Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 62

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Lin Jingding stared at Zitong for a while and only looked down at Zitong. She pursed her lips and walked to Ershao's bed. She looked at her waxy face and asked, "How is it?"

"It's no big deal."

Er Shao looked at her woman ’s funny look and looked down at her lip, Chu Ming leaned over to Lin Jing and smiled and asked, “Quiet, why are you here? Is n’t something happen today?”

"I come to see the second younger."

Lin Jing ’s words were simple and cold. Chu Ming was hiccupped. She glared at the creator, Zitong, to see if she was making her quiet.

"It's okay. Er Shao's body is much better than mine. I'm fit and fit. I guess I'll be fine after a sleep."

Chu Ming said vowedly, Lin Jing turned around, looked at her up and down, and smiled lightly: "I can't understand your beauty."

Chu Ming: ...

Zitong: ...

Second less: (^ o ^) / ~

Watching Lin Jing leave, Zitong dare to raise her head. She touched Chu Ming, who was still in a daze, with her wrist. ? If this woman really catches up, won't you die with her IQ? "

Chu Ming rolled his eyes, "What are you talking about? The second youth can take you away, why can't I take it quietly?"

"I depend, Chu Ming, are you coming against me today?"

"What happened, did you see it? That's right, who made you insult me?"

"How do I know that Lin Jing is coming, to blame and to blame your woman, how is she like a ghost, walk without a voice."

"Why is it like a ghost? Have you ever seen such a beautiful ghost?"

"Ghosts have never seen them, people have seen them."





Under the repeated bombing of Chu Ming and Zi Tong every day, Er Shao's body recovered quickly, mainly because she couldn't bear the mental delay. Listening to Zi Tong and Chu Ming's exchanges seemed to be in the ear While the crosstalk is playing in a loop, there is no way to say it.

Zitong was very attentive to Er Shao's illness this time and formulated a strict rest and exercise plan for Er Shao.

So, every night, Chu Ming can see Zitong sitting on the stands with Erlang's legs curled up while watching the two young runners while nibbling the seeds.

"You ... are you a bit abusive?"

Chu Ming looked at the gasping Er Shao on the playground and was a little unbearable. He grabbed the seeds and sat down with Zitong. Zitong gave her a white look, "What do you know? My second youngster likes me to control her."

"But what's the use of running like this?"

Chu Ming had some doubts about Zitong's exercise methods. Zitong frowned. "It doesn't matter what matters to you. Don't rub melon seeds with me. Why don't you go to your home Lin Jing?"

"Cut, where does she have time to accompany me, study at a fixed time every day."

At the mention of Lin Jing, Chu Ming was a little bit limp, Zitong smiled when she looked at her, "Oh, hey, puppy, when did you have such a thin skin, just like she had seen you before, she ignored it You, you won't bother her to study on her own. "

"Come on, that cold look, forget it, it's still a little roomy."

Chu Ming comforted herself. She looked at Zitong's cozy little look a little bit uncomfortable. "This is all human. Why should you be so lucky to have a second less?"

Zitong knocked melon seeds skillfully and nibbled one to put aside the cleaned lunch box. She had a rather stern expression, "Can you compare with my sister? Do you know how sensible the sister is? When he was so cold, he started to seize it. "

"There is nothing to brag about, I just met quietly for a few years."

Chu Ming secretly aimed at Zitong's lunch box and gave it to Er Shao? Hem, this girl has a little treat for Ershi.

"You know what a fart, in addition to being strong first, there is one more thing you can never do."

"What?" Chu Ming looked puzzled at Zitong, Zitong raised his chest, and said proudly: "As long as the second younger is willing, the sister can change the attributes at will, you can attack and accept, Ren Jun picks, can you? "


Chu Ming shook, and Gu Zi Pi was stuck on Ya Hua Zi. She looked at Zitong dumbfounded, unable to say a word. The second younger who happened to finish running came back, and Zitong was attentive to deliver water and seeds.

"What happened?"

Er Shao looked up and drank water. Yu Guang saw Chu Ming who was stupid. Zi Tong patted Chu Ming's head and looked at Er Shao with a smile. "It's okay. I just told her about Chinese history. She was very knowledgeable. Knowledge is shaking. "

Er Shao narrowed his eyes and looked at Zitong. What did he do? Chinese history, these two bad things together certainly did not say good things!


No matter what happened, Zitong's remedy is still useful, it is exercise therapy, and it is tonic. Ershao's body is really strong, and the class seems to be less tired and energetic than before.

Zitong is still the same, after ordering his name, he put his second-hand legs together, his head lying on top, and his body twisted to make up.

Chu Ming is not fuel-efficient. Her table is filled with snacks of various colors. She also squeezes the instant noodles in her hand and stares at Lin Jing while eating.

Lin Jing was quite annoyed by the bursts of taste and Chu Ming's voice of sucking the noodles. She turned to look at Chu Ming, and Chu Ming immediately raised her face to her. "What's the matter, do you want to eat quietly?"

"Can you take it seriously?"

Lin Jing suppressed his anger, Chu Ming pouted, "What's the point of being serious? I'm still lazier than me."

Lin Jing looked in the direction of Chu Ming's eyes and looked at Zitong, who slept darkly on the legs of Er Shao, covering his face with a book, and took a deep breath. It was really black as a crow!

Although the two crows are very moisturizing in the daily class, the two crows are not so beautiful at the end of the final exam. It is known that Er Shao and Lin Jing are surrounded by eyes.

At the end of the semester, Er Shao temporarily eased the work at hand and concentrated on the exam. She was very careful, and spent the whole afternoon drawing all the highlights in the book to Zitong with a highlighter. A thick book, after she sketched it, the focus was clear at a glance.

But it was so simple, Zitong was still dissatisfied, she looked at Er Shao frowning: "Sorry, why so much, can't it be less?"

Er Shao raised an eyebrow, "What do you think?"

Zitong pouted, holding the book gray and looked at it, Chu Ming looked at her when she was pouted, and was very happy: "Come on, let you usually do things for the tiger, someone will pick you up at the critical moment."

Zitong glared at her, "You want someone to clean up but no one has collected it yet."

"You two are quieter."

Er Shao frowned, and Lin Jing beside him also stroked his forehead. Chu Ming and Zitong murmured with their heads bowed grayly.

Chu Ming: "Do you think they both look down on our poor student."

Zitong: "Why is it called a poor student? Don't you **** yourself / pick yourself on the face."

Chu Ming: "You can't unite with me on the front? Let them see the joke."

Zitong: "How to unite?"

Chu Ming: "This exam doesn't have to talk about technology. The focus is on tactics. It's like you are a bandit head. You will be surrounded and suppressed. What will you do?"

Zitong: "Look for the second younger."

Chu Ming: ...

The review period of the final exam is quite painful for everyone, but this is not included by the Chu bandits and the purple head that she entrapped. A variety of advanced and backward technologies were carried out.

When waiting for the final exam, Lin Jing and Er Shao sandwiched the books and looked at the ranking in surprise.

Both Young Shao and Lin Jing are first-class scholarships, which is no surprise.

But who can tell them why Chu Ming and Zi Tong received the third-class scholarship?

What about heaven? Where is Wang Fa?


^ _ ^

Leaf: Can be attacked and accepted, Ren Jun picks, can you?

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