Child Bride’s Peaches and Plums Are All Over the World

Chapter 485: gift

  Qu Jingxi is nothing compared to an arrow, because Lei Rui was beaten to the ground again, and it is estimated that he will not be able to get out of bed for two days. With regret, he put down his little bow and arrow and ran to find his sister for lunch.

   It is a good thing to be defeated without a fight, so he will have a good celebration at noon today and order an extra meat dish.

Qu Weizhen was also very happy, and taught her younger brother: "Army is very important, but it is even more powerful to defeat the opponent without force, and you will be punished for fighting in the academy, so if there is such a thing, just do it, you can't call your sister. , one counts the poor, and two counts the long."

  Qu Jingxi said obediently: "I see, sister. Just like the master and the teacher, the teacher is the force, and the teacher is the intelligence."

   "Uh, you're right to think so, but you can tell me this, but you can't tell others, especially not the teacher." Otherwise, the teacher will definitely knock him to death.

The academy's Gui class ranking exam was over, Zhao Ning got the third place in the exam, so he was assigned to Gui class 1, but he applied to be transferred to Gui class 5, after all, that was his personal master, of course he had to go to the teacher's class to study Just do it.

  Shi Wei was also transferred to Gu Jingyun's class. Thanks to Zhao Ning, he has been instructed by Gu Jingyun for the past two years. I dare not say that his grades have improved by leaps and bounds, but he has also improved a lot. It is better than studying with his father and husband.

   He felt that Gu Jingyun was really good at teaching people and was very knowledgeable, so he packed up and was transferred from Class 3 Gui to Class 5 Gui.

   Zheng Xu of Songshan Academy was distressed for a while when he heard the bad news. Their academy also had cram schools. His grades were not bad.

   He felt that the teacher from Class 1 Gui was already teaching very well, but when he went to Gu's house to listen to the small stove that Gu Jingyun opened for Shi Wei and Zhao Ning, he found that the teacher's teaching was still much worse.

   He went home silently. The next day, Zheng Xu's father personally brought gifts and led his son to Gu's residence to visit Gu Jingyun.

  Although Zheng Xu is a few years older than Gu Jingyun, who made Gu Jingyun his colleague? Master Zheng tried his best to ignore Gu Jingyun's tender face, and talked about apprenticeship with a smile.

  Gu Jingyun glanced at Zheng Xu and declined.

He accepted Li An as a disciple in order to be an emperor and also to realize his political ideals and cultivate an emperor with a good eye for him; Zhao Ning as a disciple was for the other party to be a good eye, and he happened to be by his side when he was weak. The family of the other party also liked him very much, so he accepted it; he accepted Qu Jingxi because he was smart and of good character, and Baolu wanted to accept Weizhen as his apprentice, and he also regretted the talents and fate of their sister and brother. .

   But with Zheng Xu...

  Gu Jingyun shook his head, Zheng Xu didn't need to take him as his teacher, he had a father and enough connections, and he had his father's guidance and support in the officialdom, what was lacking was only some academic guidance.

   Therefore, Gu Jingyun said that the other party did not need to take him as his teacher. If he wanted to come to the lecture, he could come with Shi Wei, and he would teach him equally. After all, he was a friend of his eldest apprentice.

   Yes, the reason why Gu Jingyun keeps letting Zheng Xu and Shi Wei come to the class is not because of their identities and family backgrounds, but because they get along with Zhao Ning and are good friends.

   Mr. Zheng was a little disappointed to hear that, but he was still very happy to thank him.

   It's really disappointing that I can't be the same family as the prince, but it's also good to have Gu Jingyun's guidance. So I left my gift and my son and went home by myself.

Gu Jingyun smiled at Zheng Xu who was standing beside him with his head bowed: "Zigui and the others are in the study, you can go to them to read. If you have any doubts, write it down first, and I will find time to answer it for you. "

   "Yes, the student retire."

  Although Gu Jingyun confiscated him, but if he wants to officially study with him, he can no longer yell like Jing Yun Qinghe before, but has to call him Mr.

Zheng Xu ran to Yuanyinyuan's small study, Shi Wei sneered as soon as he saw him, squinted at him, and said yin and yang strangely: "How, is this Zigui's official junior brother, or Zigui's substitute junior brother? , or the already killed Junior Brother Zigui?"

   Zheng Xu lit up his claws and scratched at him, "Aren't you glad that I was killed in battle? I tell you, I can't worship a teacher, and you can't do it!"

  Shi Wei screamed "Ow" and backed away: "You don't lie about others, I don't have as much heart as you do. It would be nice to learn from Mr. Gu, but I don't want to take him as a teacher."

  The two went to Zhao Ning's side, but Zhao Ning didn't give them a single one out of the corner of his eyes. He turned around with the book in his hands and went to the other side to continue reading.

   Zheng Xu stopped and sighed: "Zigui, can't you put down the book for a while to comfort me, but I was just cruelly rejected by your teacher, and I still feel a little hurt in my heart."

  Zhao Ning put down the book and smiled and said, "It's okay if I don't beat you, why would I comfort you?"

   Zheng Xu: "..."

Shi Wei burst into laughter, and didn't fight back, hugging Zheng Xu's neck and sympathizing: "You should give up now, if Mr. Gu can accept apprentices so easily, do you think those aristocratic families and officials will give up on this? Opportunity? To be able to go out with the prince, don’t care that the brothers and sisters often meet each other, how many people will have their heads up for this title alone?”

Zhao Ning also said with a serious expression: "Brother Zheng, I'm not targeting you, it's just that your husband accepts an apprentice to see his fate. You still want to take my husband as your teacher for the sake of learning, but it may not be the case with other people. If I don't be cruel and have a good attitude, my husband may not be so busy in the future."

  Once this opening was opened, those people flocked with the idea that they would rather be rejected and give it a try. Gu Jingyun still has to be busy?

   There is a disciple of the prince under Gu Jingyun's sect. At first, no one thought of letting the family's children worship Gu Jingyun as a teacher. After all, the other party was too young to think of it.

But Gu Jingyun not only accepted Zhao Ning, but also Qu Jingxi. Both of them are disciples of the poor family. Generally speaking, not to mention the prince, even the officials of the sixth and seventh grades are hard to see, just because they are Gu Jingyun's disciples The prince became a brother.

   And the prince went to Gu’s house from time to time to listen to classes or talk. Although outsiders didn’t know how their brothers and sisters got along, they definitely got along.

   Can you show your face in front of the future emperor, or will you show your face regularly, and will your future be bad in the future?

   So inevitably some people are moved.

   Just because of Gu Jingyun's special status, no one dared to be the first bird.

Moreover, Gu Jingyun gives the impression of being too cruel. He is so indifferent and cruel to his father's family, let alone to outsiders. If he is annoyed by their careful thoughts, if he fails to become a teacher and offends the other party, he will Not worth the loss.

   So no one dared to take that step, but today Zheng Xu did what many people wanted to do but were afraid to do - ask for a teacher!

   Although he was rejected, he was allowed to enter Gu Mansion to attend classes. How much impact would this news have on Gu Mansion?

   So Zhao Ning can only show his own attitude, and also express on behalf of his teacher what he doesn't want to say clearly. It's better for the family to know about this matter, and don't say anything that shouldn't be said.

   Both the Gu family and Shi Wei can say that none of Shi Wei's bookboys are here, as long as he doesn't open his mouth to talk nonsense, and the Gu family is not to mention that the management has always been strict, and no one should think about taking out any news from here.

   But what about the Zheng family?

   Zhao Ning and Shi Wei both looked at Zheng Xu with bright eyes.

Zheng Xu immediately raised his hand and swore, "I had an idea about this, so neither of our father and son told me that the gift was prepared by my father himself, just thinking that if it was rejected, only our father and son would know about it. , it won't spread all over the city."

"Outsiders only know that my father came to visit Mr. Gu with gifts, but he did not know that he wanted to beg Mr. Gu to accept me. Now that I can be taught by Mr. Gu with you, those gifts can also be said to be my father's right to me. Gu's gratitude..."

   Zhao Ning nodded in satisfaction.

  Shi Wei touched his chin and said, "Doesn't it mean that I also have to ask my father to give Mr. Gu a gift?"

   Zhao Ning's eyes lit up and nodded, "Yes, if Brother Shi is not in a hurry, go home first. Sir will accompany my wife to the palace later, and will not come to the study room."

   So you can take this opportunity to go back to your dad to prepare a present.

   Shi Wei looked at him woodenly, he couldn't do this if he wanted to give your teacher a gift, right?

"Brother Zheng sent it, and you sent it too, and both of you can come to Gu's house to open a small kitchen. Outsiders are just looking at it as my husband and asking you to study because you are my friends. Your family can't see it, so I gave a gift..."

  Under Zhao Ning's piercing gaze, Shi Wei could only stand up aggrievedly, "Actually, it's not too late to go back in the evening to prepare."

   "Brother Zheng delivered it today, do you still want to postpone it until tomorrow? Can't you be more active, anyway, my teacher has taught you a lot." After that, Shi Wei was expelled.

  Zheng Xu was instantly at ease physically and mentally, and it was not too hard to feel rejected. He happily followed Zhao Ning back to the study to read.

   "By the way, what's the matter with Mr. Gu and the others entering the palace?"

   "The Empress Dowager has an edict. The teacher accompanies the mistress to the palace to greet the Empress Dowager."

   Zheng Xu was envious.

   Gu Jingyun and Li Baolu entered the palace leisurely, only to realize that it was not the queen mother who wanted to see them, but the emperor.

   is just in the name of the queen mother, and the one who needs to borrow the name of the queen mother cannot be to see Gu Jingyun, but to see Li Baolu.

   In the apse of the Qinzheng Hall, only Director Su remained here, and the rest of the palace staff retreated far away. The emperor was lying on the dragon bed when Gu Jingyun and Li Baolu entered, and the Xu Yuan of the Taiyuan Hospital was taking the emperor's pulse.

   Seeing Gu Jingyun and Li Baolu coming in, they put down their hands and stood aside.

   Li Baolu's heart was pounding, and her palms were sweating with nervousness. She was never so nervous even when facing the late emperor who had been full of malice towards her.

  Gu Jingyun calmly took Bao Lu's hand and approached him, greeting the emperor with a calm expression.

  The emperor waved his hand with a smile: "No need to be more polite, your husband and wife are sitting aside for the time being. Doctor Xu is asking me for a Ping An pulse."

   The couple answered and sat aside. Li Baolu couldn't help but look up at the emperor's face.

   His face is really not good, pale and colorless, and he coughs lightly from time to time. This kind of performance is not as simple as being sick for a day or two.

  But they didn't hear the rumor that the emperor was sick. Recently, all the emperors of the big court and the small court attended the meeting.