu with envy.

  He Zipei smiled and pulled Li Baolu and the eldest princess to thank him, "Thank you, eldest princess!"

"It's you who have hearts," the eldest princess sighed while looking at Li Baolu, whose face was still a little immature, "This child had a hard life when she was young, and it is her blessing to meet you. I only hope that she will live up to your love and love in the future. ."

  Li Baolu raised her head slightly and said firmly: "My husband and I will not."

   He Zipei smiled and said, "It is also a blessing for our husband and wife to be able to raise her!"

   Everyone heard the words and raised Li Baolu's position by 10% in their hearts. Although she was a child bride, the Qin family valued her as much as her own daughter.

   And from what He Zipei just said, she is different from the common child brides. Not only did she not exchange it for money, but she also brought a dowry. Of course, the "massive dowry" in He Zipei's mouth must have some moisture.

   The most important thing is that the Qin family values ​​her and treats her as their own daughter. Gu Jingyun also loves her. Even if her background is not good, she can't stop her momentum.

   This ceremony ended successfully in the afternoon. Li Baolu followed behind He Zipei and Qin Wenyin, Gu Jingyun followed Qin Xinfang, and the family sent the guests away.

   And the guests took three big news.

   First, Gu Jingyun and Li Baolu are going to make up the wedding, and Li Baolu is going to marry from the Qin Mansion and marry Gu Jingyun again.

  Secondly, Qin Wenyin acted as her daughter-in-law's guide in this wedding ceremony and re-entered their social circle, but it was recognized by most people. In the future, she can be invited to various banquets such as flower banquets of various families.

  The third is that the Qin family valued Gu Jingyun and Li Baolu very much. Not to mention Gu Jingyun, they all seemed to be their own to Li Baolu. The rumor that Qin Xinfang might adopt Gu Jingyun was true.

With the departure of the guests, the banquet of the Qin Mansion spread throughout the capital, and many people knew what He Zipei said to the eldest princess. Although those who despised Li Baolu's status as a child bride in the past were still confused, they did not. Dare to take this to ridicule her in secret.

  He Zipei has said that Li Baolu had a dowry when she entered the door, and she was raised like a daughter.

   Moreover, because she insisted on letting Qin Wenyin be her guide, no one thought that she wanted to be like Qin Wenyin. Instead, they thought she was very filial, and for her mother-in-law, she even dared to use her most important coming-of-age ceremony.

  Because the news was revealed at the wedding ceremony, and Li Baolu also lived in the Qin mansion, Gu Jingyun no longer concealed it, and invited the official media to come home and began to prepare for the six ceremony.

  The invited official media looked bewildered, holding the post from Gu Jingyun with a bewildered look, why on earth did the couple who have already been married go to Liuli?

   Even if you want to make up the wedding, shouldn’t you just go to the next three ceremonies? You are both old and married, are you embarrassed to go to the first three ceremony?

  Gu Jingyun is very stubborn. He feels that there is only one wedding in his life, and he does not want to wrong himself or Baolu.

   Therefore, he stared at the official media like an eagle, "I have invited the second master of Dingguo Gongfu to be the matchmaker. You can just come to my house tomorrow and go to Qinfu with me."

  The official media is just a low-level official. Although he knows that this wedding is a bit weird, he still twitches his lips and agrees.

   Forget it, anyway, it’s you people who get married and get married, just be happy.

   Even the commander of the Imperial Forest Army is a matchmaker for you. I'm just passing a message in the middle, I'm just an official media, why not?

The official media came to Gu’s house early the next morning. Wan Peng deliberately asked for leave and came wearing bright clothes. He was talking to Gu Jingyun with his head down and smiling, when he saw the official media coming, he got up and said, “Okay, I'll go to Qin Mansion first, you wait for my good news."

  Gu Jingyun smiled and sent Wan Peng out of the gate.

   He stood at the door and watched Wan Peng carrying a pair of geese onto the carriage, and after watching them leave the alley, he turned back.

  Although he knew that Na Cai, the first three rituals of asking the name and Naji were just pretending, the Qin mansion would definitely approve the marriage, but he couldn't help being a little nervous, but he was more looking forward to it.

   Looking forward to him marrying Baolu back again.

  Wan Peng carried a pair of wild geese to Qin Mansion and proposed marriage to Qin Xinfang. Qin Xinfang glanced at the pair of wild geese and asked someone to take them down. It was considered that the marriage was accepted, and the steps to adopt were finished.

  The next thing is the official media.

  The official media said a good message of blessings, and finally smiled: "Master Qin has agreed to the marriage, and please give the young lady's name and birthday, so that the Gu family can predict good luck and bad luck."

   Qin Xinfang handed her the red post that she had prepared earlier, which contained Baolu's name and birthday.

   At this point, the questioning of names is over.

  We walked two ceremonies in one day, everything went well, and the official media got the reward, and instantly felt that there was nothing wrong with this wedding, because it was an ironclad matter, and the family lived together for another twelve years, so there is no need to talk about feelings.

   will only become more and more complete in the future, which is not bad for her reputation.

The official media was in a good mood. Seeing that the two adults had something to say, she didn't stay too long, and immediately got up and smiled and said, "Since I got the red post, the younger one will leave first, and then come back to the door after the divination calculates the result. harassing."

  Qin Xinfang hurriedly asked the housekeeper to send the official media out. Wan Peng saw that he was so nervous, he couldn't help laughing and said: "You, you, they are already husband and wife, why are you nervous?"

   "Although they are husband and wife, they are all children raised by me. Until today, we are not really planning the wedding. How can I not be nervous?"

Wan Peng shook his head and laughed, "I don't understand what you literati are thinking. In my opinion, they have been married for so many years, so why bother to make these falsehoods? It is to consummate the house, and then do a small ceremony at home. Yes, why make it so big?"

   Qin Xinfang gave him a sideways look and said, "You also have sons and daughters. When your sons and daughters get married, it's just a hasty decision. Would you like to?"

   "How can it be the same? Didn't your conditions allow it?"

   "But now I have the conditions," Qin Xinfang said: "Qinghe is like my son, Chunxi is like my daughter, the two of them are married, I wish I could be more grand."

Wan Peng shook his head and laughed, "Because of your selfishness, the court has been a little uneasy for the past few months. The palace has sent so many rewards one after another, thinking that His Majesty wants to use Qinghe, but the result is only for them to prepare the wedding, according to my opinion. I know, a lot of people's tea cups were smashed yesterday."

   Qin Xinfang just snorted.

  Wan Peng shook his head and didn't say anything else. Anyway, it was a foregone conclusion, and he said it was impossible for the Qin and Gu family to cancel the wedding.

  The official media sent Li Baolu's birthday horoscope to Gu Jingyun. Although the horoscope had already been combined, Gu Jingyun still smiled and took out his horoscope and sent it to Huguo Temple for the abbot to do the calculations.

   The results came out that day, and the next day the official media led Gu Jingyun to the Qin Mansion with gifts to exchange tokens to get married.

   This process is really fast, and the first three rituals are completed in two days.

   Najib is followed by Nazheng, which is to ask the man to send a betrothal gift to the woman's house. Until this step, the steps slow down.

   Because Gu Jingyun wants to pack a dowry.

  Although his betrothal gift had already been prepared, the emperor, the queen and the empress dowager gave him a lot of things in the past few days, indicating that it was a betrothal gift for him.

   He has to add all these things, so the gift list has to be increased, and the boxes containing the things have to be re-packed.

   When he was done, he immediately chose a good day to give the dowry gift.

  The prince brought Tao Wu, Peng Yu and Wei Yingjie along with a group of powerful children to support Gu Jingyun, who happened to collide with Zhao Ning, Zheng Xu, Shi Wei and others.

   The two sides looked at each other in dismay, and finally the two brothers reached a common intention, divided into left and right martial arts, everyone opened the way to **** the betrothal gift, but the prince was still stopped by Gu Jingyun, and he could only be present as a bystander.

  Gu Jingyun's reason is very simple, "If you are also in the escort, should you be in the front, or should I be in front?"

  Everyone was silent and looked at the prince.

  The prince opened his mouth, and could only get off his horse and step back.

The second prince was happy, and immediately jumped out from the side and jumped onto his elder brother's horse, and said with a smile: "Brother Prince, it's not easy for you to come forward, why don't you let me do it for you, I'm also a student of Mr. Take a half step back."

  The prince was even more aggrieved, he looked at Gu Jingyun.

  Gu Jingyun glanced at the second prince and reluctantly agreed.

The group rode on their horses and lined up on both sides. Gu Jingyun rode the horse and walked in the front. The second prince stepped back from him. After that, Wei Yingjie and Zhao Ning were side by side. Go to Qin Mansion.

This wedding was already eye-catching, but this time it attracted the attention of the whole city, not to mention the outstanding civil and military figures who included the youth and youth of the whole capital, even the second prince who followed behind Gu Jingyun. sight.

   Having the prince help deliver the betrothal gift, what a great honor?

  The two sides of the road were crowded with people. Looking at the procession that came out of Lingsheng Street carrying a table of dowry gifts, everyone kept exclaiming in amazement.

   In the end, Jingzhao House had to send a large number of officers and soldiers to maintain order to avoid accidents.

  The emperor could feel the excitement in the palace, because Director Su specially let people go to see the excitement and reported it every quarter of an hour.

  The emperor coughed a few times, took a sip of pear water and pressed the dry itching in his throat with a smile: "Is it satisfied with the peace now?"

   Director Su smiled and said, "Thanks to Your Majesty, otherwise the public opinion may not be so good, let alone so lively."

  The emperor smiled and sighed: "Those two children have made great contributions to the society, but they have always been less demanding. Now they finally have a wish, and I will naturally try to satisfy them as much as possible."