City of Streamer

Chapter 10: third

Home teacher please. "

Mrs. Rong said proudly: "I picked it from thousands of choices, what if it's not good? Even your sister has been reading with Miss Feng recently, what kind of English literature is she studying. If it comes to learning, Miss Feng is definitely better than Auntie Sun. already."

The second concubine said angrily: "It's not an academic certificate, what is the level of knowledge? Miss Feng's knowledge is so good, how can our family keep it? With her talent and appearance, it is impossible to meet someone through our family. Young and talented, marry into a high school and be a wife."

"Yes." Mrs. Rong sneered, "I think she also looks like the wife of the main room."

The second concubine, whose sisters are concubines, accidentally fell into the pit dug by herself, and she fell to the ground. However, Rong Dingkun was impatient to watch the fight between his wives and concubines. He hastily ran out of breakfast and went back to the West Hall to change his clothes, ready to go to work in the company.

Sun Shaoqing was sitting on the window sill with a book in his arms, watching intently. The early morning sun after the rain shone on her beautiful face, Rong Dingkun saw it with love and affection, walked over and touched her face, and asked, "What book do you read?"

Sun Shaoqing ignored him and said lightly, "Miss Feng recommended me an autobiographical novel by a French author."

Rong Dingkun thoughtfully asked, "What do you usually talk about?"

"Let's talk about Western literature." Sun Shaoqing said, "Ms. Feng is really good at learning, and coming home to teach is a bit underpowered."

"Apart from chatting about books, didn't you say anything else?" Rong Dingkun asked, "Did she ask about the family?"

Sun Shaoqing glanced suspiciously at Rong Dingkun, and said, "What's there to talk about at home? Miss Feng is different from the women you usually see, Master. She only has mathematics and poetry in her mind, which can be refined. She taught me a lot while reading English literature. She was so knowledgeable, kind, and warm, like the sun."

Rong Dingkun is very disdainful of this kind of girlish worship and the opinions of young literary people. He likes educated girls, but what he likes is their gentle conversation and elegant demeanor, and it is also very good to take them out. But he never cared about their thoughts and hobbies.

"Master," Sun Shaoqing was worried and emphasized, "Miss Feng is a clean person, don't play her tricks!"

"Yo, jealous?" Rong Dingkun laughed: "Don't worry, my favorite is not you, who else could it be?"

After saying that, he hugged Sun Shaoqing and kissed, and then went out.

Fortunately, Feng Shizhen just caught a common cold, so he didn't have to be kicked out of the Rong's house.

She rested for two days and stayed in the house quietly, usually not even going out. However, Rong Jia never came to look for her, or even greeted her through his mother, so cold that he seemed to have forgotten that there was such a person at home.

It's just that Feng Shizhen heard a soft knock on the door in the morning before Ma Li came to deliver the meal. There was no one outside the door, but on the doorknob hung a string of freshly picked magnolia flowers, with dew and a fragrant fragrance.

Feng Shizhen glanced at the east wing, returned to the house holding the flowers, and hung the flowers on the curtains.

The opposite window was open, the curtains fluttered gently, and there was a shadow behind him.

On the second day, the flowers outside the door were replaced by camellias, still carrying dew. Feng Shizhen washed an ink bottle and kept the camellia on the windowsill.

Li Ma told Feng Shizhen that Rong Jia had been staying in the study for the past few days, reading and doing homework. Rong Dingkun was very satisfied with him and praised him several times. Yesterday, people from the Du family came to eat. Master Du asked Rong Jia several questions on the exam, and he answered all of them. When Master Du was happy, he gave Rong Jia a Swiss watch.

At night, Feng Shizhen was sitting at his desk reading a book, and when he looked up, he could see the lit window opposite.

The curtains were not drawn, and the figures were clear. Rong Jia had bare shoulders and was lifting dumbbells. Sweat wet his skin, and it was illuminated by the light, as if smeared with a layer of grease. His body was thin and well-built, with clear muscles and solid as if carved out of marble.

After taking a shower, Rong Jiashang would sit down by the window again and start reading and doing problems. When encountering difficulties, he frowned and scratched his head. Feng Shizhen looked at him and couldn't help but want to laugh.

She wanted to knock on Rong Jiashang's door and asked, "Do you need me to give you some pointers?"

But she held back.

Now is not the time. She is older, and she is also a teacher, so she has to stand up. She wants to attract the fish to take the initiative to bite the hook, and she cannot bring the hook to the fish's mouth.

What's more, only in this way can she be sure to control herself.

Two lit windows, one at one end of the building and one at the other. Feng Shizhen quietly admired the youthful and enthusiastic beauty across the dark night.

No longer far, no longer near. Feng Shizhen felt that this was actually very safe.

On the third day, Feng Shizhen recovered and went downstairs to class.

Rong Jia leaned against the wall outside the study door with a book on his back, staring at the pointer of the wall clock, listening to the soft words of the woman in the study.

After a long while, the sisters of the Rong family came out of class, and Rong Jiashang walked in with a sullen face.

Feng Shizhen was writing something, without raising his head, and said, "Have you finished the questions assigned to you before? Check the answers yourself first."

"That's right." Rong Jia stared at her, "There's one thing I don't quite understand."

"Where?" Feng Shizhen finally raised his head and looked at Rong Jiashang calmly, "Bring it to me and see."

Rong Jiashang pushed the workbook over. Feng Shizhen looked at it and wrote it in the notebook, explaining each step to Rong Jia.

Rong Jiashang's eyes fell from Feng Shizhen's beautifully curved nose, to her rosy lips, and then to her delicate hands. She was absent-minded and turned the pen habitually.

Feng Shizhen frowned slightly and stopped: "If you're not interested in listening, I won't talk about it."

The pencil clacked on the table. Rong Jia shyly grabbed the pen and tried to focus on the textbook.

Feng Shizhen continued to lecture again.

Rong Jiashang interrupted her suddenly and asked, "Are you still mad at me?"

Feng Shizhen was at a loss for words, and finally his eyes fell on the handsome face of the young man. I don't know if it was her illusion, Rong Jia looked a little aggrieved and dissatisfied. But what's wrong with him? The one who was ridiculed and humiliated was her.

Rong Jia asked again, "Have you received my flowers?"

Feng Shizhen felt that his face was a little hot, and said in a low voice, "I got it, thank you. But if you apologize, you should also add a card."

"I thought about it." Rong Jia said, "Later, I was afraid that my mother would pick it up and make trouble for you, and I felt that since it was an apology, it should be said in person to be sincere."

Feng Shizhen really lost his temper now. Facing Rong Jiashang's melancholy eyes like a big dog, her heart softened.

"I'm sorry. I was the one who made the rude words." Rong Jiashang said softly, "but I didn't mean to humiliate you at all. Mr. Feng, are different from them."

"Oh..." Feng Shizhen said, "I forgive you. Let this matter pass. We won't mention it in the future."

"Okay." Rong Jiashang looked at Feng Shizhen and smiled slightly, "Let's continue the class."

Feng Shizhen lowered his head, raised his pen, and controlled his heartbeat with a little perseverance before starting to write again.

On the 14th day of October, the sky was overcast, and there were thin threads of rain floating in the sky.

Most of the sweet-scented osmanthus in the courtyard gradually faded away, but the old sweet-scented osmanthus tree by the octagonal pavilion was in full bloom as Feng Shizhen expected. The dark fragrance drifted in the wind and rain, adding a charming atmosphere to this dull and monotonous afternoon.

"Are you ready?" Feng Shizhen and Sun Shaoqing stood in the octagonal pavilion, looking side by side at the desolate autumn scenery outside, "Leave here, it is very likely that the storm will greet you outside."

"I'm ready." Sun Shaoqing's eyes were firm, "If you're not free, you'd rather die!"

"Don't die." Feng Shizhen held her hand and said softly, "Live, Shaoqing. Only by living can there be hope and a turning point."

With tears in his eyes, Sun Shaoqing put his arms around Feng Shizhen's arm, resting his head on her shoulder, reluctantly.

"Sister Shizhen, you took such a big risk for me. After I leave, I'm afraid that Rong's family will embarrass you."

Feng Shizhen said: "They have no evidence and can't do anything with me. Don't worry about me. Remember, once you walk out of that door, don't look back. If you don't look back, you can really escape!"

Sun Shaoqing's eyes were firm and he nodded vigorously.

Rong Jiashang is facing the full-length mirror and tying his tie. It seemed that he sensed something in the dark, he glanced downstairs sideways, and then sneered softly.

Wu Yunchi was playing with a nunchaku in his room, and when he saw this, he glanced curiously, and suddenly laughed in surprise.

"Isn't this your female teacher? Is this the song "Lian Xiang Companion"?" Wu Yunchi suddenly realized, "By the way, what is the situation with her now? Have you got it?"

Rong Jia rolled his eyes and said, "You can't think of anything else in your mind?"

"Since this lady came to your house, you haven't had a normal two days." Wu Yunchi sneered, "It seems that you have completely let go of the one from Chongqing? Did you contact him later?"

Rong Jia said indifferently: "I've been to Telegram, only to know that she also moved out shortly after I left. She didn't contact me, and she obviously wanted to cut it off."

"It's a pity for both of you." Wu Yunchi sighed, "She is so talented, if you were from a better background, you might be able to become one. After all, it's a childhood sweetheart relationship."

Rong Jiashang was silent and did not answer.

"What about this Miss Feng?" Wu Yunchi became interested again, "You really have no interest in her, why would you let her know your true abilities?"

"Aren't I following her to make up lessons?" Rong Jia laughed and laughed, "I'm fooling around with my own tutor, afraid that my stepmother can't find an excuse to blame me?"

"You just have too many concerns. If I were you, I'd take care of him. If you're interested, you can get it first." Wu Yunchi put his arms around Rong Jiashang's shoulder, "Just for fun, people like us have some What can't you do? Life is all about having fun."

"I'm not interested." Rong Jia waved Wu Yunchi's hand away, "Besides, even if I can afford it, she can't afford it, so why bother? I'm not my father, I want to see anything pleasing to the eye. come over."

Wu Yunchi shook his head and smiled: "What are you worrying about for those women? They are just here for us to be romantic and rich, so naturally they know there are risks."

"But Feng Shizhen is not that kind of woman." Rong Jia said.

"Yo, it's all called by name." Wu Yunchi leaned over and stared at him, "It's really interesting."

"Fuck you." Rong Jia picked up a date and threw it to Wu Yunchi, "Didn't you say I went to dance there with you? Let's go!"

The two laughed and went out the door. Rong Jiashang sent the driver and drove by himself. After leaving the gate of Rong's residence, he also passed the car of Rong Dingkun who had just returned home.

Rong Jiashang glanced through the car window, only to see his father sitting in the back seat with a dignified expression and a weary expression. He was thoughtful, but did not see his son's car. Rong Jiashang didn't bother to say hello, so he kicked the accelerator and ran away. #####


At the beginning of the lanterns, the neon lights on Xiafei Road were particularly dazzling in the drizzle. The street is full of traffic, the men and women in neat clothes are hurrying, and the cheerful music floats out of the window of the dance hall and echoes on the street.

Wu Yunchi recently met an up-and-coming singer, and the two are fighting hotly.

The little singer was hired by a Nanyang boss and bought a very spacious apartment in a new elevator building on Xiafei Road. When the boss returned to Nanyang, the little singer held a dance party in the apartment.

At the dance, there are everyone, including the sons and brothers of rich families, compradors from foreign companies, popular actors, and celebrities from all walks of life.

Rong Jiashang has always been uninterested in this messy and noisy dance party, standing on the side with arrogance and indifference, like a beautiful iceberg. The female guests at the dance were relatively reserved, they only dared to look around, but no one dared to rush forward to chat up.

"Huh?" A beautiful girl passed by and found Rong Jiashang.

Rong Jia looked up and saw that it was Du Lanxin. His face stiffened, and he secretly asked why he didn't look through the almanac first when he went out.

Du Lanxin smiled and said, "Are you still mad at me?"

She couldn't open the pot and lift it. Rong Jia annoyed her very much and said bravely, "I don't remember when I was angry with you. I'm afraid you remembered the wrong person."

Du Lanxin didn't care about the sarcasm at all, leaning on Rong Jia's arm, she said affectionately, "I was wrong that day. Later, I thought, you are young and inexperienced. Just play more in the future."

Rong Jiashang was disgusted in his heart, and sneered: "Some of Miss Du's games are better to find someone who knows how to play."

Du Lanxin leaned against him, looked at the dance floor with his fragrant temples, and asked, "Then what kind of girl do you want to play with? A pure female student?"

The back of the girl with the braids flashed in my memory. Rong Jia's reaction was flat.

Du Lanxin stared at him and smiled: "Let me guess. You have experienced female students, it is not uncommon, and you want to change your taste. You have to have some experience and ideas, but you can't be too mature and romantic. You men always like good girls. Like... well, like your lady gentleman?"

Rong Jiashang gave Du Lanxin a cold look.

Du Lanxin smiled smugly, took the wine glass in his hand, and drank the rest of the wine.

Rong Jia lowered his head and said, "I can't bear Miss Du's joke. There are some women you can't touch casually."

"You can't touch your husband, let's go to the head office of someone else." Du Lanxin was searching on the dance floor. "Although there are not many professional women in their early twenties, they are not difficult to find. What do you think of that one?"

In the direction Du Lanxin pointed, there was a young woman wearing a foreign silk cheongsam. She looked about the same age as Feng Shizhen, beautiful and elegant, standing aside with a look of self-admiration.

"Miss Du is pimping?" Rong Jia laughed.

"I'm here to prove to you that the deal I made is sincere." Du Lanxin put her pointed index finger on Rong Jia's moist lips, "You wait."

After that, the butterfly turned around gracefully and walked towards the girl.

Rong Jiashang thought it was funny and wanted to leave, but after a second thought, he stopped again.

Feng Shizhen is probably the only woman who can take the initiative to come and hold her hand. It doesn't matter much if you change someone else.

Du Lanxin went out and succeeded naturally. In a blink of an eye, she took the young lady and turned back.

"This is Miss Li, working in Zhonghua Bookstore." Du Lanxin pointed to Rong Jia again, "This is the eldest young master of Rong's firm."

The Rong family has a prominent reputation, and the young master Rong is handsome and noble. Miss Li's heart was like a deer, she forced herself to be calm, and nodded to Rong Jia elegantly and dignifiedly, very restrained.

"You two talk." Du Lanxin smiled and pushed the person towards Rong Jia, winked, and retreated.

Rong Jiashang nodded at the lady lukewarmly.

Miss Li is really not an ordinary girl who has never seen the world. She was left hanging for a long time and no one was invited to dance, and she was suddenly hit by a big cake, but she was not in a hurry to eat, she just raised her hand and brushed her short hair, and asked gently, "Young Master Rong came with a friend? "

Rong Jia went up to Wu Yunchi who was holding a beautiful woman on the dance floor and raised his chin: "I was dragged here."

Miss Li smiled and said, "I was also dragged by a friend, and she also left me to play on her own."

Rong Jia said, "It seems that we are all poor people who were betrayed by our friends."

Miss Li pursed her lips and chuckled: "I don't usually like to come to dance parties, but I look like a country bumpkin."

The way she lowered her head and smiled slightly resembled Feng Shizhen. Rong Jia had already lost his interest, but now he is a little more interested.

Du Lanxin winked at him from a distance, her face full of interest.

"Miss Li." Rong Jia pondered, put down the wine glass, and reached out to her, "I wonder if I'm lucky enough to invite you to a dance."

Miss Li smiled sweetly, suppressing her wild beating heart, and placed her hand gently on Rong Jia's palm.

Rong Dingkun entered the gate of the West Hall with a tired expression. Sun Shaoqing put down the book in his hand and came over to change his clothes and shoes.

"Is the master eating here?" Sun Shaoqing asked, "I asked the cook to make mutton soup to ward off the cold for you."

Rong Dingkun snorted, his lover's obedience and thoughtfulness made his face look better. He went upstairs into the smoking room, leaned on the collapse, closed his eyes and rested. Sun Shaoqing walked over, sat at his feet, and helped him beat his legs.

"Master," the bodyguard said outside the door, "Mr. Yang is calling."

Rong Dingkun waved his hand, "I'll call him back later."

The bodyguard stepped back, and the footman walked in with dinner.

Sun Shaoqing glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It's ten past seven.

The sky is already dark, and the lights are beginning to come on.

It was a seemingly ordinary night. Only Sun Shaoqing knew that tonight would be the most crucial night in her life. Every step tonight is related to her future and destiny.

If she succeeds, she runs towards freedom; if she fails, she has no choice but to die.

After finishing dinner, the messenger packed up the tableware and left.

Sun Shaoqing brought tea to Rong Dingkun to rinse his mouth, and asked softly, "Master seems to have something to worry about, do you want to take a few sips to relieve fatigue?"

Rong Dingkun frowned wearily, and after a while, nodded.

Sun Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief, and said expectantly, "Let's use new goods this time, okay? It's been a long time since the goods were delivered, and no one has ever used them."

She has always been reserved and rarely acted like a spoiled child. Rong Dingkun liked it so much, he smiled and touched her face: "It turns out that I am greedy. Go and get it."

Sun Shaoqing immediately went to the cabinet and took out a box of beautifully packaged opium, filled a cigarette first, lit it, and handed it to Rong Dingkun.

The hour hand ticked, pointing to seven forty.

Feng Shizhen finished his lunch and went for a walk in the yard to digest his food. This is her habit.

At first, Chen's mother would follow her all the way, saying that it was to accompany her, but also to follow her. Later, Chen's mother was replaced, and Li's mother was not so diligent. After delivering dinner, she stopped work and went home. Feng Shizhen was walking alone, walking around the yard at will, and no one paid attention to her.

The wind picked up and blew away the dark clouds, and the moon peeked out from the edge of the clouds. The earth is bright and dark, and the shadows of the trees are swaying.

Feng Shizhen made a circle along the grass at the gate, and then went around to the backyard.

The concierge changed shifts and walked into the guard room, only to see a bottle of good wine and a plate of peanuts placed on the table. The doorman's eyes were suddenly straight, and seeing that there was no one left or right, he immediately pulled out the sieve and took a gulp.

The daughters of the Rong family finished their meals and walked into the living room. Mrs. Rong and Mrs. aunt were sitting by the radio, listening to the Yue Opera on Chunghwa Radio. Several girls were sitting in the corner of the sofa, flipping through the latest "VOGUE" magazine and discussing the style of the new autumn clothes.

This was an extremely ordinary night for the Rong family.

Feng Shizhen walked past and nodded politely to the women inside.

"Ms. Feng's posture is really good." The aunt said, "Last time, Mrs. Zhu Er quietly asked me if she had a boyfriend. She has a distant cousin. Although her family is poor, she works in a foreign firm. The future is very good, and it is a good match with Miss Feng."

Rong Fanghua said disdainfully, "It's just someone running errands."

Mrs. Rong smiled: "This Miss Feng is just a governess. Do you think she's from such a background, what kind of wealthy family can she marry?"

Rong Fanglin said: "Mr. Feng is a pity. I heard that her family was originally from a good family."

Mrs. Rong thought of something and asked, "She gave your eldest brother a separate lesson, how was the class?"

"You have to ask eldest brother how to get on." Rong Fanghua said, "But I've seen eldest brother scratching his ears and cheeks a few times when I pass by. It's very difficult to come and learn."

"As long as she teaches seriously and doesn't learn from certain people, it's good to get some sideways."

Mrs. Rong said, and glanced in the direction of Xitang.

In the west hall, there is a strong smell of smoke. This new product took effect quickly, and Sun Shaoqing coaxed Rong Dingkun to smoke more. At this moment, Rong Dingkun was reclining on the couch, his expression slack and his eyes blurred.

"Master," Sun Shaoqing tried to call him, "look at me, who am I?"

Rong Dingkun wriggled his lips and read a name.

This is the name that he will repeat every time he draws high. Sun Shaoqing didn't know who this person was, and he didn't want to know. All she knew was that now Rong Dingkun had come to the moment when he really did not recognize his six relatives. She could move on and run away!

Sun Shaoqing left the smoking room, went back to the bedroom, wrapped the jewelry and coupons he had accumulated in a cloth bag, wrapped it around his waist, and changed into a blue shirt and skirt that was almost identical to what Feng Shizhen was wearing. out the door.

Before going out, she set the grandfather clock on the stairs on the second floor forward by half an hour. Seven-fifty-five became eight-thirty, skipping the punctuality.

The bodyguard has recently gotten used to Sun Shaoqing going to the yard to read poems at night, and seeing her empty-handed, he doesn't stop her.

Sun Shaoqing calmly walked out of the bodyguard's sight, turned around, and ran towards the back door of the big mansion.

Feng Shizhen was waiting for her in the dark corner by the back door. The two nodded tacitly in the dark center, clasping their hands.

Feng Shizhen immediately handed a small suitcase to Sun Shaoqing, and whispered in her ear: "You go to a hotel near the pier for one night, and board the ship early tomorrow. Remember my words, don't trust others. My family's The contact information is in the box, and when you arrive in Japan, send me a telegram to tell me that it is safe."

Sun Shaoqing had tears in his eyes: "Sister Shizhen, I don't know how to thank you."

"I am also doing good deeds and accumulating blessings." Feng Shizhen wiped her tears, "After going out, take care of yourself."

"The same goes for you." Sun Shaoqing held Feng Shizhen's hand tightly, "Leave the Rong family as soon as possible. Rong Dingkun is not a good person. He... He said he was from a scholar family, but he was actually a liar! He is actually a small runner , made his fortune after winning the lottery! He even changed his name."

Feng Shizhen was stunned. She knew the details of Rong Dingkun from Meng Xian, but she didn't know that he had changed his name.

"Then what was his name?"

Sun Shaoqing shook his head: "I don't know, and I don't want to know. But he has also killed a lot of people and carried a lot of blood debts! Sister Shizhen, don't get too involved with the Rong family."

"I remember it all." Feng Shizhen said calmly, "Let's take care of each other!"

The two finally hugged tightly. Sun Shaoqing wiped away his tears, wrapped his hair with a silk scarf, and walked towards the door with his head buried.

The porter drank a little wine and hummed to the Kunqu Opera on the radio, his eyes fainted.

Sun Shaoqing walked to the door and knocked on the glass window with his head down.

The porter stood up with a burp of wine: "Miss Feng? It's so late... hiccup... Are you still going out?"

"Well." Sun Shaoqing said calmly, "Something happened at home and I have to go back. Please open the door."

The concierge did not suspect him, and staggered out, took out the key, and opened the small door. Sun Shaoqing stepped over the small door, walked out quickly, and quickly disappeared at the entrance of the alley.

Feng Shizhen watched Sun Shaoqing leave smoothly, looked down at his watch, turned around and headed towards Xitang quickly. #####


Someone changed the gramophone to a record, and the melodious and rhythmic violin sounded, which was refreshing.

The familiar melody made Rong Jiashang's footsteps stop suddenly. Miss Li didn't have time to stop, she bumped her head into his arms, touching the young man's hard chest, her pretty face flushed instantly.

"I'm sorry." Miss Li hurriedly apologized, "Did I step on you and hurt you?"

"It's okay." Rong Jia was a little absent-minded, and his attention seemed to be taken away by the music.

"I... I don't know how to dance tango." Miss Li lowered her head shyly, "Young Master Rong must think I'm stupid, I'll make you laugh. In fact, it's the first time I've come to such a dance, and I don't know anything. If I did something wrong, please remind me."

Being so shy and timid, it has already caused ordinary men to ignite a raging desire to protect, and they will immediately care and comfort them in a soft voice.

Rong Jiashang looked down at the girl's blushing face, her expression indifferent and a little impatient.

Wu Yunchi, who was holding his female companion, passed by them, and winked narrowly at Rong Jia.

Rong Jiashang hesitated for a moment, then politely said, "It's okay, I'll lead you to dance."

He took another step and skillfully turned the girl in his arms in a circle.

Miss Li was encircled by his strong arm, her heart was rippling, and the intoxicated color replaced the reserved restraint, occupying the expression on her face.

Familiar melodies, deja vu scenes, and unfamiliar girls in his arms all made Rong Jiashang feel like he was in a distorted dream. He stepped and twirled to the rhythm, dragging his clumsy partner, daring to finish the piece. Fortunately, Miss Li gradually got used to it, and was able to keep up with his pace and stopped stepping on his feet.

The piano bursts with rhythmic notes. Rong Jia released her hand, and Miss Li was pushed away with his strength, then turned back and threw herself into her arms.

The girl raised her head from Rong Jiashang's arms. With a delicate face, bright eyes, and a narrow smile that seems to be absent at the corners of his mouth.

Her waist is flexible and her steps are nimble, like a deer running in the woods. Her eyes are like cold stars in the night sky, and there are endless stories hidden in her eyes.

Rong Jiashang seemed to have stepped into an illusion, feeling relaxed and happy.

The lights dimmed and the streamers flickered, like a meteor streaking across the sky, like a firefly flying across the swamp under the moon, like two intertwined melody, like two unrestrained souls. Lightly, gracefully flying, echoing each other, inseparable.

Du Lanxin put down the glass in surprise. Wu Yunchi also loosened his female companion's waist, and looked sideways at the intoxicated couple.

Feng Shizhen looked into Rong Jiashang's eyes and asked playfully, "Rong Jiashang, why do you always think of me?"

Rong Jia was shocked and instantly woke up from the illusion. Fictional visions crumble like shattered glass houses, revealing the real world.

Strange ball, strange woman. Only the music is familiar, it is progressing to the climax, impassioned and resonating with heartstrings.

Rong Jiashang stopped abruptly.

Miss Li was panting, her cheeks were flushed, and there was spring water in her eyes, looking at him in confusion.

"I'm sorry." The tenderness in Rong Jia's eyes faded like the tide, leaving only the deserted beach under the moonlight.

He loosened Miss Li's waist: "I... need to see someone."

"Now?" Miss Li was stunned.

"Sorry." Rong Jia took a step back, "I have something I need to confirm."

He rubbed the girl's shoulders, his footsteps were resolute, and he strode away.

Miss Li was left alone on the dance floor with a face full of disbelief.

In the quiet Rong Mansion, in the remote West Hall, two bodyguards were playing cards in the living room. Feng Shizhen entered the door and walked upstairs with his head buried.

The tall bodyguard frowned slightly, his eyes following Feng Shizhen's footsteps.

"It's your turn." The companion reminded.

Then he turned his head and threw four nines of hearts on the coffee table: "Fried!"

Feng Shizhen went upstairs unhurriedly, opened the door of the smoke room, and walked in. There is a gramophone by the door of the smoking room. She picked out a vinyl record and put it into the gramophone.

The soothing music echoed in this quiet autumn night, adding a bit of sentiment.

Rong Dingkun was lying on the couch, covered with a thin blanket, half asleep, not caring that someone came in.

At this time, he was very different from the past. The flesh on his face was loose, showing a bit of old age. The deeper the nasolabial lines on the corners of his mouth, his eyes were cloudy, and that shrewd and sharp expression was no longer there. .

Feng Shizhen sat down beside him, imitating Sun Shaoqing and pinching his legs lightly.

"Master, do you want to use some more?"

Rong Dingkun rolled his eyes and waved his hand humbly.

Feng Shizhen's subordinate squeezed Rong Dingkun's leg hard, but he didn't respond.

Feng Shizhen took out a blank official note from her small study from his arms, grabbed Rong Dingkun's hand, dipped his thumb in the ink pad, and pressed it on the official note. Then she took out the wet handkerchief and carefully wiped off the red marks on her fingertips.

She rummaged through Rong Dingkun's body, and after searching for a long time, she couldn't find where his mark was.

Rong Dingkun lay crooked on the couch, squinted at Feng Shizhen, and suddenly asked in confusion, "A...Ahe?"

"Huh?" Feng Shizhen responded casually and saw a red line protruding from Rong Dingkun's neckline. She pulled out a thumb-sized gold medal along the way. The words "Rong Ding Kun Yin" are engraved on the sign.

It's the print!

Rong Dingkun suddenly shoved Feng Shizhen abruptly, stood up and couldn't help but dodge back, showing the horrified and frightened look he had when he first saw Feng Shizhen before.

"Why... why are you here again? I buried you and sealed you up with my own hands. How can you come back? Go away! Go away!"

Rong Dingkun shouted, Feng Shizhen hurriedly bent over and covered his mouth.

"Shh... be quiet! I'm not Ah He, I'm not here to ask for my life." Feng Shizhen heard the footsteps of the bodyguard going upstairs, and added in a hurry, "I have forgiven you."

The last sentence had an obvious effect on Rong Dingkun. He stopped struggling, squinted his chaotic eyes, and tried to see Feng Shizhen clearly through his blurred vision. His expression was frightened and yearning, as if he had something to say.

"Master." The bodyguard was knocking on the door, "Are you alright?"

Feng Shizhen pressed into Rong Dingkun's ear and said, "If you want me to forgive you, just say you're fine."

She let go. Rong Dingkun said slowly, "I'm fine."

"Let them rest."

"Go and rest." Rong Dingkun repeated.

"Got it." The bodyguard turned and left.

Feng Shizhen looked at his watch. Eight fifteen. The clock outside the door showed eight forty-five. The music is soothing, and after one song is played, another song follows.

Feng Shizhen grabbed the gold medal, quickly printed it on the official paper, and put the cleaned gold medal back into Rong Dingkun's collar.

Rong Dingkun looked at her blankly, confused and afraid: "Are you... Ah He, or sister-in-law?"

Feng Shizhen asked curiously, "Who is Ah He?"

Rong Dingkun murmured, looked out the window, and said, " best brother."

It can be seen that it is really confused, and there is no distinction between men and women. Besides, good brothers were also killed. Sun Shaoqing said that Rong Dingkun was rotten to the core, which was not a rhetorical exaggeration.

Rong Dingkun squinted at Feng Shizhen. The fright just now made Rong Dingkun a little sober. Feng Shizhen knew that he had to speed up the cliché.

Feng Shizhen asked softly, "Do you want Ah He to stop pestering you?"

Rong Dingkun was stunned.

"Let him stop appearing in your dreams and ask you for your life. You can sleep peacefully until dawn, and don't have to worry about being afraid again. Boss Rong, do you want to?"

"Think." Rong Dingkun's eyes were full of desire.

As a person with blood on his hands, probably the greatest wish in life is not wealth and power, but a good night's sleep.

"Rong Dingkun," Feng Shizhen stared coldly at the decadent and confused man on the couch, "Tell me, in which warehouse is the shipment going to sea on the 18th? Tell me, and I will let Ah He stop bothering him. following you."

Rong Dingkun looked at him in confusion, "Why did you call me Rong Dingkun?"

Feng Shizhen was secretly surprised.

Sun Shaoqing was right, Rong Dingkun changed his name after his fortune. And it was deduced that this Ah He should know his original name, so he might have known him in Wei Shi. Feng Shizhen became more and more curious about this ghost named Ah He.

The watch on my wrist was at 8:20, and the clock outside the door should be at 8:50. Ten minutes later, the bell in the West Hall will ring. Xitang's bodyguards all returned to the small room to rest after nine o'clock. Before that, Feng Shizhen had to let the bodyguards see him and make sure that "Sun Shaoqing" was in the house.

"Boss Rong," Feng Shizhen asked through gritted teeth, "for the shipment on the 18th, tell me the address!"

Rong Dingkun rolled his eyes uneasily: "That batch of goods... Ming Dynasty antiques."

"Yes." Feng Shizhen endured the numbness and patted the back of Rong Dingkun's hand lightly, "Tell me, Boss Rong. From now on, you can sleep peacefully."

Rong Dingkun was appeased, his expression relaxed and his eyes scattered: "The goods are in... Hongkou, Dongsheng North Road, Linjiaxiang, No. 14."

"you swear?"

"I swear." Rong Dingkun winced and asked cautiously, "Ahe, I really have no choice. Why didn't you help me? At this time, you were the one who forced me... I don't want to cut the weeds, either. There's no way I can do that. Is it wrong for me to want to live?"

Based on these words, Feng Shizhen figured out a general idea, and instinctively felt a chill seeping into the bones.

Presumably the two were fighting for some benefit, and Rong Dingkun killed his friend for his own sake. But his conscience is uneasy, and he has been haunted by ghosts in his dreams.

Feng Shizhen sneered and said, "Boss Rong, go to sleep. This time, Azhong won't be here."

Rong Dingkun hummed in a daze. Feng Shizhen raised his hand over his eyes, he accepted the hint, closed his eyes, and his breathing gradually eased.

Feng Shizhen glanced gloomily, got up and opened the door.

Downstairs, the bodyguard opened the door, and Yang Xiucheng walked in quickly, caught in a gust of wind.

"Is the lord there?"

"Still in the smokehouse."

"When will I wake up?" Yang Xiucheng frowned, "I have an international telegram here and I need him to reply immediately."

The bodyguard shook his head: "It will take a while, Mr. Yang will wait in the living room."

Yang Xiucheng looked up. Feng Shizhen closed the door quickly, leaned behind the door, and gritted his teeth.

She looked down at her watch. Eight twenty-five.

In five minutes, the bell downstairs will ring. When Yang Xiucheng heard the sound, he might check his watch, and found that the clock was half an hour ahead. With his carefulness and suspicion, he must have guessed that someone had manipulated Zhong, and he would immediately come up to confirm Rong Dingkun's safety.

There is only one window in the smoke room, but iron railings are installed for security.

Feng Shizhen breathed rapidly, and his eyes fell on Rong Dingkun again.

What does Rong Dingkun hate most when he smokes? She tried hard to recall what Sun Shaoqing said in the past. #####


Sun Shaoqing carried the suitcase, got out of the taxi, walked quickly across the long street, and walked towards the hotel opposite.

"Miss." A man suddenly called to her, "I want to ask for directions."

Sun Shaoqing remembered Feng Shizhen's advice not to ignore strangers. But the man was very well-dressed and had a decent appearance, like a decent man. She stopped involuntarily.

With this hesitation, she found herself surrounded by several men!

A black car slowly stopped by the side of the road. The window rolled down, and a man in a suit turned his head and smiled at Sun Shaoqing. The light from the restaurant shone on his handsome face, making him appear more chiseled and his eyes deep.

"Miss Sun, please don't be nervous. I just invite you to have a cup of tea and talk. I will take you on the boat on time tomorrow morning."

Sun Shaoqing was horrified, and just opened his mouth to scream, but was pressed against his waist by a hard object. After following Rong Dingkun for so long, she knew that what was pointing at her was a shuttle gun.

The man who asked for directions came over, took Sun Shaoqing's suitcase with a smile, and pushed her into the car.

The door closed, ran over a puddle, and sped away.

"Go away—" Rong Dingkun's roar was accompanied by the sound of broken cups.

Yang Xiucheng stood up in surprise and looked up, seeing the door of the smoke room open.