Child Bride’s Peaches and Plums Are All Over the World

Chapter 510: easy

Mr. Su took a pot of tea and occupied a pavilion by the lake. He sat comfortably in the pavilion, sipping tea and enjoying the view. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Gu Jingyun and Li Baolu walking side by side by the lake, not knowing what Li Baolu said. What, Gu Jingyun is looking at her sideways with a smile on his face, his eyes are gentle, completely different from the usual cold and arrogant.

  Mr. Su silently retracted his gaze, took a sip of tea, and felt that this rare tea didn't seem to taste so good.

Really, knowing that there are too many people in the academy and not paying attention to the influence, Mr. Su really wanted to pretend that he didn't see those two people, but seeing that they had seen him and had come over, he could only sigh helplessly, his face squeezed out. Face the couple with a smile.

"It's rare that Mr. Gu still has such free time," Mr. Su sighed, "I'm young and energetic, it's not like I can go to the women's college to take some less important courses after I take the class. "

   Gu Jingyun was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "That's because Mr. Su is too diligent, but Gu feels that the eighth-grade students are adults, so we have less to worry about, and naturally it won't take up too much time."

  Gu Jingyun never thought of teaching them according to the courses arranged by the academy. It was already a jury, and they had already read the books required by the imperial examination.

However, there is no requirement but the content that may be tested is not in the courses arranged by the academy. Fortunately, the gentleman above the eighth grade has the right to freely arrange the courses and time, so he overturned all those courses and changed the teaching method. , and then changed the teaching time.

   Basically, he will list some must-read books and articles for them. After they have read, he will ask questions to evaluate their achievements, and then they will ask questions, and the answers will be discussed by everyone or answered directly by him.

   In addition, he will answer the questions accumulated by reading other books, and regularly teach them the skills of writing scriptures and strategies, and also teach some miscellaneous subjects such as arithmetic, law, water conservancy, and the art of war.

   At first glance, it seems that there are a lot of things to teach, and he will be very busy, but in fact they have three years, so these teaching tasks can be arranged slowly.

The most important thing is that he happens to be involved in everything they want to learn, and he can answer the questions they ask at present, and he doesn't need to spend too much time looking for answers, so the students have a tight schedule and feel There is a lot to learn, and the days are very fulfilling.

   But Gu Jingyun himself is really not very busy. Although the workload has increased a lot, his efficiency has always been high. After adjusting the time, he can still find time every day to accompany Baolu to relax, go shopping and buy delicious food.

He will guide the children in the first grade to talk about interesting things in life, and spend a lot of time solving various problems in life for them. That is because they are children, the weakest group in the world, and they need people protection of.

But the Juren class is different. The youngest among them is older than him. Although he is his student, he is an adult. He can be completely responsible for himself. The tuition fee is considered responsible.

   He wouldn't want to stick to them all the time like Mr. Su and the others, urging them to read quickly.

  The future is his own, and he has fulfilled his duty of warning, whether to indulge in the bustling capital of Vanity Fair or continue to work hard depends on each of them's choice and willpower.

   Mr. Su couldn't help sighing when he saw Gu Jingyun so relaxed and comfortable, "Mr. Su can still think about it."

   He couldn't help but want to teach more jinshi, make contributions to the academy, and accumulate fame for himself.

   And that comes at a great price.

   He is so old, and he still has to read a lot of literature and books every day, just because he is afraid of falling behind and he can't answer the questions raised by the students.

   But the older you get, the worse your memory gets. Some knowledge has only been seen on the front foot, but the back foot students still forget when they ask about it.

   Unlike Gu Jingyun, he is young and energetic, and has a good memory and a good brain. He can not only read a book at a glance, but also never forget it. He remembers it once, thinks it twice, and reads it a third time.

Under such conditions, ordinary people may rarely have the patience to read it once and then read it a second time, but Gu Jingyun is a very self-disciplined person, he can force himself to watch it three or four times until he will not forget until.

   So his brain is like the library in the academy. Most of the questions asked by the students can be answered from him. Even if it is not possible, he can quickly find the answer, so he teaches easily.

   In this regard, Mr. Su can only be envious and jealous. No wonder Mr. Huang has been disliking him all the time.

  Mr. Su can't see him being so comfortable when he is jealous, but he is really impeccable, so he can only turn his attention to Li Baolu, "Mr. Li's class results this year are also very good, it's a pity."

  Li Baolu tilted her head in confusion, "What a pity?"

   "It's a pity that they are not too young anymore. I don't know how many people will come to the fifth grade next semester. After all, not everyone can accept an engaged girl to come to the academy to teach."

  Li Baolu was silent, feeling slightly down.

  Mr. Su touched his beard with satisfaction. Very good, he finally blocked Gu Jingyun. It would be better if the powerful couple could solve this problem by the way.

   Seeing that Bao Lu's mood turned from sunny to gloomy, Gu Jingyun couldn't help squinting, and looked at Mr. Su suspiciously.

  Mr. Su pretended not to notice, picked up his small teapot and said with a smile: "Okay, Su Su will not disturb the two of you, you can play slowly."

  Li Baolu sighed, "This year, two girls in our class have dropped out. I heard that there are more students in the fifth grade, and there are even only 18 students left in one class."

In the Yongmei class she brought, the girls were all between the ages of fourteen and sixteen. It was the time to negotiate and get married. If they were engaged, they had to go home and prepare to get married. Some families naturally did not want to be their own. The daughter (future daughter-in-law) continued to come to school.

   And the fifth grade students are one year older.

There is basically no solution to this matter. We can only wait for the girls' school to develop a bit bigger, and the age of girls to enter the school is one or two years old in the morning, or wait until the next generation. Now the female students who have left the girls' school have such regrets themselves. In the future, they will not let their daughters or daughters-in-law leave such regrets again.

  Since there is no answer, Gu Jingyun will not let her continue to think about it, but change the topic decisively: "Master and mother are going back to the capital, do you think we are going to start cleaning their yard?"

Bai Yitang lives in Qixia Courtyard, which is the first entrance on the left side, while Qin Wenyin lives in the second entrance on the left side. Because the garden is full of plum trees, she named it Luomei Garden. The plum blossoms are in full bloom this winter. It's beautiful, but unfortunately she didn't see it.

   Li Baolu's attention was really turned away, she touched her chin and thought: "If master and mother are going to get married, will they live separately?"

   At least they can't all live in the Gu Mansion, right?

  Gu Jingyun nodded and said with a smile: "Mother must be moving to my uncle's place and marrying from Qin Mansion." In the end, marrying into Gu Mansion is the right way.

   "I'll start cleaning up the yard when I go back."

   It's just that the two people who were expected to arrive in mid-March have been missing, and Zhao Ning has attended the palace exam and there is no news of them.

   Not only Li Baolu, but also Gu Jingyun's complexion was getting darker day by day. Just when they couldn't help but send someone to look for it along the way, their letter was finally delivered to them.

   After opening the letter, Gu Jingyun held it in his chest in one breath, and then slowly exhaled it for a long time.

It was different from the sea and water routes when they went there. This time they took the water route and the land route. They stopped and stopped along the way, and they visited the mountains and rivers. It was expected that they would be able to reach the capital in mid-March, but when they arrived in the capital, Bai Yitang Occasionally, I heard Qin Wenyin sigh that this is the season of peony blooming.

   Then Bai Yitang turned his horse's head and took Qin Wenyin to Chang'an...

   He wrote to Gu Jingyun when they arrived at Baiyitang in Chang'an, saying that they would stay in Chang'an for a while and that they would not return to the capital until April.

   And in order not to let them have the conditions to urge them, Bai Yitang stubbornly clutched the carrier pigeons he brought with him, and would not let them fly, preferring to spend more money and time to deliver letters through the post.

   Gu Jingyun was speechless for a while, and finally put the letter on and handed it to Nanfeng, and said with a sullen face: "Send it to the uncle in Qin's house, and said that he will no longer have to worry, mother and the others are safe."

   Nanfeng did not dare to ask in detail, so he bowed and stepped back after taking the letter.

  Although the unreliable master makes people angry, but at least they know that they are safe, so Gu Jingyun's face has improved a lot.

   Zhao Ning felt the deepest feeling. He felt that the mountain that had been pressing on him had turned into a stone.

   "Your grades in the palace exam are good, the second and third place. If you don't have an accident in the court exam, you will be admitted to the Shuji Shi, and if you are looking for an expatriate, you can also find a good county. What do you think now?"

   Zhao Ning lowered his head and said, "The students want to stay in the capital."

   Gu Jingyun nodded slightly, "That's fine, your family doesn't point to you being an official to make money, the imperial court is precious, and it's right for your temperament."

   Zhao Ning breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "The student is preparing for the exam."

  Gu Jingyun nodded, "There is a two-month vacation after the Chaozhou exam. Have you decided whether you want to go back to your hometown?"

"Yes," Zhao Ning said proudly and happily with a big smile on his face: "The students plan to bring Yuanniang back. I haven't gone back for more than three years. This time I will not only tell my grandfather and parents the good news of high school. , I also want to worship my ancestors to comfort my ancestors, and I also need to enter the genealogy with Yuan Niang."

   Thinking of Zhao Ning's interesting family, Gu Jingyun couldn't help but smile, "My wife and I have prepared some souvenirs for you to bring to Mr. Zhao."

   Thinking of his grandfather, Zhao Ning blushed and said, "Thank you sir."