Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 64

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Er Shao and Zi Tong, who got off the train, were strongly welcomed by the four old men who had already been waiting.

Er Shao's temperament was deserted. From an early age, he was not good at coquetry with his parents. When it was Zitong, he said, "My parents miss you." "Hong Da, I bought you delicious food." "Hong Ma, you are getting more and more Younger. "The four old men coaxed red and walked home with Zitong. Gradually, the two young men who were left behind took their luggage, looked at the few people smiling in front, and raised their lips.

It's nice to have a sweet-spoken wife, worry-free and effortless.

The table full of dishes in the house has already been set. This is the result of a long argument between the two families. They both wanted the other party to come to their home. Later, Dad Hong said a very important sentence, "should come to my house, Er Shao and Tong Tong Where is his identity. "

Hong Ma snickered, and Zi Da Zi Zi Ma was a little depressed when it came to the end, yeah, their disgruntled damsel, every time she saw Er Shao, she showed such a screaming little woman, hey, this attribute is Individuals can tell, forget it, go to the Hong family.

During the banquet, talking about university life, Zitong was very happy to eat meals, "Mom and dad, you cook so delicious."

"You'll eat more if it's delicious. Why? See you two are thin. Is the food in the cafeteria not appetizing?"

Hong Ma looked at the two distressedly. Although they were independent since they were young, and they took care of each other, after all, they were not at home, they were all children, and they were always away when they were away.

Zitong chewed the vegetables and said with a smile: "The food in the cafeteria is okay, but it is too greasy. My thinness is for weight loss and has nothing to do with my mood. Second, it is tired."


Now the four elders are all excited, how can it be so tired to go to school? Er Shao, who had been eating with his head down, looked up at Zitong, narrowing his eyes like a warning. Zitong winked at her and smiled proudly. Why, now knowing to threaten her? Why did you go? Who made you so desperate not to listen to me, I can't clean up you, naturally someone cleans up you.

"Mom and dad, don't listen to Tong Tong talking nonsense."

Er Shao snatched in front of Zi Tong and said, Zi Tong waved his hand, and his voice continued loudly, "Is n’t that my nonsense, Hong Dad and Hong Ma, do you know how much Er Shao fights? The bartender ’s qualification test is down I can't control her. But she actually took part in the company's code programming. You know, this kind of engineer, which is not hard work, so physical and mental overdraft back and forth, ha ha, just a while ago fell ill, high fever, and lay down It ’s been a long time. It ’s been just a few days since I started tossing like chicken blood, and it ’s useless to say. ”


Er Shao stared at Zitong for a long time? She apparently retreated after a day of fever.

"Are you short of money?"

Dad Hong spoke in silence, his voice was not loud, but he was very powerful. Er Shao quickly explained, "I just want to exercise."

"Have you exercised like this?" Mam Hong's tears were about to fall. She looked at her less and lowered her head.

"You gave us your body, and you have no right to overdraw."

Hong Ma's eyes are red, and Hong Da is also sad. "I know you want to be strong, but don't you know such a strong way, don't you?"


Er Shao thought hardened his head, Zi Ma looked at Er Shao, then turned to look at her girl.

"Tong Tong, Er Shao is so busy, what are you doing?"

Zitong smiled and said, "I also have a part-time job, but I don't think it's part-time work, anyway, I like it myself, and I know how to combine work and rest, and, I still have a very important thing to do . "


The four old men looked at Zitong in full swing. Zitong was very satisfied and said, "Take care of money."


This time the smile on the face of Zi Da Zi Zi Ma is thicker, see? did you see it? Seeing that the second elder of the Hong family still doesn't take the attributes of her girl in the family, it's a good thing! Since Ershao and Zitong are well, the four olds have caught up with the fashion trend. They basically master the words in the circle and understand everything.

Hong Ma a little hated that iron is not good. She looked at Zi Da Zi Zi Ma's proud look and thought about it, said: "It's okay, anyway, I have to go home anyway after graduation, and Tong Tong looked at the second younger and I was relieved."

"Go home?"

Zi Ma heard the out-of-string sound sensitively. Dad Hong followed, saying, "Yeah, we are all ready to come out of the house."

"That won't work." As soon as I heard that my daughter had to live with Ershao, Dad Hong couldn't sit still. "My house is also ready, I think it's convenient to live with us."

"Look what you said, the two are so close, we live like this."

"Well, what's inside, let's eat, eat first."

Zitong saw the war that had been rising, and Er Shao glanced at her. What should I know?


The meal was quite happily over.

As soon as she got home, Zi Ma couldn't sit still. She took Tong Tong and said nothing else. Let's talk about the future.

"I don't care, Tong Tong, you and your parents are pulling a lot of **** and urine, you can't just follow others."

Zitong was eating ice cream and glanced at his parents. "Look at what you said, it's like it was picked up by Er Shao."

Zi Ma was deflated, and Zi Dad shook her head, "Hey, this is really a female college student, now start talking for others?"

Zitong looked a little funny at her parents' sadness, but also a little unbearable. She smiled and moved closer to the second elder, coquettishly: "Okay, how far is the matter, why do you want to do so much?"

"What's the matter? This year has passed, no. Minger goes to Hong's house, we have to ask clearly."

Zi Ma did not let go, Zi Tong smiled a little trembling, "It ’s not that I said you, the two family members are too shy, this is me and the second younger together, if we find two men, who do you fight for? ? "

In a word, Zi Da and Zi Ma stopped moving. Indeed, if they really followed someone else, what are they fighting for?

"Tongtong, the university is not white."

Zi Da finally had a smiley face, and Tong Tong held his neck in one hand, "How?"

"It's reasonable, let's fight with the second and the second."

Dad Zi scratched Zitong's nose, Zitong was real, and following her parents was not as strong as outsiders. She licked the ice cream and smiled and said, "Hey, don't you understand your own daughter? Er Shao does not like to take care of me, let me, if my IQ is really undefeated with her PK? "


After being silent for a while, Zi Da Zi and Zi Ma looked up together, looking at Zi Tong with anger and angrily, "What's wrong with your IQ?"

Zitong immediately shut up and finished, she patronized the second less, why did she even rub her parents in?

It is not only the Zi family but also the Hong family that does not stop. Obviously, the "high IQ" Hong family can better grasp the essence of the problem.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Er Shao, who was tired, was caught by Hong Ma and pressed on the living room of the sofa. He said that he would have a family meeting.


The two essays are more together, crying into a dog while being extremely happy, and they are enough to abuse themselves ... T ^ T

PS: Your message from the last chapter ... what makes leaves feel so good? Everyone has a way to reply, obviously a white face is looking at you, I have to ask where my face is, I hate shi.

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