Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 63

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Lin Jing and Er Shao looked at each other positively, Zitong holding an apple, Chu Ming dragged his slippers over, and they were both lazy. Lin Jing and Er Shaoqi flickered sideways, turning their gaze to the two of them.

"Third-class scholarship. Hey, Puppy, take a look, is this true?"

Zitong bit the apple in excitement, Chu Ming glanced at her, and grabbed the apple in her hand, followed by a bite: "What did I say? Let you believe me, this book, don't be stupid I have been studying since I was a high school student, but I ’m sure to follow me. "

"Then take a second next time?"

"Look at the mood, don't take it too high, it's not to save some comrades some face."

"Also, being a man cannot be too absolute."


Lin Jing raised his forehead, Er Shao looked at Chu Ming and Zi Tong, and sighed: "In fact, they are a pair." After hearing this, Lin Jing raised his head and looked at Chu Ming, his eyes hidden. With a touch of sorrow.

"Some things, rather than embarrassing oneself and hurting others, it is better to let it happen."

Er Shao looked at Lin Jing's faint smile, and the encouragement and insight in the tone made Lin Jing a little moved. She bit her lower lip and looked at Er Shao, "I can't do it like you do."

Er Shao smiled and looked at Zitong. "Maybe it's not Tongtong. I can't do this indifferently if I change to another person."

Lin Jing smiled reluctantly, why didn't she? If it was n’t for Chu Ming ’s persistence, how could she be as tangled as it is now? Everything is intertwined. In any case, who should meet someone in this life, and who should be met, God is afraid that it has already been arranged.

"Why? What makes it so uncomfortable to talk quietly?"

Zitong smiled and came over, and she was very relieved of Lin Jing. In her mind, Chu Ming and Lin Jing had been friends of her life. Chu Ming also came over and looked at Lin Jing. Lin Jing looked at her, lowered her head, and her eyes were red. Chu Ming patted her on the shoulder, "It's okay, isn't it just going on vacation? If you miss me, I'll go find you."


Er Shao lamented that this Chu Ming really is ... the big nerve is not much worse than his own woman.

"Speaking of going home, little, your parents call me today and ask when we will go back."

Zitong smiled and leaned on the second young man. On the campus, she was always so unscrupulous. She was not without words and words, but she didn't care. In her opinion, she is going to go with Ershao for a lifetime. If you can't bear the pressure now, what can you talk about all your life? Er Shao smiled and touched her face, "Why not call me?"

"Ce, you still say." Zitong looked at her with dissatisfaction, "Every time your parents call you, you are busy, I want to say that you have been several times, no matter how busy your parents have to answer the phone. . "

"I have your mouth so sweet, every time they make them smile."

"You just know, there is such a good wife, you have to put it in your hands and feel bad for a lifetime."


"Ah, I said that you two are endless? How do you take the time to show love? What is rare?"

Chu Ming couldn't see it, and stood up angrily, Er Shao turned her head a little embarrassedly, when Zi Tong whitened her, pulled her neck to explain, but was caught by Er Shao, Zi Tong Surprisedly looking at Er Shao, Er Shao shook his head and pouted Lin Jing's direction. When Zitong looked at Lin Jing, he saw Lin Jing's head lowered, his lips squeezed tightly, and Xiumei's eyebrows also wrinkled up, obviously struggling.


Until he got on the train back home, Zitong leaned in Er Shao's arms, looking out the window, a little sad.

"Why, still thinking clearly?"

Er Shao ’s knowledge of Zitong can already be regarded as a roundworm in her stomach. Zi Tong leaned his lips and leaned back in Er Shao ’s arms. The two had left early and had already booked their tickets I said goodbye to the teacher and left first. At this time, there were not many train people. According to Zitong ’s meaning, it was enough to buy two hard sleepers. However, the second younger was not happy that Zitong suffered with him. He just bought a soft sleeper. At the end, there was a sentence: "I don't want too many people to disturb us both." Suppress Zitong's protests.

What surprises the two people is that it seems that God is just trying to treat the two of them. There are actually two people in one box, and the other two shops are empty. This time, Zitong wants to toss as much as he wants.

"I'm a little bit uncomfortable. Why do you like Chu Ming but don't say it?"

Zitong was still clearly looking towards Chu Ming. Ershao heard her partiality and squeezed her nose indulgently, "You think everyone is like you, and big things can happen when it doesn't happen, this feeling It ’s a lifetime thing, not everyone is as lucky as us, you know? "

"Also." Zitong happily drilled into Ershao's arms. "Fortunately I picked up a treasure. There is another democratic parent."

Er Shao held a soft body, and his heart was filled with happiness. Is Zitong lucky? No, this lucky thing belongs to her. The two of them walked along the way, although it seemed to outsiders that Tong Tong had bullied her, but only Er Shao knew. The instability and dissipation all the way have been defeated by Zitong's determination and tenacity. If you change to another person, you will have to hesitate for a long time, but Zitong, her domineering squeezes all the indecision.

"But, I still can't see it."

After a while, Zitong pouted again, and the second younger looked at her funny, "Why, aren't you very upset, how could this be distressed again?"

Zitong scolded her, "Who said I was annoying little dogs, she was clever and cute, and she stayed with me when you were away."

Er Shao tightened Zitong's hand, although Zi Tong had never complained to her, but Er Shao understood that Zi Tong's psychology was not good.

"Ah, why are you so nervous?" Zitong kissed Er Shao's chin. "My relationship with Chu Mingqing is simple and simple."


Er Shao was very speechless about her woman ’s unique brain nerves. Zi Tong stared at her with a long sigh, "Sorry, do n’t you feel it's a pity? If you don't like it, there is an excuse for it, and you like each other, because If you ca n’t see the future, you will delay the present. How much time will it take to regret yesterday? "


Er Shao was shocked. Why didn't she find that her woman became more and more female poet?

"Why are you stunned? Isn't it?"

Zitong shook Ershao to find sympathy, and Ershao nodded quickly, "Yes yes."

"Originally, and you look at Lin Jing. Although I usually don't like to take care of puppies, but when I saw the puppies approaching others, hey hello, the sad look, I couldn't help but pity Xiangxiyu. "

Zitong laughed at Lin Jing ’s possessiveness. She knew that sometimes when she whispered around Chu Ming ’s shoulder, Lin Jing ’s psychology would definitely be uncomfortable. But she just did it. Why should she keep torturing her puppy?

"Well." This is not perfunctory. Er Shao also found that Lin Jing's possessiveness is relatively strong, but she thought again, how could she not be like Zitong? After being silent for a while, Zitong began to eat it from juice and seeds. Er Shao looked at her seriously and asked, "Tong Tong, what kind of books have you read recently?" She knew that Zi Tong did not like to study, but Miscellaneous novels are not rare.

Zitong smiled and sipped his lips, and replied: "A very good quality good kind person, good-hearted and very domineering author's article."

"What kind of articles are they?" Er Shao was confused, Zitong smiled sweetly, a little embarrassed, "I knew everyone called her leaves, and the articles written were very pure, this author is really good Yes, I heard it was a domineering attack. Less, you can check it out if you have time. "

Second Younger: ... Oh? Oh.


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