Child Bride’s Peaches and Plums Are All Over the World

Chapter 509: sincere

  Gu Jingyun waved to the group of elementary school students: "Okay, it's getting late, you all retire."

  The children immediately got up and bowed respectfully to Gu Jingyun, and then exited in an orderly manner for about ten paces. I don't know who ran up first and disturbed the order. Anyway, in just a moment, everyone was in chaos and ran out cheering.

  Only Gu Jingyun and 30 Juren were left on the grass. Seeing that he had no intention of leaving, Chu Yu and the others sat down again and passed the paper full of questions.

   The people on the opposite side do not leave, and the parents on the side of the flower wall are not easy to move, so as not to be discovered.

At the beginning, people complained about Gu Jingyun's request. After all, those are all children's words. The questions asked by children are all kinds of things. No one knows how they have so many fantastic questions, so how can they Ask them to answer?

  But everyone could not help but keep silent when they saw the questions that Gu Jingyun had sorted out.

Of course, the questions Gu Jingyun wrote down were not the "Why is the sky blue and not green?" asked by the children. All the questions he summed up were practical questions that could be answered. The question is much sharper and clearer.

  For example, a question asked by Fang Ziming inadvertently, "Why does wheat need to be planted in winter and covered with snow?"

  Gu Jingyun summed it up as follows: "The advantages and disadvantages of winter wheat compared with spring wheat, the suitable sowing season in each region, the yield per mu and various factors that affect its harvest."

  Wen Yun said that when he came to Beijing, he encountered laborers who were building roads, and everyone was barefoot, so his question was why there were weeds on the roadside, but they didn't make straw sandals, was it because they couldn't do it?

   Wen Yun said that he can make straw sandals by himself, and he can provide it to everyone selflessly.

   The question Gu Jingyun wrote was, "Why don't the laborers wear straw sandals, and last year's court's requirements for military service, did Wen Yun see whether the labor was under the central or local jurisdiction? The treatment and obligations of the laborers..."

   Qiu Li shared a little secret he discovered. He found that the location of Taibai star is different when he wakes up every day, and the distance from the moon is also different from different places.

   The question that Gu Jingyun listed was, "Please calculate the time of the next solar eclipse based on the existing astronomical phenomena."

When the college students saw this problem, their hearts collapsed. When they began to study, the imperial court did not pay much attention to the alchemy, but the selection officers of the Qintian Supervisor could not be selected from the two lists of scholars, and most of them were directly selected from the Guozijian. , or family-study origin, as long as they pass the exam, they can enter the Qin Tianjian.

   But now the imperial court has increased the score of mathematics, God knows how many people are planted in this mathematics?

  I thought it would be difficult for the math question to come out in the test, but only after seeing this question did they realize how naive they were.

   Counting solar eclipses, even the people in Qin Tianjian may make a mistake, not to mention them?

   Gu Jingyun seemed to know what they were thinking, and said indifferently: "I only look at your calculation process and calculation results. As long as it is reasonable, it can pass. It does not require that a solar eclipse must occur to be correct."

   College students said it was difficult, they wouldn't count it!

Everyone looked at Gu Jingyun with tears in their eyes, hoping that he could take back the question. Gu Jingyun turned a blind eye and pointedly said: "Don't ignore their words because you are young, they have many things in them that you don't have. These are all things you should learn. Your imperial examinations are for entering an official position, an official is an official, and an official is a parent. As a parent, the first thing you learn is to listen, listen to your children's speech, and then distinguish the truth from the fake, and then go to Troubleshoot them."

   The people were thoughtful, and the parents on the side of the flower wall were even more shocked, so this is why Gu Jingyun let them sit here?

Thinking of their son scrambling to share all kinds of interesting stories with Gu Jingyun just now, and even the trivial matter of eating an extra piece of cake one day and having a stomachache, they talked with great interest, but Gu Jingyun not only listened to it with a smile, but even talked to them about it. The way of eating, admonishing them to eat in moderation...

   Even if they are biological fathers, they don't have the patience to listen to these trivial things.

Just when the parents were examining whether they neglected their sons too much, Gu Jingyun had already said to his college students: "You are all adults, and if you are able to pass the exam, you don't need me to supervise your studies. If there is no accident The next exam will be three years later, so you have a lot of time, but no matter how much time you have, there is no need to waste it on the knowledge you have already learned, so when you go back, write down the questions you did not understand in your previous studies and hand them over to me. , and then write down the areas that you are not good at. I will also assign you homework here, I hope you can complete it on time, and you can arrange the rest of the time yourself. "

Gu Jingyun paused and said: "Although I think it is unnecessary, as a teacher, I still want to tell you nonsense. Most of you come from all over the Great Chu, the capital is prosperous, in The performance of Qian Quan here is even more extreme, so the temptation is great. How many people still have the power to fight for the imperial examination when they enter Beijing, but because they are blinded by the prosperity, let alone the power of a fight, in the end only I'm afraid you won't even be able to pick up a pen, so I warn you, socializing is important, but now that you have not achieved your fame, some socializing is completely unnecessary. If you want to manage contacts, your classmates in the academy are enough, and even if it is for your career, you should There is a bottom line, otherwise even if you become an official one day, you will fall into the dust again."

  The students bowed their heads and saluted, "Students and others remember the teachings of Mr.

Gu Jingyun waved their hands to let them back down, which was a bit of a headache. He asked him to say that thirty students in a class are still too many, and ten or less is the best. Unfortunately, there are still too few gentlemen in Qingxi Academy. There are even fewer gentlemen who can teach people.

   After all, in order to be able to teach people, one must be a jinshi, and after passing the jinshi exam, there are not one in a hundred who would not be an official and come to teach as a teacher. How many of these people would choose to come to Qingxi Academy?

   After all, in Qingxi Academy, in the capital, a Jinshi is really not worth mentioning, but it is different in places. In some places, you can get the admiration of the people of the whole county, not to mention Jinshi?

   Therefore, Qingxi Academy lacks teachers, especially teachers who are jinshi.

  Gu Jingyun and other students all stepped back, then got up and came to the flower wall, salute to the parents who were still thinking silently.

  The parents returned their gifts one after another, showing more respect for Gu Jingyun, "Mr. Gu is bothered."

"I am a teacher. This is my responsibility. I just hope that you can fulfill your father's responsibility. Their age is the most naughty, and it is also a critical time for their temperament to form..." The children of the first-level Changsong class are all He brought it out from the enlightenment stage. He taught them when they were only five or six years old. Even though Gu Jingyun was cold-hearted, he also had a lot of feelings for these children, so he insisted on taking over the eighth grade. This class, and intends to carry it all the way to the seventh grade when they graduate.

Some of this group of children came from officials’ families, some from wealthy merchants’ families and farmers’ families, and even two from poor families. It was entirely because they were talented, so the academy reduced their tuition fees and subsidized them every year. so that they do not drop out of school.

   But no matter what kind, he hopes that his students can communicate with their parents without barriers, and guide their character development correctly.

  Because this "Parents Meeting" was held without the knowledge of the children, everyone quietly left without letting the children know.

  Gu Jingyun asked other parents to leave, leaving Lan Tong's father Lan Hua behind.

  The parents all recalled what Lan Tong said about the female ghost. Like Gu Jingyun, they didn't believe that there were ghosts in this world. Most of the matter was caused by ghosts.

  If he sees it wrong, he can't be dazzled again and again, and he will take it out solemnly to tell his dearest gentleman?

   Therefore, the parents looked at Lan Hua with three points in their eyes, three points of sympathy and four points of schadenfreude. This is an ironclad proof that the house is restless, and it has been spread so that no one knows about it, what a pity!

Gu Jingyun didn't feel sorry for Lan Hua. As the head of the family, he let his son be so frightened at home, yet he didn't know anything about such a person. "Incompetent" can't be described as a word, so he ignored Lan Hua. With a stern expression on his face, he said bluntly, "Master Lan, this matter is not a small shock to Lan Tong, but it is also an opportunity for Lan Tong to exercise. I hope you can treat it as ignorant and let Lan Tong solve it by himself..."

  Compared to Gu Jingyun's worries, Li Baolu's side can be called heartless.

The fourteen- and fifteen-year-old girls are already sensible. After a holiday, not only did they not worry about anything happening to her, but they also brought her all kinds of delicious, fun, and useful things, all of which were theirs. handmade products.

Li Baolu was delighted to taste them one by one, but she gave up trying again after eating the third bizarre dessert that was not known whether it was salty or sweet. She looked at the little girls earnestly and said, "You don't need to cook if you are rich and famous. , but this kind of common sense in life should still be learned, such as sugar is not salt, and salt does not look like sugar.”

   Everyone laughed softly when they heard the words, "Sir, Zheng Dan made all the snacks you just had."

  Li Baolu smiled wryly. The different desserts she picked up from the three boxes turned out to be made by Zheng Dan. How unlucky is she?

"If you have time, you can choose one more elective course this year. If you can really learn a good cooking skill, it will not only benefit your family, but also yourself. If you don't have time, you can study more at home, and we will increase it next semester. Outdoor classes, you will inevitably have to prepare food. Isn’t it a pleasure to invite friends to taste the food you make yourself?”

  Li Baolu was persuasive, but the students said it was a pleasure to invite friends to taste the food made by their cook. They knew that the husband wanted them to learn how to cook and serve her, but the students expressed that they were not fooled.

  Li Baolu expressed regret.