City of Streamer

Chapter 16: sixth

On the grandfather clock in the study, the second hand ticked, like the sound of rapid footsteps.

Feng Shizhen sat on the high-back sofa, rolled up his sleeves, and tied a black cloth to his arms. Thin wires extended from the black cloth and were connected to a black box the size of a music box.

"Miss Feng, don't be nervous." Yang Xiucheng looked at Feng Shizhen through the golden spectacles, "This is a lie detector that my uncle got from the British. It's just to measure the heartbeat and pulse. It will be harmful to the body.”

Feng Shizhen forced a smile, still a little uneasy.

Rong Jiashang suddenly stretched out his hand and held Feng Shizhen's cold hand: "Don't force it. If you feel uncomfortable, we can stop at any time."

"I'm fine." Feng Shizhen smiled warmly towards Rong Jiashang.

"Don't worry, Jiashang," Yang Xiucheng said. "Your father told me to test all the servants in the family with this instrument today. Miss Feng is only the first one."

"Don't be long-winded." Rong Jiashang said coldly, "If you want to do it, do it quickly!"

Feng Shizhen held Rong Jia's hand and signaled him not to be anxious.

Yang Xiucheng smiled shyly, stared at the pointers on the box, and asked, "Please tell me your name."

"Feng Shizhen."



"Who's in the house?"

"Parents and Big Brother."

Yang Xiucheng recorded the number in the notebook, and then asked, "Miss Feng, you entered the Rong's house, but who ordered you?"

Feng Shizhen shook his head: "No. I'm just looking for a job."

The pointer swings evenly.

Yang Xiucheng stared intently at the dashboard and continued to ask, "Then have you sent out any information?"

"No!" Feng Shizhen was a little shy.

The pointer also swung sharply along with it.

"Please don't get excited." Yang Xiucheng frowned and took a note, "Miss Feng, have you ever encouraged Sun Shaoqing to run away from home?"

Feng Shizhen paused, nodded and said, "Yes."

Rong Jiashang was startled when he heard the words. Yang Xiucheng also raised his head unexpectedly.

Feng Shizhen said very calmly: "She treats me as a confidant and frequently confides her pain to me. I sympathize with her, and naturally I will try my best to enlighten her and encourage her. Seriously, in her situation, anyone who has a little sympathy will Encourage her to run away and pursue freedom. We are all women, and we should help each other even more. This is something you men won't understand."

Yang Xiucheng pondered for a moment, and wrote two strokes on the note: "Then you can help her arrange and plan how to run away from home."

"No." Feng Shizhen shook his head, "I just discussed with her about the drama "Nala", and talked about how women should stand up when they leave the family. I won't say anything else. I'm not afraid you think I'm slick. I also know in case If she really wants to run away from home, I naturally have nothing to do with it. Even so, wasn't I still involved and fired once by Master Rong? "

Rong Jiashang held Feng Shizhen's hand tightly and said, "It's not your fault. You are all out of kindness."

Yang Xiucheng asked again, "Has Miss Feng helped Miss Sun to contact people outside?"

"No." Feng Shizhen replied.

"Did you send a letter for her?"


"Did she tell you what happened in the West Hall?"


Yang Xiucheng took a few more notes and suddenly asked, "Miss Feng, how did you and Xiao Baoli meet?"

Feng Shizhen was startled, and subconsciously clenched Rong Jia's hand.

Rong Jia immediately said: "This question is irrelevant, what is there to ask?"

Yang Xiucheng explained: "This Xiao Baoli is a well-known dancer in Shanghai, and now she is going to make a movie again. How can Miss Feng, a lady who graduated from a famous school and has a serious job, be friends with a courtesan?"

Before Feng Shizhen could answer, Rong Jia said first: "It's not surprising that everyone has some friends of the three religions."

"Jia Shang, I'm sorry." Yang Xiucheng said, "I still want to hear Miss Feng explain herself."

Feng Shizhen's expression was indifferent, and his hand was clasped with Rong Jia's fingers unknowingly.

"The reason is very simple." Feng Shizhen said, "The family owes money before the disaster, and I can't pay it back. I once considered becoming a dancer to pay off the debt. The first time I went to the dance hall, I met Xiao Baoli."

Both men were silent. An embarrassment spread over hearing about the privacy of others.

On the contrary, Feng Shizhen became more calm and calm, and said, "Li'er advised me not to be impulsive, saying that it is easy to get into the water and difficult to get ashore, and she also introduced a more reliable moneylender. That person is called Third Master Xiong. Mr. Yang probably heard of him. He The interest rate is relatively low, and it occasionally gives my family a grace. That’s how I became friends with Li Er.”

Feng Shizhen paused for a moment, then smiled at Rong Jia, who looked dazed: "Sometimes, friendship doesn't distinguish between good and bad. Xiao Baoli is indeed a courtesan, but she is bright and upright at heart, a person of affection and righteousness. I regard her as a confidant, I don't think there is anything wrong with dealing with her."

The woman's eyes were so bright that Yang Xiucheng lowered his eyes and avoided the threatening gaze.

"Many decisions are just a matter of one thought." Feng Shizhen smiled, "If I hadn't been stopped by her at the time, I'd be just a dancer in Paramount now. Young Master Rong might have known me when he went to play with his friends. We may be able to dance happily. The song is over, I can't remember a guest, and you can't remember a dancer. Look, some decisions can really affect the fate of a lifetime." ### ##


For example, Feng Shizhen didn't follow up with the hotel to find Rong Dingkun that day, and didn't accidentally break into Meng Xian's suite. What would happen to her life?

She wouldn't go to Rong's house for an interview, and she wouldn't meet a handsome young man in white on the dance floor just because she was going to see Meng Xian. She will only be a small clerk who works hard all day to support her family, and her family feud will never get Zhaoxue.

Maybe when she squeezed into the tram and passed the street corner, she would see Rong Jia in fresh clothes and shoes, and their eyes might meet for half a second.

The handsome rich boy, Hunu's maidservant, with a beautiful woman in his arms, doesn't care about a poor and sour girl who passes by. He will always be a distant dream, like a streamer that cannot be grasped by reaching out his hand.

Rong Jiashang held Feng Shizhen's hand firmly, and said in a deep voice, "Enough, I'll be here today."

Yang Xiucheng coughed: "I have one last question. Miss Feng, did Miss Sun contact you again after she left home?"

Feng Shizhen shook his head: "I'm actually quite worried about her, and I don't know if she's doing well now. After all, she's really a very simple girl. I'm very afraid that she will meet bad people outside."

Yang Xiucheng glanced at the pointer on the box and nodded: "There are no other problems for now. Thank you Miss Feng for your cooperation."

"You're welcome." Feng Shizhen nodded gracefully and smiled at Rong Jia again, "It's alright. Why are you more nervous than me?"

Rong Jiashang covered hers with both hands, looked close to her, and said, "I don't want you to bring up the unhappy things in the past."

"Some things are better if they are said." Feng Shizhen's unheld hand patted the back of Rong Jia's hand softly.

Yang Xiucheng not only frowned slightly when he saw the intimate movements and expressions of the two.

Feng Shizhen smiled tenderly, and Rong Jiashang looked at her with passionate and passionate eyes. Maybe they didn't realize it themselves, at this moment, there is no difference between them being the same couple in love.

In this way, can Rong Jiashang honestly marry Du Lanxin?

Yang Xiucheng couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

Rong Jiashang took Feng Shizhen's hand and sent her out of the study, while exhorting: "I'm going to interrogate the servants with Yang Xiucheng later, it may be a little messy. Today's class won't be in. You stay in your room. , don't come out if you have nothing to do."

Feng Shizhen responded.

The study door opened, and the steward was standing outside. Rong Jiashang immediately released Feng Shizhen's hand.

Feng Shizhen paused, his hand remained in the position for a moment, and then slowly lowered.

"Uncle Zhang, gather all the servants in the family. Mr. Yang and I want to ask questions." Rong Jiashang commanded coldly, "Let Fang Lin and Fang Hua stay in their room and don't run around."

The steward should go down and instruct the attendant to gather the servants.

Feng Shizhen walked upstairs quietly.

"Sir." Rong Jia called out.

Feng Shizhen looked back.

A beam of sunlight outside the window was shining on Rong Jiashang's handsome face, making his eyes as clear as lake water in autumn.

"Actually, I also have a question." Rong Jia raised the corner of his mouth, "Why did you ask me to dance that day?"

Feng Shizhen was stunned, and then laughed: "What reason do you think a woman needs to invite a man to dance?"

Without waiting for Rong Jiashang to answer, she turned to go upstairs, and her slender back quickly disappeared at the corner of the stairs.

Feng Shizhen went back to the room, closed his eyes and let out a long sigh of relief, and sat down in the chair wearily.

She rubbed the piece of skin on her leg that she was pinching. It is estimated that it has become blue and purple, after all, she worked hard to disturb her heart rhythm at that time. Although this method is stupid, from the training she received from Meng Xian, it is the simplest and most effective.

There was a loud noise from downstairs, getting louder and louder. Then the steward scolded, and the people fell silent again.

"Sir?" Rong Fanglin knocked on the door with his younger sister, "Do you know what eldest brother are doing, sir?"

"It seems that there are spies in the house. Mr. Yang and the eldest young master want to check their servants." Feng Shizhen invited them into the room, "Why don't you go back to the room? I think they will have to toss for a while."

"How come there are spies in the family?" Rong Fanglin felt unbelievable, "What can we inquire about in our family?"

The girl of the Rong family lives in an exquisite ivory tower and has no idea what business her father is really doing. I don't know what money I used to buy my jewelry, clothes, and precious violins.

"Don't be afraid." Feng Shizhen comforted, "The Rong family has a big business, and there are always people who have crooked thoughts and want to inquire about business secrets."

Rong Fanghua asked, "Why didn't you call the patrol room to arrest people?"

"We always have to find out who it is." Feng Shizhen said, "Besides, this matter involves some of the privacy of your house. I think Ling Zun definitely doesn't want to make too much trouble, lest others see the joke."

How much Rong Dingkun loves face, his children naturally know best. The two girls were speechless.

Downstairs began to interrogate one by one. The servants were all gathered outside the back door, and the steward called a name and went in alone.

The two Miss Rong couldn't sit still and sneaked to the second floor to see. Feng Shizhen did not go out to avoid suspicion, but he was worried about the two girls, so he had to follow.

In the lobby on the first floor, Rong Jiashang and Yang Xiucheng each sat on the corner of the sofa. Rong Jia held a roster information in his hand, while Yang Xiucheng stared at the instrument. The person called for questioning put the sticker on and stood in front to answer the question.

"Have you ever stolen money from the government?"

"Have you ever taken money from outsiders and disclosed the secrets of the house?"

"Did Miss Sun ask you to help her deliver the news?"

Yang Xiucheng's face was expressionless and his voice was cold, like an iron-blooded judge, which made people shudder.

Some confessed their guilt, while others refused to admit it. Rong Jia went to them to judge only by looking at the pointer of the box. Some stayed, while others took the money and were swept out of the house.

There are always people who are ignorant, entangled and refused to go, and their own thugs in black came over and dragged people away.

Lazy and cheap servants and petty old mothers were all swept out one by one. There are fewer and fewer people outside the gate.

Rong Jiashang sat on the side, quietly flipping through the files, his sharp eyes swept through those people like blades. In this way, he is almost exactly the same as his father Rong Dingkun. Gloomy, poignant, calm, looking down on all beings with the attitude of a predator.

Rong Jiashang at this moment is far from the cold and dignified boy in white on the dance floor two months ago, almost like two different people.

He is growing and maturing rapidly. Feng Shizhen had only known this man for two months, but looking at him today, he seemed to have grown a few years older unconsciously.

"It's boring." Rong Fanghua felt bored, "Where are we going to sit, sir? We have the latest American Illustrated."

Feng Shizhen also wanted to send the two girls back, and immediately agreed, and took them down the stairs from the side stairs to the lady's embroidered building on the east side of the garden.

At the same time in the lobby, an honest gardener was brought in, pressed into a chair, and put on a sticker.

"What's your name?" Yang Xiucheng repeated those questions.

"Guo Dazhuang." The gardener rubbed his hands together, "I came here three years ago, and my uncle Guo Youfu was my uncle, who died last year..."

"What are you asking, what are you answering?" Yang Xiucheng glanced at the gardener coldly, "Have you ever stolen money from the house?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Guo Dazhuang hurriedly shook his head, "I'm a gardener, what kind of money can I get?"

"Have you stolen anything from the mansion?"

"No!" Guo Dazhuang continued to shake his head.

"Have you ever been in contact with Miss Sun Shaoqing?"

"No! I'm a rude person, how can I talk to the ladies..."

"Did you tell outsiders what happened in the manor?"


The pointer shook violently.

Yang Xiucheng raised his eyebrows: "I'll ask you again..."

Guo Dazhuang hurriedly defended: "It's just some gossip... I have never been able to enter the big house, and I just talk nonsense with the servants..."

"Have you ever received money from outsiders to spy on the news in the mansion?"

"No..." Guo Dazhuang looked at Yang Xiucheng carefully.

The pointer shook violently.

Rong Jiashang and Yang Xiucheng exchanged glances tacitly.

Yang Xiucheng closed the folder in his hand, raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The subordinate standing not far away immediately strode over.

When Guo Dazhuang saw the situation was not good, he pushed the old steward away, jumped up and rushed out. The hunched figure was unexpectedly agile!

"Catch him!" Rong Jia shouted loudly.

The subordinates are a step slower. Guo Dazhuang ran to the window, raised his hands and hugged his head, smashed the window with a clatter, and rolled into the grass outside.

The three ladies walked halfway, when suddenly a man rolled up in glass and fell in front of him. The sisters of the Rong family screamed in unison and hid behind Feng Shizhen. Unexpectedly, the man rolled on a donkey and stood up, and grabbed Feng Shizhen who was standing at the front, with the knife in his palm resting on her neck.

"Sir!" Rong Fanglin screamed, "come here!"

Rong Jiashang chased after the thugs, and when he saw this scene, his eyes instantly turned red.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Guo Dazhuang held Feng Shizhen hostage and stepped back towards the side door of the garden.

The thugs want to get around. Rong Jia shouted loudly, "Don't mess around! Step back!"

Feng Shizhen's neck was wrapped around Guo Dazhuang's arm, he couldn't breathe, and his face turned red.

Rong Jiashang was like an irritable leopard, walking around in a distance with restless steps. I tried to get close a few times, but I held back abruptly.

Yang Xiucheng pulled the Rong sisters away and said loudly, "Guo Dazhuang, you can't escape. Let Miss Feng go, we have something to talk about."

"When I'm a fool?" Guo Dazhuang shouted, "The people you Rong family deal with can fill up the Suzhou River."

Rong Jia stepped forward, stared gloomily at Guo Dazhuang, and asked, "What do you want?"

"Open the door!" Guo Dazhuang dragged Feng Shizhen back towards the side door, "Give me a car, don't turn off the engine. Don't try to make small moves. Otherwise, I'll cut this woman's neck!"

He pinched Feng Shizhen's neck, and the sharp point of the knife touched the artery in her neck. Feng Shizhen did not dare to act rashly when the key point was seized, so he had to be manipulated by others.

Rong Jiashang breathed heavily, exchanged glances with Yang Xiucheng, and nodded.

Yang Xiucheng said, "Okay, we'll arrange a car for you. Don't mess around!"

The side door opened and the car drove outside.

The surrounded people made way. Guo Dazhuang held Feng Shizhen hostage and walked out a little bit. Rong Jiashang stared at him and followed slowly.

"Retreat!" Guo Dazhuang roared, the tip of the knife pierced Feng Shizhen's skin, and a red streak remained along the knife.

Rong Jiashang stood abruptly and opened his arms to let his subordinates back. He gritted his teeth tightly, the veins on his forehead were exposed, and his shoulders were stretched, like a cheetah that could rush to kill at any time.

Guo Dazhuang stepped back in front of the car door, took a deep breath, pushed Feng Shizhen away suddenly, jumped into the car, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. Feng Shizhen fell to the ground and rolled for two laps. The car roared and brushed past her, causing a burst of flying sand.

Rong Jiashang suddenly took out a gun from his subordinate's waist, ran past Feng Shizhen, pointed the gun at the car that was going away, and pulled the trigger one after another.

The rear window of the car shattered in the sound of gunshots. The car rushed forward in a zigzag pattern.

Seeing that the car was about to leave the shooting range, Rong Jia narrowed his eyes slightly, his arms were steady, and he fired another shot.

The car made a harsh sound and slanted into a big tree at the intersection. His subordinates swarmed up, dragged Guo Dazhuang out of the car, and tied it up.

Rong Jia threw the gun away, turned his head and ran towards Feng Shizhen.

Feng Shizhen has been helped up by Yang Xiucheng, holding a handkerchief to cover the wound on his neck, with a look of shock on his face. Seeing that the crisis was resolved, the sisters of the Rong family also ran over and asked Feng Shizhen for help.

Rong Jia ran up to her and anxiously took her hand.

"How's the injury? Let me see!"

"It's okay." Feng Shizhen said hurriedly, "A little skin injury. Oh, don't mess around, it hurts a lot!"

Rong Jia shrugged embarrassingly, turned his head and shouted at the steward: "What are you still doing? Why don't you go and invite the doctor?"

Feng Shizhen smiled bitterly and said, "If you have a little skin injury, just go back and apply some medicine. Why bother the doctor to make a trip."

"If you don't handle it well, it won't look good if you leave a scar." Rong Fanghua said, "Sir, you should listen to your elder brother."

His subordinates caught Guo Dazhuang, who was half dead. Guo Dazhuang's shoulders were covered in blood, and he was as soft as a chicken.

"Isn't he dead?" Rong Jiashang said coldly, "Stop his bleeding, take him to the West Hall, and try again later."

Yang Xiucheng waved someone to take Guo Dazhuang away, and added: "Keep an eye on him to prevent him from committing suicide."

The men dragged the half-dead Guo Dazhuang away, leaving a bloodstain that was not very obvious on the grass. Feng Shizhen lowered his head and glanced without leaving a trace, his eyes were obscure.

The family doctor of the Rong family lived very close, but came over after a while, treated Feng Shizhen's wound, and gave another injection of penicillin.

"Don't worry, eldest young master, it's just a flesh wound, it will be fine after a few days." The doctor smiled and said to Rong Jia, who had been sitting on the side with a gloomy face.

Feng Shizhen coughed twice. Only then did Rong Jiashang's face soften, and he thanked the doctor with a light smile and asked the steward to send the person away.

Rong Fanglin and Rong Fanghua experienced this scene and immediately kissed Feng Shizhen a lot. The two sisters took Feng Shizhen's arm and sent him upstairs to rest.

Rong Jia couldn't get in, so he watched them go upstairs glumly. On the other hand, Feng Shizhen seemed to hear his slander, turned his head and smiled at him, and said, "Jia Shang, don't worry about me, just go about your business."

Yang Xiucheng also said, "Jia Shang, please go and examine Guo Dazhuang. There are still many servants here that I haven't asked."

Rong Jia had nothing to do, and left with a look of irritability.

After the Rong sisters left, Feng Shizhen stood in front of the window, looking at the courtyard below.

There were many middle-aged men in black in the yard, and Rong Jia's tall and straight back was very eye-catching among the uneven group of men. Feng Shizhen couldn't see his face clearly, but he could feel the cold aura emanating from him.

She remembered the look on his face when he fired the gun just now, resolute, calm, and ruthless, just like when he nailed the knife into the kidnapper's palm. That is definitely not something that a wealthy child raised in a pampered environment can do!

Rong Dingkun scrambled and raised a son who should not be underestimated.

The gardener named Guo Dazhuang had met Feng Shizhen a few times, but he never said hello. But what could be easier for a gardener to roam around a yard unnoticed?

He should be the one who passed on information together with Feng Shizhen, another spy that Meng Xian placed in the Rong family!

Has he seen himself put information on the laurel tree?

Will he expose himself to protect himself?

If he knew the truth, would Rong Jiashang walk up to him, like just before, holding a gun and pulling the trigger with murderous intent? ##### Happy Valentine's Day everyone. The author will also spend the XXth single Valentine's Day.

forty seven

In the west hall, heavy velvet curtains hung down, obscuring the room from light. The floor lamp is lit, emitting a soft glow, illuminating a small space.

Rong Jia was sitting on the sofa, with his legs crossed and one hand resting on the armrest casually. Half of his handsome face was bathed in the warm light, and the other half was immersed in the cool blue.

Guo Dazhuang was lying on the ground half-dead, gasping for breath, a gurgling sound came from his throat.

"I know you're awake." Rong Jia said, "If you want to pretend to be dead, it's better to be dead, don't you think?"

Guo Dazhuang opened his eyes, his eyes were slack.

"Your life or death depends on your next performance." Rong Jia took a good time and tapped the handrail with his fingers, his eyes like the frozen lake surface in early winter.

"I'm thinking, you are indeed a gardener who can't get into the big house, so the information must not be stolen by you. You are just the one who passed it on."

Guo Dazhuang looked desperate and shivered.

"You have an accomplice in the mansion." Rong Jia said firmly, "Tell me who that person is."

Guo Dazhuang frowned and said, "I don't know."

Rong Jia slightly hooked on the corner of his mouth. The thug standing beside Guo Dazhuang raised his foot and stepped on the gunshot wound on his thigh.

The miserable screams echoed in the closed room on all sides, like the screams of a ghost.

Rong Jia waved his hand indifferently and backed away. Guo Dazhuang gasped heavily, sweating profusely.

"I'll ask you again, who is your accomplice?" The young man's tone was cold, without a trace of humanity, with a coldness and cruelty that should not be seen at his age.

"I really don't know..." Guo Dazhuang begged weakly, "We have a division of labor, and we never contact each other. I only know that I have taken the information and passed it on, and I don't even know where the information is sent. Young master, I owe a gambling debt. , I was confused for a while! I really don't dare anymore! Please spare my life. I will repay you by being a bull and a horse..."

Rong Jiashang interrupted him: "How do you get information, and how do you send it? Who do you send it to?"

Guo Dazhuang said: "The information will be placed in the hole of the old osmanthus tree next to the pavilion. I go to see it once a day, and if there is one, I will take it. There is a nursery hall at the entrance of Dongjie, wrap the information in newspapers and throw it at the door. I don't even know who bought me, and even the people I contacted came to me in the middle of the night, and I can't remember what they looked like."

Rong Jiashang looked at him thoughtfully, sinister and ruthless.

"This is all true, young master!" Guo Dazhuang burst into tears, kowtowing and begging, "I can't read, and the information is sealed with greased paper. I have never read it. So I don't know anything. !"

"Then when was the last time you passed on information?" Rong Jia asked.

Guo Dazhuang pondered: "That's right! It was the day Miss Sun left. I found some information in the tree hole early in the morning and sent it out. But because Miss Sun was missing, the steward called us to investigate and question, I I will have time to send the information out until the afternoon."

"You really don't know who sent you the information?" Rong Jiashang asked coldly.

Guo Dazhuang couldn't help shaking his head: "I'm not a smart person, but I also know that knowing too much about some things will cause trouble."

Rong Jiashang sneered coldly and stood up: "Are you sure it's the old osmanthus tree by the octagonal pavilion?"

Guo Dazhuang nodded vigorously: "I chose that place on purpose. The eldest young master can see it in person. There is a tree hole the size of a fist in the place where a person is tall."

Rong Jiashang stood quietly for a moment: "How long have you been sending information like this?"

Guo Dazhuang said: "I was bought in April last year, but there has been no movement until recently..."

"Recently?" Rong Jia's expression changed, "When was it recently?"

Guo Dazhuang also faintly felt that he seemed to be talking about the point, peeked at him uneasily, and said, "Recently...a month or two..."

Rong Jiashang stood silently and motionless, his pupils were pitch black, like a bottomless abyss.

Guo Dazhuang begged in panic: "I really don't know anything! Young master, I shouldn't have held Miss Feng hostage. I was really panicked and did something stupid. I... I can go and find out about the other party! Please! Eldest young master is killing me!"

Rong Jiashang looked at him thoughtfully, then nodded to the thug beside him, and turned to leave. The thug came over with a needle, and regardless of Guo Dazhuang's struggle, he held him down and plunged it into his arm.

Yang Xiucheng had just finished interrogating the remaining servants and came over to find Rong Jia.

"Except for the two who embezzled and stole, the rest of the people have no problem." Yang Xiucheng said, "How did you ask?"

Rong Jiashang lowered his head and lit his cigarette, and said, "I said a few words at the beginning, but the latter was probably due to excessive blood loss and indiscriminate speech."

"What did you say?"

"It's said that it has been in ambush in our house for almost two years, and has been passing information to the outside."

Yang Xiucheng hurriedly asked, "What did you pass on?"

Rong Jia took a puff of smoke and said perfunctorily, "I fainted without saying it clearly."

"Then it seems that the problem really lies in the mansion." Yang Xiucheng was distressed, "Alright, take this opportunity to clean up the servants in the family. Any suspects will be dismissed."

Rong Jia pondered and asked, "The delivery address of that batch is a string of passwords. Who wrote it?"

Yang Xiucheng said: "The password is mastered by Mr. Zhao, and each batch of goods has a different password book. The delivery address of that batch of goods has been changed, and the new address was sent to my uncle through the password. When I answered the phone, I wrote down the password and translated it for my uncle. I burned the paper after reading it..."

"Paper." Rong Jiashang said coldly, "The handwriting is printed on the paper below."

Yang Xiucheng was stunned, then suddenly realized, and patted his forehead angrily.

"It's just a little trick." Rong Jia said, "What we should pay attention to is who can sneak into Dad's small study without leaving a trace."

"I was negligent," Yang Xiucheng said. "It's just that it's hard to guard against thieves. Jiashang, you have to be more careful in the future. Let me say something disgusting about that Miss Feng. You've only known her for two months. After all, she is an outsider. Even if she has no intention of harming you, she cannot prevent others from borrowing her to deal with you."

Rong Jia said disapprovingly, "She's just a woman."

"But if you like her, she becomes a weapon that can hurt you." Yang Xiucheng said.

Rong Jia smiled: "It's no wonder that Brother Xiucheng is so popular with girls, it's not unreasonable."

Yang Xiucheng had to shrug and give up: "Guo Dazhuang, what are you going to do with it?"

"Let's talk when Dad comes back." Rong Jia said.

Yang Xiucheng said, "My uncle still hopes you can be more assertive."

"It's just that my opinion and his opinion don't go in the same direction." Rong Jia laughed, "Since I'm not independent, I should be more interesting and follow the old man's orders. He can't want me to be obedient and miss me at the same time. Assertive."

After seeing Yang Xiucheng away, it was noon. The sky was getting darker and it looked like it was raining. The people under the Rong Mansion, who had just experienced the interrogation, were a little uneasy, which added a sense of depression to the empty mansion.

Rong Jiashang saw the old mother come downstairs with a used plate and asked, "Miss Feng has lunch? What did you eat?"

The old mother said, "Miss Feng asked the kitchen to make a bowl of wontons."

"She's injured, how can she eat wontons?" Rong Jia was displeased, "Let the kitchen cook a bowl of black fish soup for her."

The old mother stepped back.

Rong Jia walked to Feng Shizhen's door and knocked gently on the door.

The door opened, Feng Shizhen changed into a wide cheongsam, white gauze wrapped around his neck, and Rong Jiashang looked at each other silently.

Rong Jia asked softly, "Does the injury still hurt?"

"Much better." Feng Shizhen smiled slightly and let him in.

Rong Jiashang stood in the room, his eyes passed over the half-marked exercise book on the desk and the bluegrass on the windowsill, and then turned to the esoteric books on the bookshelf, thoughtfully.

"I'm in a mess here." Feng Shizhen smiled and packed his books.

Rong Jiashang looked at her calmly: "Are you scared just now?"

"It's hard to say." Feng Shizhen said with a smile, "I haven't recovered much yet. I guess I won't react until I fall asleep at night. By the way, have you eaten lunch yet?"

Rong Jiashang stared at her without answering.

Feng Shizhen rambled while cleaning up the scratch paper placed around the house: "You have been busy all morning, so you must be hungry. The shrimp wontons in the kitchen today are delicious. Would you like a bowl too?"

Rong Jiashang suddenly grabbed her arm and took her into his arms.

The paper slipped from Feng Shizhen's fingers and scattered on the floor.

Rong Jiashang folded his arms and hugged her whole body into his arms, hugging her tightly. Feng Shizhen felt a slight tremor in his body, or was it his uncontrollable heartbeat?

In his ears was the man's roaring heartbeat, like the dull thunder on the horizon when the wind and rain were about to come, mixed with a thrilling shock. A masculine and fresh breath unique to men enveloped Feng Shizhen and occupied all her breath.

The strength of the whole body was exhausted, like drunkenness, and the knees were almost unable to support the weight of the body.

Rong Jia's lips pressed against Feng Shizhen's forehead, hot like a branding iron.

Feng Shizhen finally raised his hand and gently wrapped his arms around Rong Jia's waist.

"I'm fine," she said. "You saved me, Kashang. You did."

Rong Jiashang failed to save his younger brother from the kidnappers back then, but today he saved Feng Shizhen.

Rong Jia's trembling arm gradually calmed down and loosened slightly.

"I didn't actually do anything," he whispered. "He let go of you."

"You asked him to open up about me." Feng Shizhen said, "you made him fear and dare not hurt me."

Rong Jiashang stared at Feng Shizhen and felt the powerful and warm power conveyed by the other party, which calmed his manic mood due to fear.

Feng Shizhen had a light fragrance after bathing, which led Rong Jiashang to lower his head a little, wanting to smell it carefully, thinking...

"Master, something happened!"

There were calls from the hallway. His subordinates banged on Rong Jia's bedroom door.

Rong Jia froze, his Adam's apple slid, as if a fire that was about to burn vigorously was smothered by a basin of cold water, so he didn't know what to say.

The two maintained their embrace, standing motionless, neither of them let go first.

Their eyes met, and they both saw the helplessness and anger in each other's eyes. Feng Shizhen snorted and laughed first.

Rong Jiashang looked at her obsessively, and also laughed.

Feng Shizhen struggled slightly. Rong Jia reluctantly let go of his hand.

"Go get busy." Feng Shizhen said, turning his head to open the door.

Rong Jiashang nodded listlessly, his eyes still glued to Feng Shizhen's face.

"Go." Feng Shizhen lowered his eyes, gentle and serene, but just didn't look at him.

Rong Jiashang smiled bitterly and walked out of the room. #####

Forty eight

In the utility room of the servant's bungalow, several subordinates gathered at the door, and when they saw Rong Jia coming up, their expressions became more and more terrified.

Rong Jia glanced up at the utility room. Guo Dazhuang was tied to the water tank in the house, his face was pale and sweating profusely, as if he had seen a ghost. On the ground in front of him, the dinner plates were in disarray, and a small thug fell to the ground, his face grimacing and contorted, foaming at the corners of his mouth, and he couldn't rest his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Rong Jiashang asked sharply.

The head of the class frowned and said, "This kid brought Guo Dazhuang a meal. There was half a marinated egg in the meal. This kid greedily ate the marinated egg. As a result, he was poisoned to death."

Rong Jia asked, "Where did the meal come from?"

"It's a small kitchen." The class leader said, "I've had people surrounded the kitchen, but everyone in the kitchen swore that they only made white rice and a plate of vegetarian dishes, and didn't put marinated eggs. This kid is dead again. Do you know where the braised egg came from."

"I only cleaned people half an hour ago, but I didn't think about it yet." Rong Jiashang sneered, "Guo Dazhuang, look at your scapegoat, you have to thank him. Your old boss treats you so well. It's really affectionate, I'm afraid that you won't go well, and you'll still be poisoned."

Guo Dazhuang was so frightened that he burst into tears, and couldn't help but bow his head: "Eldest young master, I have regrets in my bowels. Please save me, I will be a cow and a horse for you! I... I will tell you everything I know. I remember that Find my man, and I will help you find him! Please save me, Young Master!"

"It seems that dead people are more effective than bullets." Rong Jia sneered, "Then you have to think about it carefully and don't miss anything."

The next day was clear and the sky was washed blue. Flocks of white doves flew across the sky, and the yellow leaves on the treetops swayed in the wind.

Feng Shizhen got up on time to wash his face, and when he was washing his face, he heard the sound of sawing wood from downstairs. She walked to the window and looked around, and saw two footmen under the command of the steward, sawing the laurel tree beside the octagonal pavilion.

The towel in his hand fell on the desk, Feng Shizhen took a deep breath and picked it up.

Amidst the shouts of the steward, Guishu fell to the ground with a bang.

The opposite window was pushed open, and Rong Jiashang stood in front of the window and stretched. Seeing Feng Shizhen, he showed a bright smile and waved hello.

Feng Shizhen smiled back at him, turned around and went back to the bathroom.

Downstairs, the footman continued to saw the laurel tree into sections, then moved into the kitchen and made ready-made firewood. The Rong family will also hire a new batch of people to fill the vacancies of the dismissed servants.

After the servants of the Rong family were cleaned, at least one-third of them were swept out and replaced with new people. Most of those who were driven away were Mrs. Rong's. Mrs. Rong got the tip, and she didn't have the heart to eat fast food in Hangzhou to pray for Buddha, so she killed her and came back overnight to find her husband to settle the bill.

But Rong Dingkun didn't conflict with her at all, and still lived in the mansion of his confidante. The new steward competed with Mrs. Rong's own old steward. On the surface, he was respectful and obedient to her, but he would report to Rong Dingkun if there was any trouble.

Mrs. Rong was so angry that she had nowhere to vent, so she called Yang Xiucheng and scolded her.

Yang Xiucheng looked aggrieved, and showed Mrs. Rong the confessions of guilt that the expelled people had fingerprinted.

"Look, auntie, I didn't wrong them. This is the second accountant, who stole the money from the account. This is the kitchen steward, who is the most greedy. This is your mother Liu, who also took your pearl necklace. Sell…"

Mrs. Rong didn't know it, but when she knew it, her liver hurt even more.

Many of these people are servants she relies heavily on. She didn't expect to flatter her face to face, and she would also eat and crawled behind her back. Speaking of which, she was only a housewife after all, and her means of expelling people were limited, so she was exploited by the traitor.

"My uncle is very unhappy." Yang Xiucheng said.

"Rong Dingkun, this unconscionable!" Mrs. Rong scolded, "If it weren't for our Huang family, where would the Rong family be today? Even if the Huang family should be raised!"

"Madam's words are bad." Rong Jiashang pretended to be deaf and dumb after reading the newspaper for a while, and finally said, "Mrs.