Child Bride’s Peaches and Plums Are All Over the World

Chapter 513: mixed in

   The housekeepers at the doorman heard the shouting, and turned their heads with a "swoosh". They saw the three children rushing towards them, and their eyes caught sight of their luxurious clothes. The housekeepers' faces turned pale.

As the housekeeper of the concierge, the primary quality is to be smart, to be able to distinguish the situation and wink. When they see these three children, the housekeepers open their arms to stop them, and want to block their mouths as quickly as possible and hug them down—absolutely These three children cannot be allowed to see people outside!

   But it is impossible.

  Gu Jingyun is not deaf, how could he not hear the three children shouting so loudly while sitting in the gatehouse?

   Before he could get up, Qu Weizhen and Qu Jingxi ran out smartly, and Qu Jingxi quickly called out, "Sir, it's Ziyang, Guan Yi and Qingshu brother!"

  Gu Jingyun walked to the door and stared at the servants with a frown, and asked displeasedly, "What's going on here, why are the sons of the Liu family, the Guan family and the An family calling for help at your house?"

   The housekeepers were in a cold sweat, and they wanted to know too!

   Something happened in the inner courtyard, but they didn't know exactly what happened, but the madam next to the wife sent someone back to the wife's family, Liu's house, and the big housekeeper also sent someone to Zhuangzi to invite the master and the old lady to come back.

   The three young masters stayed at Lan's house last night. How would they know what happened?

   It's just that they are the slaves of the Lan family, and they are tied to the honor and disgrace of the master family. If there is an accident with the Lan family, they will never recover, so they must stop them from talking.

  Although the big housekeeper was away, the housekeepers still acted in shrewd teams. One team went to stop Gu Jingyun and wanted to invite him back to the concierge to wait. Another team went to stop the three children, trying to stop their mouths.

It's just that Gu Jingyun's identity is here, and the servants can only ask Gu Jingyun to enter in a semi-tough manner, and do not dare to reach out and push him; and the three children are even more clever, Liu Ziyang and Guan Yi stand in front, kicking and trying to catch their servants, An Qingshu said quickly behind the two of them: "Mrs. Lan framed us for causing her miscarriage, and wanted to take our life for her. Lan Tong has already been killed. Please help, sir, we are wronged!"

   At this time, it doesn't matter what is true or false, in short, how serious the matter is.

  An Qingshu shouted "injustice" and "help", and Liu Ziyang and Guan Yi, who had already covered their mouths, also cried out, struggling to see their husband, looking pitiful.

   Gu Jingyun turned back to the room with a cold face, took the teapot and smashed it among the housekeepers with a bang. The loud noise made the chaotic crowd quiet, Gu Jingyun asked with a sullen face, "Is there still trouble?"

The family members hesitated, but Liu Ziyang and Guan Yi had already taken the opportunity to break free. The three of them squeezed in front of Gu Jingyun, knelt down and cried, "Sir, we are really wronged!"

   They really didn't want to harm Mrs. Lan!

Gu Jingyun glanced at them, looked up at Jiading, and said solemnly: "These three people and the son of your family are all Gu's students, I don't know how to pay them back. Now that they know, they can't let your Lan family deal with them. I know that your master is not here now, and I don't ask to see your wife, but you have to hand over Lan Tong, and Gu must make sure that his life is safe."

   "This," the servants looked at each other, "Mr. Gu, the little ones are just servants, not the masters."

   "Then call your chief butler."

  The big housekeeper just got permission from Wei Wei next to his wife, and was about to go out to see Gu Jingyun away, when he ran into a stumbling old woman, and only then did he know that Liu Xiaogong, who was locked up last night, and others had all run away.

For a time, his head was as big as an ox, and he couldn't help kicking the old woman, and said angrily: "What are you still doing, don't hurry to find it, since someone lost it in the inner courtyard, it must still be in the inner courtyard. Every corner. All of them must be found, be sure to find people, and don’t hurt them, I don’t know what the truth was last night, if the three young masters had an accident in the Lan family, we would all be unable to eat and walk away!”

  The old woman was startled, and scrambling and crawling should run down to find someone.

  The big butler angrily ordered someone to look for it, and trotted towards the front yard. There was such a big incident at home, and it was inappropriate for Gu Jingyun to stay in the concierge. Anyway, Wei Wei's meaning was lost...

The big housekeeper thought about running towards the front yard quickly, but when he saw the concierge from a distance, his good vision clearly saw Gu Jingyun standing beside the concierge, and in front of him stood they couldn't find him anywhere. Young Master Liu and other three people.

   The big butler was stunned on the spot like falling into an ice cave.

   How did they meet?

  Gu Jingyun raised his head and looked at the big butler with a half-smile but not a smile. The big butler didn't dare to neglect, he hurried up and said, "Mr. Gu, please raise your hand..."

  Gu Jingyun raised his hand and interrupted him: "You can rest assured, I have no grudges with the Lan family. As long as my four students are intact, I can't get along with the Lan family."

   The big housekeeper had a meal. Gu Jingyun said four, including their eldest young master.

   Sure enough, Gu Jingyun asked, "Where's Lan Tong? I want to see him."

   "Mr. Gu, the eldest young master is the young master of our Lan family. There was something happening in the inner courtyard last night, and he was involved in it. It is not easy to see Mr. Gu at this time..."

"Several children have already told Gu, that your wife's miscarriage seems to have something to do with them. This matter should have been resolved by the four of you privately or reported to the yamen. It has nothing to do with me." Gu Jingyun He said coldly, "But you didn't inform Liu Guanan's three families or report it to the officials. Instead, you detained the four students under you without permission. Since I bumped into it, it's impossible not to ask."

   The big butler felt a chill in his heart.

"The three children all said that they were wronged, and Lan Tong has been murdered by the maid next to your wife. I don't believe that my student can be murdered in his own home, so I must see Lan Tong. Tong's." Gu Jingyun pointedly looked at the big butler and said, "As far as I know, Master Lan seems to dote on Mrs. Lan, but when Master Lan is approaching, there is only one son, Lan Tong. Put together, who will your master prefer more?"

The big housekeeper shuddered. He didn't know who their master preferred, but he definitely wouldn't want his wife and the eldest young master to have an accident, and as a man, he knew very well that there are often women, but it is impossible for children to always be. Yes, not to mention that their master has only one son, the eldest young master...

Thinking of the eldest young master who was still imprisoned in the firewood room, the big butler raised his head and glanced at Gu Jingyun cautiously, finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and said sideways: "Mr. Come and entertain."

   As for Liu Ziyang and other children, they are also guests, and the big housekeeper turned a blind eye and pretended not to see it.

  Gu Jingyun nodded in satisfaction, and led Liu Ziyang and others to the flower hall.

At this time, Li Baolu had already returned to the door on the right side. The two women in the concierge were in a hurry. When they heard the noise coming from the door, the corners of their mouths were bubbling. They wanted to go over to see the situation. I'm also afraid that it's really something that the female guests they put in here cause it.

   was in a hurry, when he looked up, he saw Li Baolu coming from the other side of the road. The two of them were in a hurry and ran up to complain, "Where is Mrs. Gu? It made it easy for us to find it!"

  Li Baolu said a little embarrassedly: "I felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach as soon as I left, so I wanted to find a place to change clothes, but I am not familiar with your mansion, and there is no one around here, so I can only walk a few more steps forward."

   "Afterwards, I met a girl who took me there. When I came back, I lost my way again. I didn't expect it to be delayed until now. I'm really sorry."

   The two wives twitched the corners of their mouths, regardless of whether they believed what Li Baolu said, they didn't dare to report it anyway.

   They don't know if Li Baolu is in trouble by then, they will definitely have an accident. Don't look at it as a gatekeeper job, there are many people in the mansion who want to rob them, and they can't easily do anything.

   So even though they were angry, the two old women still had to speak to Li Baolu in a good voice, "Mrs. Gu, my wife is not available today, so please come back another day."

   "Yes, yes, my master will be back soon. If Mr. Gu comes to visit my master again at that time, my wife really can't find time to see my wife today."

  Li Baolu got up and said with a smile, "That's annoying, I'll visit again another day."

  The two women sent Li Baolu out like a plague god, turned around and closed the door, and talked together, "What did Wei Wei say, is she really the master's wife?"

   "The post is correct, it is indeed from the Gu mansion."

Madam    breathed a sigh of relief, "It's alright if you have the right identity, but it scared me to death. By the way, why did you come back after such a long trip."

   "You think I think, the inner courtyard is in chaos!"

   "What happened? The lights inside have been on since last night, and there were carriages coming in and out this morning..."

   "My wife has a miscarriage!"


  Li Baolu turned around and went to the door on the left. After knocking on the door, she smiled at the guards and said, "I'm the wife of Gu Mansion on Lingsheng Street. My husband Gu Jingyun is in your mansion, let him come out to see me."

   Jiading: ...What's the matter with such a tone of catching a traitor?

   glanced at Li Baolu's outfit, and then glanced at the post she handed over. The servants didn't have the guts to refuse, and they handed it in after taking the post.

  The big housekeeper quickly invited her to the flower hall. The husband and wife are all here, and there are not many more people.

   Li Baolu sighed when she saw Gu Jingyun: "It's correct to have only one door in our house."

   Although the area of ​​Gu Mansion is large, there are three gates, but because there is only one doorman of Lao Li Tou, visitors can only go through the middle gate.

   And Lao Li Tou will not leave the doorman for half a step. If there is a visitor, he will ring the bell in the room. After hearing the bell, the south wind and the east wind will go to receive it.

   There will never be such a situation in the blue house. The front foot goes out through the right door, and the rear foot can enter through the left door.

   Gu Jingyun said with a smile: "It's also the Lan family that is in chaos today, otherwise it would be difficult for you to mix in like this on weekdays."